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[PP-F1] I Tsun-dare You (Rin, Celes)

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Tristan yawned as he wandered the starter city aimlessly. As a Guardian of Aincrad and due to his personal own moral code, he felt an obligation to help people. Heck, it was that way that he met his brothers in arms Celes, though it was more her approaching him. He was reminded of her hurricane of emotions she was, which she has since only done twice.

His Devastator spear and shield were holstered on his back with with his jet black armour on (Appearance of equipment in signature), looking around. He hoped he didn't intimidate any new people because of his powerful equipment, which he did have to admit looked rather flashy in their own ways. The city itself was not that busy, filled with either newer players or players that preferred the safety the Tower of Beginnings offered.

"I wonder if anything interesting will happen today..."

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Rin had been prowling the streets of the starter city for the past few hours, looking for some form of excitement. Ever since she was first trapped in Sword Art Online she had been alone, she had no one to travel with or speak two. However she could barely complain, this was mainly down to her being pretty rude to everyone she met. Sighing she continued to roam the various streets, when an idea popped into her head- she should follow someone! This is a great idea, she thought, by following someone else around I will learn some more techniques and possibly cure some of my boredom!

Rin looked around her for anyone who looked like they might live an interesting life here in Sword Art Online. A man certain man walking past caught her eye, he was clad in jet black armour with a shield and shear holstered to his back. He had red hair which meant he was rather easy to spot among the few people wondering about. Rin pushed her long black hair back out of her face then began to follow the random guy.

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Tristan chuckled. "Like anyone who stays in this town has a chance against me, in a safe zone no less. They would have to start a duel with me for that to happen and I'm not one to throw my life away fighting higher levels, unless its a half hp duel or the like."

He smiled with her presence there, something he was much familiar to at this rate. "Not much really. I'm a bit bored and am just wandering the town. I can't help but have this itch of a feeling I'm being watched, but I'm probably just being paranoid. What about you though?"

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She looked around him, using his as a pivot point to look around. She noticed someone in the background, they seemed to be looking around. She turned back to her brother " It seems you were right, there seems to be someone over there" she whispered to him. She stepped back a moment and said, " by the way, you haven't complimented my new glaive, what do you think?!" She said with a wink, making sure to keep here eye on the person watching them.

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Tristan decided to not make much of being followed, waiting for them to see if they broke off or approached them first. For now instead he regarded Celes' glaive, something suitable for a high ranking monarch and ready to cut through any who challenged its reign. "Suitable for a Queen, with the ferocity of one too with the look of that blade. I can only hope I don't have to meet it except for our fight in the Clash of Blades. Well at least we will be on more even footing due to having the Devastator." He chuckled, thinking on how that was something in the horizon for them to accomplish.

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Rin watched as another player approached the man she was watching, they clearly knew each other as they hugged just before the new arrival sat down on the grass near him. Rin was not that interested in their conversation, they seemed to be speaking about someone dueling the two of them- and this was something Rin was not planning on doing. Her eyes widened as she heard the male say he felt like he was being watched, Rin was so shocked she somehow managed to trip over her own feet. How did he realise? She was pretty sure she had remained quiet up until this moment.

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Tristan chuckled at the sound of tripping by a player following them, clearly stumbled. He turned 180 degrees around to face them, offering a hand up for them. "You know, I prefer when people approach me directly than follow me like someone who has a crush on me. Would also make me feel far more comfortable, or I'll start thinking I smell badly or something."

He regarded the girl. She was reasonably small, but that may be just because of his size. Otherwise they looked like a standard younger girl as most did. Then again, Tristan wasn't much for judging based on appearance.

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Rin stared at the player offering her a hand- which she ignored at stood up by herself- "Hmph, I can get up myself" She mumbled, embarrassed that she had been caught and had fallen over. "Eww!" Rin blushed slightly, having never been accused of having a crush on someone before "I do NOT have a crush on you baka! I bet you do smell bad, but I don't want to get close enough to find out." She took a step back to emphasize her point.

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Tristan could only laugh at her flustered state and his brothers jesting. He patted Celes on the back and looked towards the girl again. "Gosh you remind me of Kiru, though her sarcasm is generally more sophisticated. Well anyhow, my name is Tristan and this is my brothers in arms Celes, someone who I would go through hell to protect. What may your name be?"

He gave a gentle smile, any aggravation of sorts by Rin flying completely over his head, as was typical of him. Plus he was right, he was used to Kiru and him having verbal jousting when they spoke with each other.

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Celes laughed heartily, and looked at Tristan " looks like this one is aaaall yours!" She looked back at rin, taking a moment to look her over, " I'm only joking, im Celes, and this is my brother Tristan. And you are?" She said warmly, She didn't seem all that threatening, she didn't even seem to be wearing armour of any sort, just a glaive in hand"

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"What are you laughing at!" Rin demanded as the one named Tristan spoke, "And I'll have you know I am very sophisticated, you're lucky I am even bothering to waste my precious time on speaking to boring players like yourselves, hmph." Rin found it harder to be rude to Celes for the girl didnt seem to threaten her in anyway and spoke in a warm and friendly tone. "Rin," She sighed.

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"We are lucky to get to meet you rin, are you.... A sword user? A mace perhaps? I use a glaive, and I am a high damage dealer. My brother here is a tank, he absorbs damage which allows me to attack. What kind of a player are you?" She said smiling. This girl was probably intimidated by her armour clad brother, it was best to wait and see what was going on.

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Tristan raised an eyebrow. Well he was well familiar with sass too, though this was got top notch. Again though, the negativity completely flew over his head as was typical of him, chuckling slightly at her statement. He quirked an eyebrow with his jest "Boring enough to be followed eh?"

He chuckled and heard Tristan speak explaining them "Yup, I'm pretty much a brick wall with spikes that is on fire, so you'd have more luck hurting yourself than me if you attack me. She on the other hand does far more damage than me. Well, depends entirely on your playstyle though."

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"What do you mean! I was NOT following you at all!" Rin blushed again and glared at Tristan as he chuckled, "Stop it." She disliked being put on the spot but in a situation like this she figured it was kind of necessary. Rin hadnt put as much thought into her fightin style as Tristan and Celes seemed to have done so her answer was not that complex, "Well... I am by myself so I just do whatever is needed in battle, I prefer to be more offensive I guess..."

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Tristan gave a gentle smile and walked to where she stood, completely ignoring her rejection of following them, even if the blush said otherwise. He put an arm around her shoulders in friendliness and pointed at Celes. "Well she is the one to talk to for being offensive then, I more just sit there and let my shield block attacks. She does nearly double mine and from what I gather, soon near exact double mine."

He looked at Celes, who really could deal some nasty damage with that glaive, plus being close to finish her road to mastery with the weapon which she had boasted about in the past much to his amusement.

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"W-What do you think you're doing!?" Demanded Rin as Tristen put an arm around her shoulders, "G-get off of me you creep!" Rin pushed his arm away and jumped to the side, slightly flustered. "I never said you could do that, dont touch me!" Rins cheeks were red now with embarrassment, it must have been obvious she had not interacted with other players for a long time.

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