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(PP-F7) The Valkyrie (Ethereal)

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  • Rolled a 2 on the d4 dice.
  • Rolled a 3 on the d6 dice.
  • Rolled a 8 on the d8 dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
  • Rolled a 9 on the d20 (loot) dice.
Argumail 23/23
Ethereal  37/37
Argent 34/34
Cedar 20/20
Ethereal jumped forwards, smashing his greatsword solidly into the Valkyrie with a resounding THUD. The cracking of bones was heard and the winged lady retreated backwards through the air, preparing for another swoop.
3(Base) + 9(Skill) + 1(Equipment) + 1(Bleed(2turns)) = 14 DMG
Erothian Valkyrie 31/64
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