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[PP-F2] Breaking Which is Unbreakable (Crow & Prim)

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I smiled as I looked at her, "You see thats a funny story, as you can tell, I have violet colored hair, but that hasn't always been the case." "You see, I was born with a head full of light black hair, and it had a pink hue to it, as I grew older, it lite up at one point and then turned black, almost pitch black, but then at one point it was the color of a crow feathers." "Black with having a purple like hue to it, and as such people started calling me Crow Man or just Crow, and it stuck." "And as for this skill, my father taught me how to fight with my hands, and as such i want to get that ability back, and when I saw this quest I took it."

Crow said as he looked at Rose and smiled, "And to be clear, this isn't hair dye, this is my natural hair color, and I enjoy it, would like to have been born with my mothers golden blonde hair, but eh I can't complain." He said as he looked at Primrose once again and chuckled. "Anything else miss Rose, and I thank you, as I think I would like to meet this Rolland, you know I know of a Rolland back in Japan, he's kinda shy and we attended the same academy as well." "But I can't see him being here, he was kinda a guy who avoided people, as he was somewhat of a loner by standards." Crow said as he remembered his pal in the academy.

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That's interesting, so you really were a crow? I said but didn't expect him to answer me, I was literally just speaking my thoughts out loud. I picked up a long lock of my chestnut hair and held it in my hands. My hair isn't dyed either, I thought about dying it a different color but I was never brave enough! I said and laughed, letting go of my hair. I'm learning the skill so I can be well rounded with my fighting skills. Also, I don't think this is the Rolland your thinking of. Sure he can be what some might call "timid" sometimes but in my eyes he isn't a very shy person. He cares for me, I'm sure of it, so he couldn't really avoid me. We both want to protect each other...

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"Well my Rolland, was a popstar, he was shy around anyone other than his friends, but I guess he and I are the same." "Your Rolland may be different than the one I knew. He sound nothing like the one I know but the names pretty common if you ask me." "But enough of that so miss Rose, miss Im too afraid to dye my hair, shall we continue onward?" Crow said as he did a backflip and jumped into the air and landed with such grace, as he looked up and chuckled, "As the great saying goes Time waits for no man or woman in this case." He says as he begins walking again, keeping his mind focused on what is ahead.

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There was one word in his sentence that struck me, popstar. I knew that Rolland was in a popular band...could he be the Rolland that Crow was mentioning? Yes..enough. I said and stood up from my sitting position and stretched out my arms. I agree that time doesn't wait for anyone, learned that the hard way I guess. With a slight chuckle I walked on the right side of him towards the location of the smoke. So how exactly are we to obtain this skill?

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Crow looked over at Rose and smiled, "I have absolutely no clue at all." He said with an ethusiatic tone of voice as they walked along the path for a large amount of time and found a saw a small hut, along with that a older looking man. As he was dressed in what seemed to be a old Kung Fu outfit, "You must be the old man who teaches the Martial Art skill." "Well you know why Im here then, so where to then?" Crow said as the NPC spoke, "That is correct young one, i am the man who teaches you the ability to fight with your hands, and we shall learn it in my hut, follow me." The old man spoke as he brought Crow into the hut and a fold of straw came down and Crow sat there and listened."Now lesson one, you must use compassion, compassion os your strength...""

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