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[F17-SP] But, I Don't Do Plants! <<Challenge of Olympus: Foraging>>

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It's not every day that you find a fine-figured lass on your doorstep desperately asking to speak with you.  Ren certainly wasn't used to it.  Able to navigate a social scene, he was never considered to be a ladies man.  Rambling on about ancient history didn't carry much sex appeal, apparently.  Unrequited love from afar was much more his thing, or so he'd led himself to believe after Vindalia.  So it came as a considerable surprise when this spry, curvy little thing with starfish in her hair and the skimpiest seaweed imaginable stood dripping wet on the mat at the entrance to The Knight Shift.

"Can I help you," Ren asked, convinced that she'd come to the wrong address.  Heck, she was probably on the completely wrong floor, given her appearance.  She tittered and blushed coyly as he spoke, confusing him all the more.

"Are you Renny?" She asked, giggling and jiggling in place, perky as all hell, like she'd just stepped out of a hot shower on a cold winter's day.

"Who?  Oh, Ren.  Yeah.  Uh..." momentarily distracted by her jubilant bounces, he had to give his head a shake to rock his senses back to lucidity.

"OH GOODY!!!  I'm so glad I found you."  He feared she might pounce on him with excitement, though parts of him were certainly not objecting to the idea.  "Here, this is for you."

Reaching into her cleavage, she pulled out a soaking wet letter with a wax seal.  The paper envelope was also fortunately waterproofed and closed tightly enough to prevent moisture from ruining the contents.

"Oh!  Me?  What?  Who sent this..." Looking back up, the young woman was gone, leaving nothing but a sloppy wet pool on his welcome mat.  "Friggin nymphs," Ren muttered, shaking his head and walking back into his shop.


Rencesvals | HP: 80/80 | EN: 26/26 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 8 | ACC: 2 | LD: 6

Gelato - ID 212841-02 | LD 3


Level: 4
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 80/80
EN: 26/26

Damage: 4
Mitigation: 8
Accuracy: 2
Loot Dice: 3+3

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Joyful Tribulations | ACC 2
Armor: Black Regalia | -
Misc: Music Box | LD 3

Straight Sword R1
Heavy Armor R1
Fighting Spirit

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Healing Potions x2

R2 Forager


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"Dear form letter recipient, in light of your growing prowess in the art of [insert profession here] you are cordially invited and expected to attend the grand halls of Olympus to participate in the Challenges of the gods.  Having opened this letter shall serve as acknowledgement and dutiful RSVP.  Kindly make your way to the designated location on floor 17 within the hour let their joy turn to wrath and they decide to smite you.  Sincerely, [insert name here.]"

Ren was at a loss.  Was this some sort of practical joke?  It could certainly be, and was well within the broad bounds to which @Illisandraor Bastille might stretch their humour.  He was about to send messages to each when a system notice pinged his attention to his UI.  

"A quest notification?  Holy... it's legit?"  An unfamiliar buff appeared on his stat bar, indicating that he had received the Blessing of Olympus.  It's countdown clock was already in the red and ticking down quickly.  "Awww crap."  Grabbing his sword from the grinding wheel, where he'd been trying to sharpen its dull blade, Ren summoned his armor as he sped out the door.


ID 212865 | Gathering LD 5+6=11 | CD 4 | Find 0 material
(R2 Forager; +3 EXP)

+3 Forager EXP
0 Materials

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Fortunately, it wasn't that far from his shop to the portal plaza in Tomoika, and he'd taken enough of a glance at his map to realize that the quest led to the shoreline and not to Olympia itself.  Less fortunately, Ren's sense of direction generally sucked and he wound up going the wrong way out of Athenaia.  

"Wrong way, buddy," called out a random player wandering the streets, having surely noticed the letter still clutched in his hands.  "You want to be going south, out the harbour gate, and be mindful.  They're a fickle lot at the best of time."  Guffawing laughter followed his thanks and pivot towards the recommended location.  It was nice to know that he wasn't the only one to get turned around of make similar errors, or that other players were still willing to help out.

Warning bells were blaring in his ears by the time he reached the shore, but he made it to the dock where a small throng of other candidates were all waiting to be ferried across to unknown destination.

