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Sasa Yakaze's journal

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«Sasa Yakaze» 



» Username: Sayakaze

» Real name: Sasa Yakaze

» Age: 19

» Gender: Male

» Height: 1,76 M

» Looks:

Sasa is a "normal" sized guy at 19 years old. He has white hair which is medium/short length. he has a rather fit body due to all the laboring he have done in his life cause of poverty, not cause of actual training of some sort, so not fit in that kind of way. He also have light blue eyes.


» About:


Sasa grew up in a poor district, with a poor family. In his family there were 3 members, himself, his mother and also his dad. Growing up in poverty is something which isn't an easy task. Even though he has a rough life with this, he consider himself to be lucky as this also gained him some good treats which most people forget about in their daily life.


As sasa were poor he could never afford any sort of education thuss leading him to a disadvantage in social events that happend from times to times, this caused Sasa to avoid people at first as he didn't wanted to be considered as dumb.


After he got abit older, his father got sick with something they couldn't afford to treat, and this eventually lead to his fathers death. His fathers death were more than just grief and sorrow from the death itself, it led that Sasa had to work harder, and get a proper job with a real salary to help his mother in keeping their house they lived in.


Due to this Sasa never got to experience the childhood that most kids due, which is playing with each other and going to school and such, he consider this to be a privilege and this can also cause anger in him for people that do not appreciate what they have gotten.


After a while of working, his mother had saved up for the so called "nervegear" which she later gave Sasa as a pressent, and this was the first present he had never




» Virtues:




Everyone has though times, and bad days. There is always someone who have it worse to you. May it be just for a day, or for an eternity, it doesn't matter. Sasas mother always persuade that the way of being happy is to see other people happy, and wanted always to help people in her surroundings.


Giving away your own food for someone more hungry than you is something that sasa has done countless times and this is nothing he regrets as seing the joy and happiness on someones eyes due to your action is so satisfying and gives strength to carry on with helping people.


Sasa never wan't to see anyone suffering, as it rips him apart.




The meaning of life is fulfilling what you want out of life. What sasa means by this is that reaching your goals if the key to happiness and the key of fulfilling the meaning of your life. The meaning of life is what you decide it to be.


As sasa believe in this, he always strive to improve and to reach his goals no matter what the obstacle might be.


"Better die trying, as if i don't even try, i can just give up on life" is something his father told sasa before he passed away, and this is something that sasa always will carry with him.




Need someone to trust, someone who won't let down their promises, well the Sasa is your guy. Altough he may not always give out promises to anyone and at all times but when he do so, he will not let that down. Letting people down is something Sasa don't wanna do, since causing someone pain when he could have done something against it goes against his moral standards.


Sasa always follows his own moral and won't go against his own beliefs, but aslong as people respect that and treat him in the way anyone should be treated, they can be sure that they can always trust him.


» Flaws:




Growing up, sasa and his family were poor, and it did not help that his father got sick also, Due to the fact that they were very poor, Sasa never got a proper education, with that being said, he can't read nor write especially good.


And this was at an early stage of his life, where the other kids had just started to read and write properly, but if that wasn't enough, his father died in the disease which forced Sasa into early life of working to earn money for his family, which was only his mother now.


This is not only a handicap for Sasa as alot of the game revolves around being able to read, it's also a hit to his self-esteem. This is one of the few things that actually make sasa have secound thoughts about himself.





Most of the times when you're planning to do something, fight something or just casually speak to someone, a good thing to do beforehand is to think through your action. Well this is a skill that sasa has never acquired. Putting himself into danger due to not thinking through his action has happened more than once, and it has also causes him trouble in real life with friends and people in his surroundings.


Being reckless can from times to times be a good thing, as you make decisions really fast, and get to action before most people even considered doing what you're about to do. This was something that naturally came of being poor, and it was important to don't hesitate when an opportunity is given.


Hopefully that opportunity is a good one, and wont cause any trouble as sasa haven't thought through what might happen.





One of the most important things to succeed with the goal that you wanna reach, is to have the right mindset, at least that's what Sasa always have believed in. Due to the poor living condition he had, it has been an important trait to have for him to not go insane of feel pity for himself, one of the things that this might cause is disturbance around people, and often discerning the reality into something better than it might actually be, which could put him or others in danger due to not seeing the important part of something.


But well, i guess there's always something bad withing something good, and the other way around if you so would like. Oh look, a cup half filled with water, how nice!














Weapon skills:

»One-Handed Straight Sword: Rank 1

5 Ranks
The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed longsword-like swords. (Example: Arming sword, Longsword)





» Starting sword and a (cosmetic) Shield.




» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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