KnightessCiela 0 Posted November 17, 2024 #1 Share Posted November 17, 2024 The morning light filtered through the shop's wide windows, illuminating the cozy interior of Fondante's Inferno. Another day at the shop, she didn't know it yet but today came with a special request. Ciela sang quietly to herself as she worked, her apron already dusted with flour and sugar. A notification popped up. A message? She waved her finger over it. Astra? Oh! The corner of Ciela's lips curled into a smile. A surprise picnic? For Bliss? How sweet. Ciela quickly sent a message back, "On it, come by around noon." Ciela's mind buzzed with ideas, her hands itching to get started. She wasted no time, diving into the preparations with her usual enthusiasm. She double-checked the list she made, saying a bunch of checks as she finished each item. Spoiler Turkey and ham sandwiches with provolone (cut into triangles) Charcuterie board (different cheeses and meats, with a toasted baguette cut into small bite sized slices) Fresh veggie medley with ranch dip (Carrots, broccoli, cucumber, and celery) Chocolate dipped strawberries Macarons Variety of Cookies (Chocolate chip, Snickerdoodle, Sugar) Mini cupcakes (Celestial Swirl (without the extra boost)) Fresh grapes Fresh watermelon 2 loaves of fresh baked bread with a variety of spreads and honey (butter (herb, regular, and cinnamon), peanut butter, nutella, jam, and brie cheese) Sparkling water with fruit slices Pink Lemonade Chilled Rose Once everything was baked, assembled, and wrapped, Ciela stepped back to admire the spread that was now scattered across the counters and tables of her shop. That should be everything, she said in her head, scanning the items one last time. Her eyes sparkled with satisfaction, though a small hint of doubt crept in. "I hope I made enough food." She pulled a sturdy wicker basket from her inventory. Wait, will all of this fit?? With the assistance of the system, she turned that wicker basket into a modern day version of Mary Poppins' never-ending bag. The system allowed her to layer the treats delicately, tucking more fragile items where needed. "Wait!" she stated, grabbing some cloth napkins and putting them in the basket which made the basket more secure. Finally, she looped a large blanket through the handle, its vibrant checkered pattern hinting at the perfect picnic setting. "There," she said, dusting herself off. "If it's not enough, I can always make more. It's not like it took very long." She stood back and smiled, satisfied with her work. Astra was sure to impress Bliss with this spread, and Ciela was thrilled to be a part of it, even if it was behind the scenes. Bliss deserves something special, she thought, a smile gracing her lips. With one last glance at the basket, she sent a message to Astra, "Hi dear! It's all ready. Come pick it up whenever you're ready." As she waited for Astra to arrive, she started to tidy up the shop, her heart light and her mind wandering to the joy Bliss would surely feel when she saw the thoughtful gesture. As Astra arrived, she handed off the picnic basket, "There's a beautiful picnic spot over off to the north side of the lake. Wulfrin and I go there quite frequently. Feel free to borrow it from us today." She smiled at him warmly, then leaned in and whispered. "Good luck. You've got this." * * * Spoiler Stats: KnightessCiela | HP: 525/525 | EN: 66/66 | DMG: 11 | MIT:121 | ACC:2 | TAUNT | THORNS:27 | REGEN: 23 | REC: 3 Spoiler "Name: KnightessCiela True Tier: 3 Level: 24 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 525/525 EN: 66/66 Stats: Damage: 11 Mitigation: 121 Accuracy: 2 Stealth Rating: -5 TAUNT REGEN: 23 REC: 3 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Defender's Longsword | T3 Perfect Straight Sword | ACC II | DMG I Armor/Trinket: - Frightening Rosethorn | T3 Perfect Heavy Armor | Taunt | Thorns II Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Rejuvenating Kite Shield | T3 Perfect Shield | Recovery | Regen II Combat Mastery: - Combat Mastery: Mitigation R3 Combat Shift: - Familiar Skill: - Protector Familiar Custom Skill: - Skills: - Heavy Armor R5 - Howl - Straight Sword R5 Extra Skills: - Block R3 - Forgotten King's Authority - Survival - Frozen Hide Inactive Extra Skills: Addons: - Focused Howl - Iron Skin Mods: Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: - Nepent's Ovule x3 - T1 Rare Health Potion: Heals 10% MAX HP x5 - T1 Uncommon Health Potions: Heals 5% of MAX HP x1 - T1 Uncommon Overhealth Potion: Adds 5% of MAX HP to users x1 - Teleport Crystal x1 Housing Buffs: Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: - Cooking[519exp] R6 Gathering Profession: - Forager[66exp] R2" Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted November 17, 2024 #2 Share Posted November 17, 2024 When Astra had woken up at the inn he had been staying at in the Town of Beginnings, something was different. There was this feeling in his stomach that he just couldn't shake. Was he hungry? Usually, but that wasn't it. A morning cup of tea didn't do the trick either. It wasn't necessarily a bad feeling though, it was actually quite the opposite. He was nervous, but he was excited. He had butterflies in his stomach. Today