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(OP-F2) Looking For Something

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Celes smiled. "Ah well if thats the case, then, i'm sorry I'll happily stand aside." She smiled. She didnt look like a typical high level player. In fact her dress looked like a lower level player. She wore a simple black shirt and a blue coat. she held a decorated golden Glaive. But that was the only noticeable thing. She leaned casually against the tree she had just jumped down, and looked at the other players. "so why the fight guys?" she asked curiously. Still keeping an eye on her surroundings...


"But if youd like then sure, a half HP battle would be lovely" She said with a smile to Davros

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Davros decided that she must not have been there at the start when hed basically challenged everyone that was there. "I was looking for a break so I challenged him to a fight. Ive been doing a lot of grinding lately and I wanted to do something fun." The duel request was still up from before, so he went ahead and hit the accept button. He raised his sword as the timer started to count down. "Cheer me on guys!" He was determined to have fun losing.

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Sousuke began to puff on his cigarette as Davros accepted the dual against the woman who was definitely higher leveled than him. "Go get em kid." He called with a mock salute. This day started of pretty boring that's for sure but had gotten a lot more intresting. Looking the woman's stance she knew her way around that glaive Davros was in for a tough fight.

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Celes smiled, and readied her Glaive "I'll let you have the First hit"  she said, a gleam in her eye. "Alright boy, try and hit me!" she said laughing. (Evasion: -3 to BD) 


Total Stats:

DMG: 10 | DM:+4 | ACC:+2 | EVA +3
Thorn +1 | Charge +1 
HP 47/47
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(… :o !!!!)

BD: 8 (Cloak of Accuracy: +1)


The timer hit 0, and Davros ran farward, stabbing with his bladd. He successfully hit her in the shoulder and backed off quickly. He knew it would take all his ability to win this. He only hoped she didnt do 13damage or more. Otherwise he would die with a single hit.

Davros: 13/15

Celesmeh: 45/47

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Celes Smiled, "My turn" (4134, 6+2 ACC=8+1 disguise= 9) In an instant she sprung forward and shimmered. Suddenly it wasnt Celes attacking him. It was a perfect copy of Davros. The other davros swung and sliced into him (DMG 10). he jumped back and Shimmered. It was Celes again, she stood there smiling. "All done. how was that Davros?" she said with a happy grin. 

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Davros stood there for a second, the red line where he had been slashed shimmering. He wasn't quite sure what had happened. One second he had been standing defensively and the next she turned into a copy of him and then the duel was over. He hadn't even the seen the attack. He must have blinked... "That was really impressive... And fun. But now I feel like I need to go work at leveling up again... And I've been doing this for a while now and I'm still using my starter weapon... I feel inadequate now..." Still , he smiled as he sheathed his sword and stepped back. His health was critically low, so it looked like he wouldn't be fighting anytime soon. He'd need to wait until it had recovered. "That was a pretty cool trick by the way." He glanced over at Sousuke to see what he thought.

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Sousuke watched as he saw the woman sort of disappear and a copy of davros attack him and take him down in one swift motion. The hardly seemed fair with the buffs she had on however at least davros got a chance at attacking her with was good. ''That trick was hardly fair if I say so myself he didn't have a chance to defend himself as for you kid you need to keep your guard up dropping it like you did could have cost you your life.'' he said puffing on his cigarette

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Celes laughed "I knew he didnt, i challenged you both, not just him. But he decided to challenge me. Plus i showed you something nice. A bit of information, theres a quest you can find, gives you a skill, disguise. I didnt need it, I used it for show, but its handy, for sure. confuses your enemy. not just that, I didnt need to even use a buffed weapon to hit him and win. Without my weapon i hit for 7 damage, he would have been done without my glaive. I'm sorry it seemed unfair, but it seemed like a good time to teach you two. Theres two extra skills you need. Survival and disguise. You get those youll be stronger." she said with a grin.

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Sousuke thought about her words for a moment mulling them over in his mind. So his own survival skills were useless here without the correct skill it seemed and that disguise skill would allow espionage to be carried out much easier he thought. "What are these quests called." He asked intruiged

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"I had my guard up Sousuke! She breezed right through it!" He grinned and turned to her, about to ask what the quest was called as well. Sousuke beat him to it though, so he just waited for an answer. Disguise didn't seem like something he would be all that interested, but survival... That sounded pretty cool even though he wasn't quite sure what it did just yet. He glanced around, wondering how long it took health to regenerate. Apparently a very long time. He was in some emotional turmoil on the inside. Part of him was saying to give up, and that he'd never catch up to the lead players. The other part of him was going all hero worship and aspiring to be awesome as well. Eventually the hero worship won out, and he vowed to someday get stronger than this woman. Then he'd challenge her again and win.

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Celes smiled, "the quests are the traveler and the Gemini. You need to fight a copy of yourself, in one, and in the other you need to prove you can survive. Good luck to you both, you know. I hope you win. Go, oh and souske, I didn't use a trick. I just fight good. Come fight me, whenever you want." She said with a smile.

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Sousuke nodded in approval when she told them about the quests. It seems like it would be a good idea to take on these quests at some point he thought. He took a drag of his cigarette and stood up. It looks like it is time for him to get to taking some quests. ''Right well I guess ill take some quests then oh and when my numbers are higher ill take you on but for now I must decline your offer.'' he said. In the real world he wouldn't even break a sweat in a hand to hand combat match against her but here he was limiting to stats and what not

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