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Jeeves - The Subtle Servant

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Username: Jeeves
Real name: Curtis Crowley
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"


Jeeves, Typhon, Quaestor and his older sister Smarmy (aka 'Miri') were inseparable during the early days of SAO, forming the Madrigal as one of the game's first guilds and making a name for themselves. It all came crashing down a few months in when Miri and Typhon were suddenly lost to some sort of game glitch.  Quaestor withdrew into himself at the loss of his wife, leaving young Jeeves alone with his grief.  The guild shattered and fell prey to vulturous players who swooped in to pick the carcass clean.  The first year was especially tough, bouncing between orphanages and back alleys in the Town of Beginnings.  Jeeves survived by becoming the follower that bullies and bosses always wanted to have in tow, making himself just valuable enough to keep around without placing himself in the spotlight.  It was a tough life and forced him to grow up a lot faster than he'd expected.  

Between street gangs and serving as a runner for merchants and others needing things done, Jeeves eventually graduated to the unofficial status of fixer.  He moved around a lot, going wherever the work was, and eventually getting looped in with the broker network.  Though never one to sell secrets himself, the boy was smart enough to appreciate discretion and the value of a wide array of contacts   Having recently heard that Miri and Tython were rescued and alive, Jeeves has quietly returned to the fold and taken his expected place behind his old guildmates, though not in the manner that they all likely expect.  Only time will tell where his loyalties actually lay.

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Studious - Possessed of a voracious appetite for lore, Jeeves buried himself in books and online databases at an early age.  Adept with numbers and sharp as a whip, he prefers not to brag or show off his talents for fear of drawing unwanted attention.  Such distractions only get in the way of his hobbies and other pursuits.
Quiet - Overshadowed by a boisterous and beautiful older sister accustomed to taking charge, Jeeves has learned to accomplish things without making noise or drawing attention.  A man of few words, he prefers to let others take centre stage and be the focus of attention.  Most will often forget that he is present at all.
Clever - Often overlooked and underestimated because of his apparent age, Jeeves has learned to use his youthful looks to his advantage.  His street smarts have grown to match his booksmarts by virtue of necessity.  Where others might prefer direct approaches, Jeeves keeps his means and motives to himself and often comes at problems from the side.


Headstrong - Accustomed to being ignored, Jeeves gets things done despite what others want or think of him.  His goals are his own, and others who assume that they can boss him around will soon find out differently.  Not one to vocalize his frustrations, he will simply ignore denials or demands placed upon him or go around any related obstacles.
Blunt - In his goal to become more self-reliant, Jeeves has let his social graces slide.  Whenever he actually chooses or is compelled to speak, the words spill out with brutal honesty.  He's unlikely to get himself a date anytime soon, not that he appears to care about such things.
Obsessive - You don't survive by giving up on your goals.  What Jeeves wants, Jeeves gets, by whatever means necessary.  If that means using others or breaking a few rules to make it happen, so be it.

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