he was going to be surprising Bliss, the girl he had met recently at the beach party, with a picnic on Floor 22. Jeeze, why am I so nervous about this? I'm sure things will be okay. I've got this. He dressed himself in a recently purchased casual outfit from a tailor within the town. His top was black, with a high turtleneck-like collar, adorned with three gold buttons. Over that was a white vest of sorts, with three black buttons on the top. Is this too many buttons? Do I look like a goof? Ah man. The guy at the store he purchased it from really hyped him up about it, so he did feel good wearing it. Admittedly though, he did want to look his best and impress a little bit. The black top and pants contrasted well with the white vest and his white hair, and the person at the shop said that it made him look noble, and brought out his eyes. Looking at himself in the mirror, Astra took a deep breath, and gave himself a small thumbs up. When Astra told Ciela about his plans to surprise Bliss with a picnic, naturally the kind knightess-baker offered her help. Astra really appreciated all she had done for him, and this was something he was especially thankful for. He knew how to setup a picnic, but anything with Ciela's touch would be that much more special. Around noon he made his way to Floor 22, his favorite floor, and over to Ciela's shop. "Hey Ciela," he said with a smile and a wave. "Thanks again for your help with this, I pretty much owe you my life with all you've done for me" he chuckled. Ciela passed him the wicker basket and blanket that they'd be using for the picnic, and Astra opened it up to take a peek inside. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the amount of food and drink that Ciela managed to stuff into this thing, and he could tell how much care was put into every treat. "Oh wow, Ciela...This is amazing. Thanks so much! She's going to love this." His smile widened, and he felt warm with appreciation. Ciela provided him with the location of a perfect picnic spot, and wished him luck with a warm "Good luck. You've got this." Making his way to the door, Astra gave Ciela a smile and a thumbs up. "Thanks Ciela, fingers crossed!" With that he left the shop and stood outside of Fondante's Inferno, waiting for Bliss to arrive. This would be a good day, he just had a feeling. He really hoped she liked picnics. *** Spoiler Astra | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 5 | MIT:0| ACC: 1 | Link to post Share on other sites
Bliss 0 Posted November 20, 2024 #3 Share Posted November 20, 2024 (edited) Bliss was always an early riser. The house was unusually quiet that morning, the kind of stillness that made her feel like the world was just hers for a little while. Dressed in her cozy jammies, she was snuggled up in the reading nook, sipping tea and reading a book when suddenly a soft ping broke the silence. Oh a message! From Astra! He wants to meet up at Fondante's Inferno? Okay! Thankfully Ciela's shop wasn't far from her home. She smiled softly at the screen, excited to see her friend. She hurriedly set her tea down and headed back to her room to get ready. Spoiler What should've been a quick process turned into a full-on battle with herself in front of the mirror. Bliss kept trying to style her hair, putting it up, taking it down, pulling it back, and letting it fall again. Over and over. Nothing felt right. A small pit of nervousness formed in her stomach as she looked at her reflection. Why am I so nervous? She twirled her hair in her fingers. She'd only hung out with Astra a handful of times at this point, each time he always had this calm, warm energy about him that was both reassuring and intimidating? No, no. Not intimidating. Nice? Maybe too nice. Her palm collided with her forehead as she shook her head and let out a sigh. Stop overthinking! Finally, she threw her hands up in exasperation. "Fuck it," she muttered under her breath. She hastily threw on a black tank top, a pair of jean shorts, and her favorite red jacket. Deciding to let her hair fall naturally and finally leave the house. She was halfway out when a flash of inspiration struck. Oooh. I just had a better outfit idea. In a flurry of motion, she rushed back upstairs, tearing through her closet. Finally emerging in a light green sundress that hugged her just right. The soft fabric swayed as she spun to check herself in the mirror. "Much cuter," she said to her reflection. Spoiler When Bliss arrived at Fondante's Inferno, her nerves kicked in full force. Astra was already there, casually standing by the entrance. He was wearing a casual outfit, but somehow he made it look effortlessly perfect. She became self conscious almost immediately after seeing him. Man, oh man. Am I too overdressed? She glanced down at her self. The gentle breeze played with the hem of her dress and her hair, carrying it softly around her face. The sunlight caught her blue eyes just so, making them almost sparkle. If only she could feel as confident as she looked. "S-So, A-Astra," she said, unable to hide her stammer as she approached. "What's up?" She smiled, trying her best to hide the bundle of nerves threatening to bubble over. Spoiler * * * Spoiler Stats: Bliss | HP: 20/20 | EN: 20/20 | DMG: 3 | MIT:18 | ACC:1 | REC: 1 Spoiler "Name: Bliss True Tier: 1 Level: 1 Paragon Level: 0 HP: 20/20 EN: 20/20 Stats: Damage: 3 Mitigation: 18 Accuracy: 1 REC: 1 Equipped Gear: Weapon/Armor/Trinket: - Mechanic's Tool Set | T1 Perfect Thrown Weapon | ACC I | DMG II Armor/Trinket: - Variable Half-Plate | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | REC I Shield/Armor/Trinket: - Combat Mastery: - Combat Shift: - Familiar Skill: - Custom Skill: - Skills: - Light Armor R1 Extra Skills: Inactive Extra Skills: Addons: Mods: Inactive Mods: Battle Ready Inventory: Housing Buffs: Guild Hall Buffs: Scents of the Wild Totem: Wedding Ring: Crafting Profession: Gathering Profession: " Edited November 20, 2024 by Bliss Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted November 20, 2024 #4 Share Posted November 20, 2024 Astra's eyes lit up as Bliss started to approach him, while he was standing outside of Fondante's Inferno. He immediately felt like he had lost his voice and couldn't speak, and his heart skipped a beat before beating to a much faster rhythm. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling like this? Bliss is a beautiful person, and just her presence alone could fill a room full of people with awe. Astra was one of those people, and he just couldn't help it. Just play it cool, find the right words. Play it cool, find the right words. The closer Bliss got Astra tried to move towards her as well, but it felt like he was wearing cement galoshes. Or elephant shoes. Something heavy. Okay, so maybe moving wasn't an option right now. Instead he raised his free hand and held it up, palm open, in a wave. A warm smile spread across his face, and his blue eyes met hers. In his other arm was the basket and gingham blanket that Ciela so kindly provided to him for their picnic. That is, if Bliss even wanted to go on a picnic. "H-hey Bliss! You look great, that dress is really lovely." The words almost stumbled out of his mouth, but on the plus side he didn't actually lose his voice and was able to speak to her. Was complimenting her dress a weird thing to do? Was he coming off too strong already? In his head a cacophony of noise and sounds played, as if a marching band was playing a hectic tune. On top of that, it was as if someone was shouting all of his thoughts and doubts through a megaphone at the top of their lungs. He was anxious for sure, but he also knew that the more time he spent around her the more at ease he'd feel. It seemingly happened every time he saw her. "Thanks for coming. Do you like picnics? I was thinking we could do something nice here, eat some food, have some drinks, talk. There's a nice spot nearby the lake that we could go to, if you'd like." He motioned to the picnic basket held in his left arm. "There's a lot of food here, and we've got a blanket too. So if you're down, we could relax for a bit!" Astra motioned to the lake sitting at the edge of the treeline, where firs and pines sat quietly swaying in the breeze. One thing was for sure, as he spoke to Bliss, that soft smile never left his face. He really wanted to get to know her better, to spend some more time with her. What better way to do that than a scenic picnic on the most serene floor that Aincrad has offered so far? Plus, it would just be the two of them, which means no outside actors providing noise. "What do you think?" He looked her in her eyes that seemingly had a sparkle, and asked. Link to post Share on other sites
Bliss 0 Posted December 4, 2024 #5 Share Posted December 4, 2024 (edited) Astra's warm smile felt like a balm to Bliss's nerves, though the fluttering in her chest refused to subside. She still felt very overdressed, her green sundress still swishing gently in the breeze, reminding her that she'd overthought the outfit way too many times. When Astra complimented her dress, a soft blush bloomed across her cheeks, and she couldn't help but fidget under his gaze. "T-Thank you, A-Astra! You look v-very h-handsome," she stammered, her voice laced with sincerity despite her nervousness. As soon as the words left her mouth, a small wave of panic followed. God, you're so dumb. Why are you like this? She mentally facepalmed, caught between the two voices in her head, one encouraging her, and the other telling her not to try. In an attempt to calm herself, Bliss began twirling her hair around her fingers. It was a nervous habit that always seemed to give her away. Her thoughts spiral as she tried to fight off the embarrassment alone, when Astra's next words pulled her back to reality. "A picnic!!" Her eyes lit up with an almost childlike joy. "I really love picnics! They were one of my favorite things to do as a kid!!" Her excitement bubbled over for a moment, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. She was so excited she almost lost her composure. In true Bliss fashion, she took a breath in and toned back the enthusiasm, she didn't wanna seem too excited. "I w-w-would love that Astra!" She said, her voice softer. "It's a-also such a n-nice day out. P-Perfect for a picnic." The sunlight warmed her, the gentle breeze carrying the smell of the lake and flowers, not to mention the freshly baked goods. Bliss glanced