"What are you here for," called a young man to another next to him.  The latter was dressed in a loud, white on red palm-print Hawaiian shirt with a frumpy bucket hat and thick rimmed glasses on his face.  Something about him seemed familiar to Ren, though he couldn't quite place it.

"Fishing," replied his companion.  "You?"

"Alchemy."  The first speaker was longer in build, but slouched more, with long brown hair and matching eyes.  He had a scoundrel's look about him, with a pirate-like apparel.  Was that an umbrella on his belt?  Ren made note of the orange icon swirling over his head.  "Think they'll let us brew some decent ale if we pass this test?  Sure would be nice."  The other stranger chuckled.  

"Wouldn't that be nice?  Don't hold your breath."


ID 212866 | Gathering LD 8+6=14 | CD 7 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+11 Forager EXP
2 Materials

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"Please ensure that you take a deep breath before boarding onto Charon's ferry.  The seas have been a bit temperamental this morning, and we've already had enough vomit to last us a week."  Her hair was greener and longer, and eyes closer to purple.  Body shape and build were about the same, but this was definitely not the same nymph that had delivered him his message.

"Hey, pal.  Where does this thing go, anyways?"  The PK pirate turned and gave him a wry grin beneath sleep-laden eyes.  He looked half int he bottle, despite both of them knowing that was impossible.

"That depends on which profession you triggered to get here, I think. You here for blacksmithing?"

"No, but why did you think so?"  Ren was genuinely curious.

"The smell.  Your reek of soot and iron.  I have a nose for these things." He tapped the protrusion in the middle of his face for effect.

"Ah, yes.  That would make sense.  I just came from the forge.  They sure don't give you a lot of time to get here, do they, Mr....?"

"Nobody.  I'm Nobody."  He held out his hand, or more accurately three fingers on one hand.  The rest were occupied cradling a bottle of something sloshy.

Ren didn't even hesitate and shook it firmly, introducing himself in turn.


ID 212867 | Gathering LD 5+6=11 | CD 8 | Find 0 material
(R2 Forager; +3 EXP)

+14 Forager EXP
2 Materials

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"Ah.  Well, good luck then stranger."  Ren wasn't sure why the man seemed genuinely friendly yet refused to provide his name.  Maybe it was a player killer thing?  It would make sense to want to conceal one's identity if half the player base was out to string you up.  Before their conversation could progress any further, a gaunt, leathery hand reached over Mr.Nobody's shoulder and yanked him onto the nearest ferry where he disappeared in a puff of sulfurous smoke.  Judging by the look on his face, he hadn't quite been ready to go.  'Gilligan', meanwhile, was too busy arguing with the nymph to even notice the event.

"I'm sorry, sir," came her patient and apologetic reply, "but you already have the maximum permitted number of professions."

"What are you talking about?  This has to be one of the only quests I haven't actually finished yet.  Do you have any idea how much time I spent staring at nothing but landscapes and a stupid bobber on water to get to this point?  Trying to process it would burn out your CPU, I swear!  You'd die of terminal runtime errors!"  Something about the curling at the corner of the man's lips and ridiculous flailing of his arms told Ren was he was deliberately provoking the argument, poking the system to see what he could get away with.  

"Excuse me, miss. Where do I go for foraging?"  Ren pointed to his letter, hoping she could break herself away for a moment.

"Yes, yes, I know sir, but..."  Unable to peel herself away from the badgering client, she lifted her hand over her assailant's head and pointed to a ferry boat near the far end of the dock.

A simple wave of thanks and sympathetic eyes went unanswered as he turned and wandered to his destination.


ID 212868 | Gathering LD 17+6=23 | CD 5 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+19 Forager EXP
3 Materials

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Arriving at the quay, Ren gazed upon the same type of figure he'd seen in the other ferry boats lining the dock.  It was identical to the creatures manning the other ships: a tattered grey, hooded cloak with no visible face within, only a pair of mummified skeletal hands grasping a long wooden oar.  Each also had a small symbol embroidered on the top of its hood.  This one read: #12.

"Foraging quest?"  Ren asked, leery that he might accidentally board the wrong quest and make an even worse mess of his day.  Twelve just nodded.  It probably didn't even have a mouth. "Alright then. Let's do... whatever this is."  Releasing one hand from its oar, the ferryman placed its hand upon Ren's shoulder and all faded to black. 

