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Ricky Moxley, The Resolute Heart

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«Ricky Moxley» The Resolute Heart

» Username: Ricky Moxley
» Real name: Geoffrey 'Ricky' Moxley
» Age:17
» Gender: Male
» Height: 5'11"

» About:

-(History) Geoffrey lived a normal life for a teenage gamer. He played video games, went to school, hung out with a gaming group to play table-top rpgs, and even tried to write a few RPs of his own. Being a major fan of story-driven roleplaying games, Geoffrey jumped on the chance to play Sword Art Online and see what it was like to have a first-person perspective on being the adventurer in such a world... though what he got was much more than he could have ever expected.


-(Personality) Geoffrey is a whimsical and carefree teen that loves a good joke or a fun game. He is talkative to friends, but is extremely reserved near strangers. While coming off as absent-minded, Ricky is extremely focused on the matters around him. He also cares deeply about friends, and is almost always willing to lend a hand.

» Virtues:
Loyalty. Ricky would not turn his back on a group that shares his set of morals, and would instead give everything he had at improving the supplies of the friends. He is not going to abandon those that he has made friends with, and even forgives someone if they were falsely accused of a crime that they never committed.

Patient. Geoffrey learned to wait a very long time in his upbringing. He locked himself out of the house several times before he had a phone, resulting in him having to wait while his parents returned hours later. In terms of SAO, this means that Ricky is willing to put up with exceedingly long wait times for preparation, and is not in any real hurry for getting out of the virtual world.

Modesty. Ricky is very humble in that he does not brag about his life, skills, or talents. He is also linked to the other definition in that he always wears long clothing or a jacket, though he plays off the discomforting feeling as just being cold. He does shy away from that aren't modest, but typically tries voicing his opinion in the hopes of fixing the problem.

» Flaws:
Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Naive. Ricky can prove to be rather limited in how much he knows about what is the truth of the world, due to his nature of being inside a house all day before he was whisked into the world of Sword Art Online. He has a hard time coming to terms with the extreme evil that some people can harbor, and tries more than anything to see the good in people.

Soft-Hearted. Ricky tries to be a selfless person that takes care of the innocent, even if they are only an NPC at times. He will lend out supplies and money that he doesn't need to a less fortunate person, or a charitable cause. He frequently gets sidetracked in helping out others that he might forget about his own needs, or what needs to be done in a greater purpose. This can get in conflict with his naivety and cause him a few problems.

Timid. Ricky's timid nature is a result of his life spent indoors, and a fear of social embarrassment in largely crowded areas. He will typically not say anything unless absolutely required to, and even then will leave a response in the form of a signal. He relies heavily on body language to communicate when he realizes that verbal interaction is not going to work. The only problem is that he naturally moves around and can confuse people easily in what he is trying to indicate at times.

Profession: (I'll update this when I think of it)




Weapon skills:
»One-Handed Straight Sword: Rank 1 (Adds 1 damage when using a Straight Sword.)


»Beginner's Pack
-Basic Longsword (Equipped)

-Cloth Clothing (Equipped)

-10  Bread

-15 Water

» None yet
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)
» None yet

Story Thus Far (optional)
» None Yet (I'll be updating this one over time)

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