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[PP-F1-9] In it to win it

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Zelrius stood witha clipboard on Floor 1. He had invited someone Fives had called Lucian, and Fives himself. Today, they were going to race to Level 8. Whoever got there first would get the prize Zelrius brought along. Today was going to be utterly boring for him, But atleast He could see two newbies fail. Sighing, He sat down and looked down at his Clipboard. First on the list was a little Grinding. Now he waited in the Floor 1 Town of Beginnings on the Plaza.

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Lucian would push open the doors of The Tavern his ice blue eyes adjusting to the sunlight as he made his way to the Plaza.--tightening his Bracers and checking his Bracers.-"Ok so lets have some fun."-Spotting Zel he would keep to the shadows before standing next to him.-"So how are you Zel? are you ready for this run?"

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As 5 tries to leave his tailor shop to head to the town of Beginning he gets lost On the way there. After several hours of travel when it should only take 30 minutes to finally arrives this time being you're out how to get supplies us besides stick with one of the main roads to try to get to the center of the town of beginning by making a good direction. Call he manages to get to the center Plaza, he then notices zel and Lucian Hanging out in the shade. "Hey guys, sorry if I'm late" 5 Would yell as he ran up to them "What is the on The the agenda" Asking because he wanted to make sure he remembered correctly

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Zelrius yawned as he put a check mark on his Clipboard and seemingly scribbled a few things. Then he stood from the bench he was sitting on and walked off, Stopping to signal them to follow. Zelrius put the Clipboard away and drew his sword. Zelrius marched out of the enormous city. Now he was on a field, the grass slightly swaying as a wind blew in. Today was going to be a bad weather day for the First floor, clouds were rolling in. Off in the distance were 4 Boars, Zelrius pointed to them and said

"Go get em boys."

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 15/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

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Lucian would Grin as he lunged forward. his eyes changing from ice blue to Crimson red as he lets his blood thirst side take over.-"Here piggy piggy."-Lucian would unsheathe his charging it. feeling the blood thirst feeding his anger Lucian would Bring his sword down he would Slash the hog in half as he turns to the next Pig grinning round two.

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 15/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 0/5

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-Lucian would Run twords the second Boar his blade Charging once more. Bringing down his blade he would Slash a deep gash in to boar as he Growls ripping his blade free.-"lucky miss but seems your next boar."-Lucian would ready his blade as he keep his eye on the Boar a dark grin on his face.-"Lets go you runt."

3 dmg

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 15/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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As 5 notices Lucian charge one of the Boers 5, but then Sprint to try to intercept Lucian from getting another kill as he has He has the skill Sprint increasing its speed dramatically As this speed is superior to Lucian as he manages to get to the boer. First, slashing at it Managing to take it down to one HP

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 1/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

Damage dealt: 4

damage received: 0

damage mitigated: 0

health recovered: 0

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-the boar would lung at Lucian after it was slashed open.its left tusk would rip across Lucians thigh as he curses jumping back seeing as his pants where now ripped.-"Damn you you moving piece of stack."-Lucian would ready his blade as he starts to move twords the bore Growling more.

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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Lucian would return his aim to the Pig his blade charging once more. 5 would slam in to him making him miss the Pig as he Cursed.-"Damn it 5 I'm leaving your [censored] alone leave mine alone."-Lucian would Push off the Ground Jumping upwards landing on his feet.-


Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 5/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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The board would then turn around back the 5 and try to attack and they did so 5 brace himself for the impact. As The boar charge It trips over a small hole dug in the ground sliding to 5 missing completely on its attack. "Bring it On little piggy" 5 yelled trying to tease the Boar Into attacking him As the words managed to stumble back onto its legs.

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 1/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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The Boar seeing Lucian wasn't ready would rush him. Slamming in to his Chest the Boar would lift him in to the air slamming him back down. coughing up blood Lucian would pull himself free as he Ready his blade.-"You will not beat me you little [censored]."

-Lucian would open his hand garbing a hand full of dirt.-

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 12/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 1/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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5. Laughing at which it Into the Boer He would then Charge added his sword glowing bright orange as he takes off like a missile. He would then cut straight through it ending up on the other side the poor as he explodes into thousands of polygons. "One down, 2 to go."

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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Lucian would Throw the dirt at the boar before charging his blade lunging. as the Blade struck clean the Boar would be slashed in half. turning to the last boar Lucian would Start moving twords it.-"hear piggy piggy."-Lucian would grin darkly.- as his body glowed healing 1 point of hp.-

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 13/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

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After defeating that boar 5 start looking around for The another one He then noticed is the one that has get the attack. Lucian still focusing on the one boar 5 would then charge His blade up once again And take off towards it Unfortunately, tripping over the hole The last boar Tripped over. Missing His chance To attack. He quickly gets up And jumps back

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 5/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

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Seeing the Boar in sight Lucian would rush forward his eyes locked on his target.-"Die piggy die."Lucian would Clive the Bore midway thru as he grins.-"So you lived for now piggy but i wont let you get away."-Lucian would turn wating for The boar to runa t him or 5-

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 2/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

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The Boar would Charge Lucian with fury in its eyes ready to rip apart Lucian- Lucian had gotten to hungry and the bor Cliped his Side this time as Lucian coughed.-"Damn you you piece of bacon."-Lucian would Turn his blade ready to strike back

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 11/15

Boar 3/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

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As 5 notices the boar deal damage to Lucian, he would then charge like missile straight towards it homing in ready to kill As he hits it with enough force that the boar starts to go flying as it then shatters into thousands of polygons As he then looks at the score 2 to 2 "Looks like were tied Lucian"

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

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Lucian would watch as the last Boar fell only to look to the trees as three dire wolves would rush them his blade at the Ready Lucian would Lung forward to the middle Dire wolve.- only to miss the middle wolve -"Crap i cant believe i missed that."-Lucian would turn hoping 5 didn't see it.-

Zelrius 63/63

5iou5 17/17

Lucian 14/15

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

Boar 0/5

DireWolve 15/15

DireWolve 15/15

DireWoive 15/15

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