When his vision returned, the world had changed.  Surrounding him was a verdant paradise of lush foliage and vibrant flora of every imaginable kind.  It was a herbalist's paradise, and held no obvious evidence of gatherable mineral deposits of any kind.

"Oh good!  You made it.  It took me so long to find your shop on twenty one that I wasn't sure you'd make it here in time."  The same nymph that had delivered his note stood over him, backlit by the blazing sun, giving her a slightly demented appearance. 


ID 212869 | Gathering LD 13+6=19 | CD 4 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+24 Forager EXP
4 Materials

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"In time for what, exactly?"  Other than some challenge to do with Olympus, and crafter/professions from what he'd fathomed from others' discussions, Ren still wasn't quite sure what was meant to be happening.

"Oh my, did Waylah rush through her invitations again?  May I see?"  She gestured to the note he still held in his hand, albeit now crushed and severely crumpled.  The nymph grew flustered when she saw its incomplete state, he pinkish skin deepening to a near-demonic red.  "Can't anyone around here DO THEIR JOBS?!" Uncertain how best to proceed, Ren took the cautionary and conciliatory approach.

"Maybe if you could guide me through the next steps we could get things back on track?  I take it that I'm here for something to do with foraging and the gods of Olympus.  Is this some sort of fast-gathering race or contest?"  Rising to his feet, he remembered how much shorter than him she actually was.  "I didn't catch your name.  Mine's Ren.  Could we start this off again from the latest milestone and maybe we'll get lucky enough to pick up wherever we were supposed to be?"


ID 212870 | Gathering LD 6+6=12 | CD 5 | Find 0 material
(R2 Forager; +3 EXP)

+27 Forager EXP
4 Materials

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"Euphymes.  It's a pleasure.  Look, this is all very embarrassing," she said, still fuming under her clingy aquatic bodice.  

"So I've gleaned, but I've not been put out in any way.  Why don't you tell me what this is all about and where I should be next?"  A reassuring smile settled her colouring and mood, calming the nymph back down.  

"Yes, of course.  Thank you for your patience and professionalism... UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!"  The last few words were shouted at an azure sky the seemed incapable or unwilling to respond.  "Ahem."  Pausing to smooth the wrinkles in her silky dress, she gently took Ren's arm and put her game face back on.  "I'll take you to Demeter now.  She will select your appointed task and set the parameters of your challenge.  Good luck adventurer!"  Those last few words were so sickly sweet that they sounded like they've fermented and gone back from overuse.


ID 212871 | Gathering LD 17+6=23 | CD 9 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+35 Forager EXP
6 Materials

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"Welcome to the sanctuary of Hesperides, adventurer, and to the trials that must be faced by any who would attend the sheltered realms of the gods!"  Reclined on a pastel-coloured chaise lounge, the gaudily dressed up figure of Demeter was so gauche that it was nearly painful to gaze upon her.  Someone had clearly been watching the wrong anime when seeking inspiration for this one, Ren thought to himself.  Her lines were fine - very fine, she was a fertility goddess after all - but the colour scheme was just wrong with a capital WR.  Ren bowed politely, not having the slightest clue what protocols were in effect when referencing Greek goddesses in a Japanese MMO.

"Thank you, milady.  It is a great privilege to be here in your presence."  When in doubt: wing it.  Ren just went with the flow, laying the flattery on as thick as he dared and hoping that it would carry the day.  She smiled - a good sign.  "I understand from your lovely handmaidens," tittering followed at his side, "that you have an important task that requires my efforts.  How may I assist you?"


ID 212872 | Gathering LD 8+6=14 | CD 2 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+40 Forager EXP
7 Materials

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"Finally, a mortal with some manners.  Thank goodness for that.  I had to curse the last three hooligans who preferred to mouth off rather than show the respect and deference due to a deity."  Ren's gaze flickered for an instant, scanning the surroundings for any signs of de-rezzed players.  'Cursed' didn't have the most wholesome quality in the capricious way she said it.  "Now, we creatures of nature pride ourselves on educating those seeking to improve their foraging skills on being more aware of the impact of their craft upon the environment.  Your task is to assemble a cornucopia arrangement using only materials harness from my personal grove, without marring it in the slightest possible way."  Ren swore he saw fangs and serpentine eyes when she spat the final instructions.  