up at Astra, feeling the tiniest spark of courage. He's so kind. Relax. Just enjoy this moment. Gathering her resolve, she extended her hand toward him, her fingers trembling slightly with nervous anticipation. "I-If we're gonna have a picnic, we might as well start it off right." She smiled nervously, hoping he would take her hand. Edited December 4, 2024 by Bliss Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted December 4, 2024 #6 Share Posted December 4, 2024 When Bliss called Astra handsome, he couldn't help but blush. "H-handsome? Thanks so much." His soft smile widened, and he had to look away so that she couldn't see how red his face had become. Once that seemingly wore off, and he was done riding the high of being complimented by Bliss, he turned back to her. He noticed she was twirling her hair, a quirk of hers that he picked up on when he first met her at the beach. Maybe it's something she does when she's nervous, but nonetheless Astra thought it was cute. He liked her quirks. They were all small things that made up the whole of her, a truly radiant individual. In all his time here in Aincrad he hadn't met anyone who captured his attention and took his breath away like Bliss did. What were these feelings? What did that necessarily mean? His mind ran multiple marathons within a minute while he fantasized about spending more time with her, getting to know her, being a part of her life. Astra had a tendency to get overexcited pretty quickly, and lose himself in fantasy. It took him a moment to pull himself back to the reality and the current moment. Slow down. Be normal. When she expressed her excitement on going on a picnic he was instantly full of relief. Especially hearing that it was something she loved to do as a kid. Tapping into things that touched upon your childhood were one of Astra's favorite things, as it brought a sense of comfort in darker times. "Perfect! I'm so glad to hear it. We've got a lot of good food, and you're right today is beautiful for it." He looked towards the azure sky, filled with sparse billowing clouds. The sun was out and beaming a cradle of warmth, and the sound of the digital birds hummed songs for the two of them. As Bliss extended her hand towards him, Astra could barely believe his eyes. He felt his heart pound just a little bit harder, after nearly tripping over itself in his chest. She wants to hold my hand? He wasn't sure why he was so surprised. Maybe it's because he hasn't really felt like this before, or really imagined that anyone would even want to hold his hand. The last time he held someones hand he was just a kid in a children's hospital, comforting a sick friend. This was different. This could be some sort of spark. Astra's silvery-blue eyes met her, and he embraced her hand with his own. It felt warm. He felt a rush of blood to his head, and it was as if he had grown a pair of wings could fly. "Come on, I know a spot", he said with his smile still plastered on his face. He was taking her to the spot Ciela had directed him to. When they arrived at the spot Astra was hesitant to let go of Bliss' hand, as he really didn't want to, but he did have to setup the picnic. He carefully let go of her hand and layed the blanket down amidst the grass and the flowers. The basket was set neatly on top on the gingham checked blanket. "Here we are! This spot is perfect. You can see everything so clearly. I bet it's even a great stargazing spot." He imagined the magic of watching the stars with Bliss, sitting together amidst the sea of the cosmos. For now, the beautiful day sky would have to do. "Want something to eat or drink? We have a lot. I can't take credit for it though, Ciela put this together for us." Astra tousled the back of his hair and chuckled. Of course he had to give Ciela her credit, she really went all out for him. Astra took a seat on the blanket and patted the spot next to him, beckoning Bliss to come over and take a seat. The picnic was finally ready to start. Link to post Share on other sites
Bliss 0 Posted January 4 #7 Share Posted January 4 Upon seeing Astra blush, Bliss’s lips curved into a gentle smile. Is he as nervous as I am? She wondered, the thought sending a flicker of warmth through her chest. Her fingers instinctively reached for a strand of her hair, twirling it in a familiar, calming rhythm. Her mind buzzed with questions, her thoughts a tangle of hope and uncertainty. Does he feel the same way I do? The idea lingered in her mind, growing with every sweet and thoughtful gesture Astra made. Do… do I have a crush on him? The thought hit her like a wave, making her heart race. It was a terrifying yet exhilarating thought. Bliss had been alone for so long, walls firmly in place to protect her fragile heart. But Astra… Astra was different. His kindness, his warmth, his presence, it was all so unfamiliar yet so comforting. She let out a steady breath, trying to keep her emotions from spiraling out of control. The thought of a picnic filled her with excitement. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had gone on one. And a surprise picnic? That had never happened before. Gratitude shone brightly in her expression, her sweet smile making an appearance every time her eyes met Astra’s. The scene unfolding felt like something out of a storybook, the kind she used to lose herself in as a child. When Astra reached for her hand, Bliss froze, stunned for just a moment. She offered her hand, but hadn’t expected him to actually take her hand. Although the happiness that followed was undeniable. His hand was warm against hers, sending a pleasant shiver up her arm. Her heart skipped a beat, thudding in her chest as if trying to leap out. “O-Okay!” she stammered, her voice soft but full of quiet joy. As he led her toward their picnic spot, her thumb gently brushed against his hand. It was a subtle, unconscious movement. She didn’t even realize she was doing it until they stopped, and Astra carefully let go of her hand to begin setting up. Her blush deepened as she watched him work, his focus and care making her heart swell. All this… for me? Bliss looked around, taking in the serene beauty of the spot Astra had brought her to. The lake shimmered under the sunlight, its surface rippling gently in the breeze. The whole scene felt magical. “I-It r-really i-is a-an a-amazing s-spot,” she said, her voice soft with awe. “T-The v-view of t-the l-lake i-is b-breathtaking. W-We c-could w-watch the c-clouds i-in the m-meantime.” Her cheeks flushed at the thought of staying there for hours, watching the bright blue sky give way to a beautiful starry night. When Astra offered her food and drink, Bliss nodded eagerly. “I-I’d love s-something,” she said, her smile brightening at the mention of Ciela’s involvement. How sweet of her to put this together for us. Bliss settled onto the blanket beside Astra, her smile growing as she wondered what surprises awaited them in the basket. As her eyes met Astra’s again, a question burned in her mind, unspoken yet persistent. Why is he doing this for me? The thought lingered, unanswered, as Bliss let herself enjoy the moment. For now, she pushed her anxieties aside, choosing instead to soak in the warmth of the sun, the peacefulness of the lake, and the quiet joy of being here with Astra. Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted January 4 #8 Share Posted January 4 Even just sitting next to Bliss on the picnic blanket was an intoxicating feeling for Astra. He hadn't really been on a real date before, well, not at least in his adult life, and he could've never even imagined that he'd be here with someone so gentle and beautiful. When she sat down, he couldn't help but find himself staring, his gaze fixed on her. There were no other words he could think to describe her besides "perfect". The light from the sun that cut through the trees seemingly lit her up and gave her a glow, as she was reposed next to him. Astra could feel his mind running marathons as he thought about her and all the things he'd like to do with her. Am I getting too ahead of myself? Does she even feel the same? The question weighed on him, but he wouldn't let that get in the way of this seemingly perfect day. Moments like this were few and far between in Astra's life, and he wanted to make sure that he savored every second of it. "Are you comfy? If you're not I could fix the blanket or something!" He felt embarrassed to be asking that question, but he wanted to make sure that she was comfortable and having a good time, even if their picnic just started. When she expressed that she'd be interested in what the basket has to offer, Astra began to dig around through the basket and list off some of the items that Ciela had provided. "Okay, so there's some good stuff in here. We've got: sandwiches, charcuterie, some strawberries dipped in chocolate, cookies, lemonade, rose, and more. I didn't realize Ciela would be going all out, she's the best." Astra smiled at the thought of Ciela helping put this together for him and Bliss, it was nice to have someone in your corner. "Anything you want, I've got you. It's all yours," he said with a thumbs up. When their eyes met again it almost felt like time had slowed down for him. The birds flying by seemed to be moving in slow motion, and the trees swayed lazily in the background. Strands of her hair and his lightly tousled in the breeze. Astra could hardly believe his luck. In fact, he was getting so excited that he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Instinctively he moved his hand from the basket to his chest, hand over heart. His heart troubles stopped plaguing him years ago, so it wasn't anything to be concerned about, just a reflex. It was amazing that just spending time with someone he liked had caused such a physical reaction for him. Was she even human? Was this a dream? Is it an elaborate prank being played on Astra, and soon a hidden camera crew would emerge with fingers pointed, laughing at the hopeless romantic young man? It was hard for Astra to be sure, but one thing he was sure of was that he didn't want the day to ever end. "I'm definitely down for some cloud watching, it's always been one of my favorite pastimes." Astra turned his gaze to the azure sky above, with the soft billowing clouds moving overhead. "When I was younger I would spend hours just staring out the window, or lying in the grass, just gazing at the sky. I always wondered if someone else was out there watching the same cloud, or taking in the same sky. Or if there were other worlds out there with the same sky." Normally it would've felt strange for Astra to start opening up more about his childhood, but he trusted Bliss. He wanted her to know the real him. "Bliss, thanks for doing this with me by the way. There's no one else I'd rather spend the day cloud watching with," he said looking back to her with a smile. Even if something were to happen to him tomorrow, and he was reduced to nothing but digital ash, he at least had his perfect day. That was enough for him. Link to post Share on other sites
