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[PP-F4] A Duel Between Light And Shadow

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Zero walked quietly through the snowy land of the fourth floor and headed for the nearby town. "This cold feels so real..." He whispered to himself and stopped at the edge of the town looking at his feet. "Everything feels so real, even my legs." He sighed tightening his hands into fists and began to stroll through the town aimlessly. "What do I do now... I don't even have anyone I can go to or anything..." Zero's eyes widened as a sudden thought ran through his brain and caused a spark of realization. "Well there's her, but I wouldn't even know where to look for her even if I was THAT desperate... Which I'm not of course, right?" He closed his eyes and faced the sky remaining quiet.

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Siren sat quietly in a diner having a drink, as she usually did, and causally looked out the window. 'Been a while since I've seen him let alone talked to him...' She sighed finishing her drink and stood up quietly walking out of the diner. Her skin was protected from by her trench coat which blended in with her surroundings due to it's snow white color. "Maybe I should go and look for hi-" She cut her self off spotting a familiar patch of white spiky hair, the same color tone as hers, and dashed toward it tackling Zero. "Little brother!" She somewhat squealed as they both fell into the snow and she remained on top of him. "I'm so happy to see you!"

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Zero looked at the woman on top of him and sighed hearing her voice. "Hey big sister..." He sounded rather happy yet sad and looked at her hood. "Mind taking that off? Kind of unfair you can see me clearly, but I can't see you." His hand slightly moved up and pulled the hood back letting her her face become fully visible. 'I guess this is better than being completely alone, but I hope she can try and control herself here at least....' He hoped she would be more appropriate, but knew that was too unlikely to happen.

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"Awww so you did miss me. Well I missed you too little brother." She giggled and smiled brushing her hair behind her ear. "I missed you a lot, so much in fact that I have to do this." She pecked his cheek and giggled sitting on his waist. "You've made me feel so lonely and worried inside that I can't help, but want to love and nurture you immensely right now." She gently pushed down on his arms so would not be able to stand up or push her away and smiled.

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Zero blushed at Siren's kiss and looked at her trying to stay serious. "S-stop sister, we're in public." He tried to slip his hands from her grip and sighed when he failed. "What do you want Siren? I can tell that you want to tell me something otherwise you wouldn't have held me down like this..." He looked into her eyes and waited quietly. 'I have a bad feeling about this... More than usual too..."

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Siren smiled when she heard Zero and giggled. "It's rather simple really," She gently lowered herself and laid her head on his chest whispering. "Marry me and be my knight of the shadows." She giggled letting go of him and hugged him tightly looking up at his eyes. "We can do a duel, if I win you marry and If you win I won't bother you anymore. How's that little brother?" She grinned knowing his answer already.

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I rounded the corner on the 4th floor, halting as I saw two familiar faces from boss battles.

But in a very awkward position.

Umm.... Awkwaaaard~....

You said it.

What's going on here?!

I have no clue....

Cleo and I sweatdropped.

Hey, um, what's going on here?

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Zero looked up at Aoife and blushed red as a cherry when he realized how his current position looked. "N-nothing's happening! It's not what it looks like!" He pushed Siren off quickly getting back up on his feet and sighed looking at the girl. 'I've seen her before...' His hair was moist and his clothes were wet from the snow causing him to feel cold. He was embarrassed and frustrated because Aoife had seen him in a compromising position and there was no way of explaining it without it getting more awkward. "P-please forget you saw that..." He spoke nervously and looked at Siren. "Also I accept your challenge big sister."

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Siren smirked standing up from the snow and patted the snow off her clothes. "All right little brother you're on." She looked at Aoife and smiled. "Hello there I do hope you'll stay and watch me beat my little brother, thus securing me as his bride."

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Zero looked at Aoife and scratched his head. "Well if I win Siren has to leave me alone for a while, but if she wins I have to marry her." He glanced at Siren and brought up his menu sending a duel invite to her. "It'll be an even match, first to yellow looses. The system will even our healthy accordingly." He drew out his practical one handed sword he had used since the beginning and looked at Siren with a serious stare. "Ready when you are big sister."

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Siren grinned as she received the challenge notice and accepted. She quickly drew her Anneal Blade and looked at Aoife. "Might want to stand back." She giggled and looked back at Zero licking her lips. "Get ready little brother, my blade is itching for me to win."

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Cleo and I exchanged a look.

Turning around, I walked back over to the nearest building and scaled a trellis with dead flowers.

I sat on the roof, my legs dangling off the edge and Cleo sitting next to me.

And, now it begins.


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Zero held his swords hilt tightly and raised it over his shoulder as a counter appeared in the sky counting down. "Better get ready big sister because I'm not loosing to you." He looked at Siren's eyes with determination in his eyes and began to breathe slowly raising his free hand in the form of a fist aiming in Siren's direction.

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"Give me all you've got little brother." Siren grinned and took the same position. "Because I'm not loosing, I'm going to tear you apart with my claws and then nurture you back to health." Her breath, like Zero's, began to slow down as she looked into his eyes with nothing but the intent to take him down.

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They're gonna faint if they quit breathing, they do know that, right?

Yeah, I think so. Or, they should at least.

The wind kicked up blowing snow around.

Cleo and I looked up at the grey sky.

Oh, I hope it doesn't snow.


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Zero's heart began to slow down as he closed his eyes and waited for counter to reach zero. "I can't lose..." He slowly opened his eyes as the counter reached zero and dashed at Siren swinging his sword over his shoulder aiming for her chest. "Guess those 'clouds' your so proud of aren't so beneficial for you this time big sister!" His eyes widened as he missed and realized he'd left himself wide open. 'Oh no...'

10/10 HP

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Siren grinned moving around Zero and slashing her sword down on him. "Too cocky little brother! Also you better appreciate your future wife's body!" She struck his chest and smiled jumping back. "If you do I'll be nice and give you anything you like." She giggled and waited patiently.

10/10 HP

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Zero placed his hand on the wound and sighed. 'Let myself get in over my head and now she's got an advantage over me..." He quickly dashed toward Siren holding his sword up and thrusted it at her. "How's this for cocky!" He grinned as he struck her shoulder and hopped back.

9/10 HP

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