"Great," he thought to himself.  "Gather more plants.  Because that went soooo well when I tried it for Zackariah, and who knows what kind of system backing might have been in place for that early quest?"

"Of course, Lady Demeter.  Nothing would please me more.  is there any sort of time limit?"  The goddess pointed at the sun, high overhead.  

"You must be done by the setting of the sun, or your life will be forfeit."


ID 212873 | Gathering LD 7+6=13 | CD 5 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+45 Forager EXP
8 Materials

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"A life or death fetch quest?!"  Even with all the gaming he'd done, death by flower arrangement seemed absurd.  Was there some sort of mini-game pending, where petunias and daisies were provided and he just needed to keep cranking the slot machine arm until three cherries lit up?  That didn't even address that problem that this entire quest seemed geared towards herbalists and gardeners.  How was a geologist going to practice his trade without marring her golf-green landscapes?  This was not how he'd expected today to play out.

"Okay, think.  How am I possibly going to use my talents to achieve this goal?"  Could the ferryman have turned traitor and dropped him off at the wrong event?  Unlikely.  No, this seemed much more like a skinned quest that hadn't taken all the possible applications of foraging into consideration.  "It'll be fine.  I just need to collect my wits and develop some green thumbs... before nightfall." 

The surrounding gardens were beautifully curated.  Bees and other insects buzzed around, dodging dandelion wisps and air thick with pollen and ambient floral aromas.  There was no way he was going to be able to touch this without ruining any of it.


ID 212874 | Gathering LD 8+6=14 | CD 10 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+53 Forager EXP
10 Materials

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"No, there really isn't is there?"  Something akin to a plan was forming behind his saucer-like golden eyes.  The beach!  Running back the way he'd come, Ren was nearly clotheslined by Euphymes as she reached out to stop him.

"Your trial isn't over, adventurer, and surely you would not risk the goddess' wrath by attempting to leave before your task is done?"

"No, no, not at all, Euphymes, but I do need to get to the beach to ply my trade.  Flora and fauna may be her common fare, but my talents are more specialized.  I will need to improvise in order to find a solution to your mistress' challenge."  Concerned plied its way across her face. 

"The ferryman's beach remains off limits to supplicants once the trial has begun, but... there may be another option.  Come with me." Excusing herself from her conversation with several of her sisters.  "Here, you're going to need this."  Tearing a long strip of seaweed from her already short skirt, she moved to wrap the fabric around his head and over his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?"  The question was deadpan.

"The only other place similar to the beach on this island is around the wading pools where my sisters and I bathe, in true nymph fashion.  Would you prefer to go blind?"


"Oh my..."


ID 212875 | Gathering LD 10+6=16 | CD 8 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+61 Forager EXP
12 Materials

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Working without sight did carry one significant advantage: Ren had no idea how long was left before he was going to die. 

"Sisters.  Sisters!  Please.  HEY!  Hands off.  I found him first."  No, not ominous at all.  "This one doesn't work with plants and need stones and sand to ply his trade."

"Uh-huh.  Sure he does.  If he's that desperate to ply something, why not just let him wander in here with his eyes open?  He'd at least get one last good show before he goes." A crowd of sensuous feminine voices giggled all around him.  There would be no escape.  Harfleur and Valmy would have killed to have gone out like this.  Both men would have ripped of their blindfold and embraced their fates, groping their way to their doom.  Poor had Magenta always deserved better.  Clearing his throat, Ren did his best to keep his wits about him.

"Ladies, I need your help if you please.  Lady Demeter has tasked me with presenting her with a suitable arrangement before sunset.  I don't intend to disappoint, but could use your help."  His throat become more parched as he spoke, the sheer overwhelming thickness of pheromones in the air suffocating his words.  "I've no intention to offend, nor gaze upon any of you inappropriately.  Your privacy is yours to keep.  I'd really prefer to just keep my hide and sight intact."


ID 212876 | Gathering LD 17+6=23 | CD 5 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+66 Forager EXP
13 Materials

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"We're not leaving," the surly one threatened.  "It's not our problem if you can't pick a plant.  Who can't do that, anyway?  Sounds like a lame excuse."  Euphyme could be heard scolding her in the background.  