Bliss 0 Posted January 12 #9 Share Posted January 12 As Bliss settled beside Astra on the soft picnic blanket, she felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. The crisp breeze, the serene lake, and the thoughtful setup brought back memories of simpler times she hadn't experienced in so long. “I-I’m very c-comfy. Thank y-you,” she said with a soft smile, her voice laced with gratitude. She bit her lip through the smile, her gaze shifting to Astra as he dug into the picnic basket. “Oh w-wow,” she remarked, her stutter momentarily fading as surprise took over. “That’s a lot o-of st-stuff. It’s a-amazing t-that it a-all fit in th-that l-little basket.” Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned slightly closer, watching him pull out various items. The abundance of choices momentarily overwhelmed her, and she took a moment to decide. “I-I think I-I’d like a s-sandwich. A-At least t-to start.” She beamed at the thought of enjoying Ciela’s carefully prepared food. Bliss always admired Ciela's talent and effort, but knowing it was all for this special moment made her heart swell with happiness. Her gaze softened as she looked at Astra, gratitude and warmth radiating from her. When their eyes met, Bliss noticed Astra’s hand move over his chest, and her heart skipped a beat with worry. She instinctively reached out, placing her hand gently on his. She turned slightly to face him, her blue eyes shimmering under the sunlight but now tinged with concern. “A-Astra, are y-you okay?” she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine care. She studied his face carefully, trying to discern if something was wrong. Bliss listened intently as he spoke about enjoying the peacefulness of moments like this. Her thoughts drifted to her own memories. “Me t-too,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. “W-When I w-would take b-breaks at my s-shop, I w-would go on t-the roof and j-just s-stare a-at the sky.” She paused, lost in a vivid memory of her auto shop. She recalled one particular day when work had been unusually light. With no cars left to repair, she had climbed onto the roof with a book in hand, intending to read for a while. Instead, she ended up lying on her back, watching the clouds drift by until the sun set and the stars began to twinkle through the night sky. The memory brought a soft smile to her lips. “I-It w-was one of m-my f-favorite p-places,” she added, her voice trailing off as she imagined what the stars might look like here, would they look the same? Bliss turned her attention back to Astra, her blush deepening as she continued, “I-If you th-think about it, w-we were a-always l-looking at the same sky, j-just in d-different parts o-of th-the world.” Her cheeks turned rosier, the idea of them possibly crossing paths in the real world before Aincrad filling her with an inexplicable sense of longing. Astra’s voice pulled her from her thoughts as he expressed his gratitude for her presence. Her heart fluttered at his words, and she met his gaze once more. “I-I f-feel the same w-way,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper but full of sincerity. “T-There’s n-no one else i-in Aincrad I-I’d rather s-spend my t-time with th-than you.” Her gaze lingered on him, captivated by the warmth and kindness that seemed to shine from his very being. His eyes, a stunning reflection of the azure sky above them, held her in place as if nothing else in the world mattered. Bliss felt her heart racing, but for once, she wasn’t nervous. Being here felt right. She could have stayed in this moment forever. Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted January 14 #10 Share Posted January 14 Astra sifted through the picnic basket and fished out two sandwiches, one for Bliss, and one for himself. He passed Bliss her sandwich before taking a small bite of his own. He couldn't help but remark on how delicious it was, but that was expected, because it was made by Ciela. "Oh wow, this is great! Ciela really outdid herself with this," he said with a smile. If there was one thing that could enhance a moment like this, it was good food. Delicious food and lovely company, what more could you really want? Initially he was a tad embarrassed when Bliss seemed concerned when he put his hand over his heart, but her soft hand on his waived away any sort of embarrassment. At this point it was just a remnant of his childhood health issues, but sometimes his heart felt like it would explode from his chest. Naturally he didn't want Bliss to be concerned or filled with worry, so his natural instinct