"I understand your hesitation.  This isn't exactly my preferred option either."  That drew a few laughs.  "Maybe under other circumstances.  Please.  All I ask is the chance to work quietly and in peace.  I promise that your baths will be better for it afterwards."  Much whispering and heated debate followed, most of which he couldn't follow.  All the while, the scents and supernatural temptations of this place lapped against his will, working to erode his resolve.  In defense, Ren filled his mind with images of Vindalia.  She was the sweetest of girls, a talented violin player and had a laugh like a nightingale.  The two of them would often site together whenever they went out with the broader group.  Their parents were both very strict and traditional in their upbringing, and decades of indoctrination kept them at bay from each other under the guise of social norms.  Ren had never told her how he felt, and would live with that regret until the end.


ID 212877 | Gathering LD 15+6=21 | CD 8 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+74 Forager EXP
15 Materials

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The meaning behind the Japanese Zen garden - BBC CultureHands moved over sand and rock, serving as rakes and grooming tools for the very earth as Ren poured cathartic memories through his fingertips.  The voices around him gradually changes their tunes as they watched him work.  Hostile taunts and fear gave way to curiosity and admiration in turn.  Nymphs are accustomed to the predations of lust brought on by the cursed nature of their overwhelming beauty.  Men lost their minds to it, become obsessed and insatiable in their cravings.  Too often, it led to the player's downfall or demise.  The latter could even offer the greater relief, depending on how deep the infection took hold.  Here, at the heart of their domain, their luring powers were strongest.  

Yet here was a simple mortal man, pouring out his heart and soul to a woman gone; a love deprived.  Channeling those thoughts into his work, Ren replaced obsession with harmony, chaos with serenity, and lust with the deepest, sincerest form of love.  The sands and stones moved, as if of their own accord, to position themselves in balance with the implied movements in the rakes patterns.  In stillness, the flows of water and emotion traveled in soothing relief.  Every member of his skeptical audience became enthralled, tempted by the elusive promise of a better outcome than befell them at every time.

"So," whispered Euphyme as she watched, "this is what it means to love?"


ID 212878 | Gathering LD 20+6=26 | CD 11 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+82 Forager EXP
17 Materials

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"I don't truly know," came Ren's response.  "This is what I hope it means."  Murmured marvel and approval surrounded and blanketed him.  "I recently had the good fortune of traveling to a place called the Temple of Three where the very nature of the universe was symbolically laid bare.  The spirits there spoke, and I was fortunate enough to be stupefied enough to listen.  Would that more of use could learn the same lesson."

A slender palm gently slid itself upon his back, then another and another.  Empathy.  Such a dauntingly fragile thing, especially in a world afire with chaos and horror.  Swept away by the power of the moment, Ren's grief overwhelmed the series of repressive dams built up by growing up in a world where one's feelings were never to be shown.  Pursed lips and jaw clenched, his instincts fought against it, but to no avail.  Kneeling upon sand mandalas woven in expression of buried sorrows, the tears just flowed.  Soaking his makeshift blindfold, droplets soon fell upon the sands, marking poignantly the disruptive power of loss.  Silence reigned in the moment and the universe stood still.  Dharma's perfect, fleeting balance manifest before a blind man.  How apt.

"I am done," Ren said, his composure achingly restored and not without great personal toll.  "Please, Euphyme, lead me back."


ID 212879 | Gathering LD 14+6=22 | CD 10 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+90 Forager EXP
19 Materials

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Sand filled his boots and every crevice between them and his neck.  Everything itched.  He'd been toiling on his hands and knees all day and would benefit from a bath himself when this was all over - elsewhere.  Slender fingers tenderly traced the lines and ridges of his face, removing the blind and exposing his eyes once more to the harsh glare of the world.  Ren hissed and grimaced as it burned his sight, etching lines and spots into his retina that took a minute to adjust and make them fade.

"So?" The cold, harsh voice of a demanding goddess.  "Where is the work I required to have done?"  A dozen figures moved past him from behind, emerging like long shadows from the setting of the sun.  

"This one has shared with us something truly magnificent and sublime."  Ren recognized her by her voice as the surly one from earlier, but her voice had lost its edge.  With the nymphs now suitably clad, he could afford to look upon each of them in turn.  They were stunningly beautiful, each of them worthy of songs and tales that would invariably fall short of the praise due such magnificent creatures.  It made him feel small and unworthy to be in their presence, humility forcing his freshly freed eyes downward towards his own feet.

"His heart is pure, Demeter.  When he seeks the treasures of the earth, it is not to feed his avarice.  His motives may actually be... noble."

Ren's brow bent under the weight of that title.  He just wanted to make a difference, to do the things he had failed to do before, and to give instead of taking.  Demeter's scrutinizing gaze peered his way as if seeking her own insight and assessment.

"Very well."


ID 212880 | Gathering LD 7+6=13 | CD 3 | Find 1 material
(R2 Forager; +5 EXP)

+95 Forager EXP
20 Materials

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His head felt like it had lead weights attached as he slowly lifted it back up to meet the goddess' gaze.  "How is this a foraging quest?!"  The women before him collectively smiled.  

"Our goal was to see if you could learn to live in harmony with your world.  It is a test whose answer is different for every initiate.  Yours depended solely on whether you would rail blindly against the injustices of your circumstances or seek to move beyond them.  We are pleased with the results, as you should be."  Demeter gestured to one of her daughters, who brought forth a small, unadorned brooch of hammered tin in the shape of a horn of plenty.  "Please, take this as a sign of our favour and blessing.  Put it to good use."

A brilliant blue glow pulsed into existence at his back.  Turning, Ren saw Vinaya, hovering and wreathed in translucent indigo flames a dozen feet behind him.

"Hello, old friend," Demeter spoke to the phoenix's floating form.  "You've chosen this one then?  How interesting.  We will watch with hope and curiosity."

Ren opened his mouth to speak just as the bird exploded once more, washing away all senses and leaving only a field of sparkling stars set against a backdrop of darkness.


ID 212881 | Gathering LD 12+6=18 | CD 8 | Find 2 material
(R2 Forager; +8 EXP)

+103 Forager EXP
22 Materials

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When the spots finally cleared, Ren found himself seated at his workbench in the back of The Knight Shift.  The forge still simmered, but most of its heat and light had gone dormant and every lantern in the shop was dark.  He still wore the work clothes and apron from before Euphyme came knocking on his door.  There was no sign of the letter, only a simple tin brooch carefully laid on the table next to his arm.  Looking more closely at it, he noticed the small bird concealed within the spiral crook at the back of the horn - a nightingale.  

"What the f-"

Familiar warbling echoed from behind the furnace and forge, from whence came a soft bluish glow.  No, not behind, but within.  Pulling open the hatch with a worn iron poker, Ren bent down to look inside.  Nesting in the coals and embers was the same Vinaya, the birds flames having kept the forge alive during whatever had just happened.

"It's good to see you again my friend."  

The bird stared at him through one bleary eye, then nestled its head back under its wing to go back to sleep.  

"Self-immolation must be tiresome business," Ren offered.  "Take it easy for a while."


ID 212882 | Gathering LD 2+6=8 | CD 4 | Find 0 material
(R2 Forager; +3 EXP)

+106 Forager EXP
22 Materials

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The night had gotten away from him in more ways than he could possibly explain.  Did he ever actually leave the Shift?  Did it matter?  Spinning the tiny treasure around in his hand, Ren threw a cloak over his shoulders and clasped it closed around his neck without hesitation.  Whatever this had been, he would cherish it and learn, paying the favour forward to others who might need the same catharsis.  There were so many shattered and broken souls in this world.  Maybe his true calling was to gather them up and help them find their callings. 

Birds chirped even in the caverns of Tomoika, where there was no dawn.  Somehow, they just knew the appropriate time.  There were countless potential technical explanations.  Ren didn't care for any of them.  The answer was because they were meant to.  Pulling open the thick and heavy wood door, Ren took a deep breath of equally stifling and stagnant air.  It smelled and tasted as fresh as a morning breeze coming off Ise Bay.

"Vindalia... Tamaki... my nightingale.  I'll do it for you."


ID 212883 | Gathering LD 4+6=10 | CD 10 | Find 0 material
(R2 Forager; +3 EXP)

+109 Forager EXP
22 Materials

Thread Summary:

947 EXP (Word Count [4478/10*1*1] + Quest [500])
400 col (400 [1 page]

Materials: 22 (Gathered [22])
Demeter’s Cornucopia | Crafting Tool | Bountiful: +1 CD when using Foraging skill.

+109 Forager EXP

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