was to downplay it a bit. Not to mention, he wasn't really sure he could just tell her that she made his heart feel like it would burst, because he was so enamored and excited. "Oh, yeah," he said with a small chuckle. "It's nothing, no need to worry. Just got a little worked up for a moment is all," he said to Bliss making sure to look into her eyes with a smile. Hopefully his words would ease her worry. The last thing he wanted on this excursion was for her to be concerned. He listened intently as she wistfully reminisced about gazing at the sky from her shop in the real world. Hearing that it was one of her favorite places made him more curious as to what she would do there, and why the place was so special to her. He wanted to make sure he knew all he could about her. "That sounds like a real special time. What would you do at your shop, if you don't mind me asking?" Sometimes people were hesitant to speak on their lives outside of Aincrad, Astra included at times, but with Bliss he felt like he could be open and truly share his whole self. He watched as she trailed off as she spoke, most likely imagining her favorite place and how the sky appeared there. There was a special sort of beauty she exuded when talking about something so dear to her, and it drew Astra in even more. He could watch and listen to her talk about what she was passionate about for a very, very, long time. "You'll have to show me what it's like where you're from, one day. Then we could compare!" Astra found himself melting in her presence when she said that he was who she wanted to spend her time with. He could hardly believe it, that someone like her thought that he was worth her precious time. In fact, he felt like he was hardly worth her time. It took everything in him to avoid following up with self deprecation, so instead he focused on how fierce and beautiful she was, just sitting there next to him. "Well, the good news for us is that we've got all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere any time soon, if that's okay with you." He focused his gaze on her eyes as he spoke, with his hand moving back towards hers and falling on it lightly. His fingers began to dance on top of her hand, and in between her other fingers, until eventually he rested it once more. Link to post Share on other sites
Bliss 0 Posted January 15 #11 Share Posted January 15 (edited) Bliss took a bite of the sandwich Astra had handed her, her eyes lighting up immediately. “Th-This is amazing!” she exclaimed between bites, her stutter softening in her excitement. “I agree, C-Ciela really o-outdid herself!” She savored each mouthful, enjoying the rich flavors and the care that had clearly gone into preparing it. By the time she finished, she wore a satisfied smile. “C-Could I have s-some lemonade?” she asked, her tone warm and grateful, her eyes meeting Astra’s as she waited for a drink. When Astra smiled and reassured her not to worry, Bliss felt her concerns ease, even if only slightly. “I-If y-you say s-so,” she replied softly, her voice tinged with lingering worry. “B-But p-please tell m-me if s-something i-is wrong.” She leaned in a little closer, her blue eyes searching his with earnest care. “I-I c-can’t s-stand the thought o-of y-you b-being hurt.” Her hand, which had been lightly resting on his, instinctively gripped his fingers a little tighter, as if to anchor her feelings. “I-If y-you say y-you’re o-okay… I-I’ll believe y-you,” she said, though the slight quiver in her voice revealed how deeply she meant it. When Astra asked about her work, Bliss’s face lit up with a mix of pride and nostalgia. She reached into her inventory and pulled out her unique weapon, a wrench accompanied by a set of ever elusive 10mm sockets. Holding it up, she smiled. “O-Oh, I-I don’t mind t-telling you! I-I’m a mechanic. I w-work on c-cars. M-Mostly older o-ones. Vintage u-usually.” Her words flowed more easily as she spoke about her passion. “I-I learned e-everything from m-my dad. H-He’d a-always tell m-me, ‘S-Serenity, make s-sure y-you d-do your best and m-make s-something o-of yourself. N-No matter what, I-I’ll a-always be p-proud o-of you.’” She mimicked his tone, a fond smile playing on her lips as she recalled the memory. However, her voice faltered slightly as she added, “O-Obviously, h-he didn’t s-stutter like I d-do.” A shadow passed over her expression, sadness clouding her blue eyes as she looked down at the wrench. She shook her head lightly, as if trying to dispel the melancholy, and her smile slowly returned as she met Astra’s gaze again. “I-I’d love t-to show you m-my shop s-someday,” she said, her voice softening with genuine warmth. “A-And the stars and c-clouds above it. I-I w-would love t-to meet y-you in r-real life.” As soon as the words left her mouth, a blush crept over her cheeks, deepening as she realized how vulnerable her admission was. Bliss’s mind wandered for a moment, considering how content she felt in Astra’s presence. The game’s stakes and their trapped reality seemed to fade into the background. She couldn’t quite pinpoint why, but Astra’s presence quieted the constant hum of anxiety in her mind. It felt like reconnecting with an old friend, a comforting flame reignited. “G-Good,” she murmured softly, her blush deepening. “I-I d-don’t want y-you to g-go anywhere.” Realizing how her words might sound, she quickly added, “I-I m-mean, unless y-you n-need to s-sleep! I-I w-wouldn’t k-keep y-you from th-that.” She mentally facepalmed, god, you're such a dummy. When Astra’s hand rested on hers, her heart skipped a beat. As his fingers danced on her hand before finally intertwining with hers, a warmth spread through her. She instinctively tightened her grip, as though she was afraid the moment might slip away. Her smaller hand seemed to fit perfectly in his, and even this simple touch made her feel inexplicably safe. She glanced up at him, her cheeks still flushed, and managed a soft smile. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of peace, as though the world, or at least Aincrad, had stilled just for them. Edited January 15 by Bliss Link to post Share on other sites
Astra 0 Posted January 18 #12 Share Posted January 18 "Of course you can," Astra replied to Bliss' lemonade request, as he sifted through the full picnic basket to find her drink. As he passed the lemonade over to her, he couldn't help but think about how it was such a heartwarming sight to see her enjoying the food and the picnic. A person like Bliss deserves moments like these, an escape from the fear and the stress that can come with daily life in Aincrad. The image of her just simply enjoying a sandwich while they talked was enough to let Astra know that this picnic was a great idea. Astra could tell that Bliss was still slightly concerned after he had placed his hand on his chest. Her voice gave away that even though she was being honest, and she did believe him, that there was still some worry. Still, he wanted to erase every shred of doubt from her mind. "I do say so," he said with a small laugh. "I promise I'd tell you the moment something was off. I hope you'd do the same for me!" He hoped his sincerity came through with his words, because it was true, if Bliss was ever hurt or feeling worried, he'd want to know as soon as possible. "To be honest, when I was younger I had some pretty troubling heart issues. I spent a lot of time as a kid in a children's hospital. It was pretty severe..." For a moment his voice trailed off as he thought about how his youth was mostly spent. "Everything should be fine now, and has been for a few years. I think sometimes when I get overexcited, or anxious, my heart just feels like it'll beat straight out of my chest." Astra made sure that he held her hand a little more firm. "You have nothing to worry about though, I'm all good. Just full of heart I guess," he said with a thumbs up on his free hand. When Bliss began recounting what she did for work, Astra could tell that it was something she was really passionate about. He loved how her face had lit up as she explained with pride what she loved to do. He listened intently as she explained her mechanic work, and couldn't help but smile while he did so. "Woah, you worked on vintage cars? That's amazing, did you have a favorite?" There was nothing but admiration in his voice when he spoke, as he knew how laborious it could be to work on cars, especially older ones. When she spoke about her dad and his words to her, he could tell that her voice was tinged with a bit of sadness. From what he could gather, there was a lot of history there. "Well you're certainly making something of yourself, that's for sure. He has every reason to be proud of you. You should be proud of you too." When Astra spoke he made sure that he gazed directly into her eyes. He wasn't exactly sure where her sadness was coming from, he could only infer, but he wanted to make sure she bounced back and was feeling built up. "I'll definitely visit your shop one day. You could show me your favorite cars, and then we could stargaze for awhile. Gives me something to look forward to in the future," he replied. It's true that being with Bliss and talking about meeting in the real world was giving him some hope. For a long time he had no idea if he would ever see the real world again, sometimes he even wondered if he wanted to. Now? He was sure. They were going to make it out together. It had taken Astra a moment to realize that his mind wasn't racing anymore. No longer did he feel anxious or afraid of how he was coming off to Bliss. He was just reveling in the moment, enjoying their conversation under the azure sky. It started to feel like they were the only two people there on the whole floor, surrounded by lightly swaying trees, the soft hum of birds, and the lethargic ripples of the water. With each word they both spoke he felt like they were becoming more connected and intertwined. After some time he finally had someone else to fight for, to give everything he had to. "Maybe we can just stay here for awhile. I don't even want to sleep if it means that I'd miss moments like this with you." Maybe he was being too forward with his feelings now, but he couldn't control the words that spilled out of his mouth. Today he felt something entirely new, and he wanted to chase that feeling to the ends of the world. Link to post Share on other sites
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