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Locked Doors (Lessa) [PP-F8] [Complete]

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Zelrius swung his flaming sword one last time on a Monkey like thing. It disperesed into a million little blue crystals. He swung the sword down looked around. All around him the white air cooled him off. Zelrius looked to his sword and realized the mist actually kept making steam as the wet air touched his twinfire sword. Of course the flame was eternal and never even fluttered at the cold air around touching it. He smirked at looked around the area. All the monsters were decimated in his area and the only thing that was left was his breathing and the infinitely tall trees that stretched up and up. The blue and red glow of his sword illuminated his area like a torch in a dark cave. Though he couldn't see more then a few feet infront of him, People and things could certainly see the flickering fire light from a bit away.

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The rain came without warning. In a split second, the sun slid behind a large rain cloud, cloaking the floor in darkness. The temperature plummeted, and a thick fog rolled in. Then came the rain, fat drops that struck Lessa mercilessly. The girl loved the rain, and preferred it to sun on most days. But this storm was fierce, and the wind that screamed from all around signified it would only grow more severe. Without wasting any time, the girl moved into a jog, blue orbs sweeping the path for any sort of shelter. Luckily, a cave sat only a few hundred meters down the path. Already sopping wet, the blonde threw herself under the rocky overhang, and into the dark emptiness.


Though she realized, as her eyes adjusted to the blackness, that the darkness was not complete. From deeper inside the cave, she could make out a faint glow. The pink swordswoman was completely unfamiliar with the eighth floor, so she felt fear flare up in the pit of her stomach. Did she accidentally stumble into the arms of some great beast? "Hello?" Lessa called out, slowly drawing her own sword. If it was another player, she wanted to alert them to her presence.

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Zelrius heard the rain. He was glad for it, It would drive out annoyances. Zelrius let out a sigh of relief, more then happy to get away from players. The inferior entities known as his peers just aggravated him. That was when Zelrius heard the footsteps. He Looked to the entrance, and then the voice came. Pointing the blue and red flame toward the direction of the sound, Zelrius's voice echoed. Not with his usual arrogance but this time with the sound of an animal guarding its territory. In which case, This was his current place of residence, and he would gladly cut down anyone or anything whom dare trespass his vicinity. "Come another step closer and I'll burn you to a crisp faster then the rain had just suddenly come." He stared intently toward the entrance, some part of him hoping this person would step closer, for once he had hoped someone would stand up to him.

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Blue eyes widened as a voice drifted back from the darkness. It was strangely familiar, yet she could not place it. What was clear, however, was the tone. His words were sharp, and it was clear that the threat was not an empty one. Slowly, she drew her own blade. The heavy claymore cast soft light in the dark place, and she held it in front of her as she took another slow step forward. "Listen," she called out, striving to keep her voice low and even. "I'm not trying to start anything. I was just trying to get out of the rain." She gripped the large hilt tighter with both hands. "I'll leave if you'd like me to. But I am not a threat."

She slowed to a halt, only a few steps closer to the voice than she had been before. If he planned to make good on his threat, which the blonde figured he did, it may be dangerous to move any closer. Even with her peace offering, he may choose to snap on her. I have to be careful, Lessa thought to herself. She had no idea who she was dealing with, and therefore, she could not predict his next move.

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Zelrius stepped closer to the voice. Once more some part of him screamed to let it stay. When the sound came again, Zelrius could recognize it as a feminine. Zelrius listened to what it had to say. Whatever it was, Zelrius took another step to investigate. As the click of his boots echoed throughout the cave, The blonde's own blue eyes could see that of a woman. One that was strangely familiar to him. That only increased his hate and want to rid of her. People and things, especially ones he remembered but couldn't place a name on annoyed him more then most anything. That was because they clearly weren't that important to remember the name or identification of. Still, The Blood Buccaneer stood, His Twinfire sword in its swirl of blue and red flame, Pointing at her. His eyes fixated on her, In them the set to kill her just as easily as any mob, but at the same time in his expression read his hope that it would not come down to battle. However, as he thought through many things, Zelrius remembered his orange Cursor, which was often the signal that sent people sprinting the other way, or at him with a sword.

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Though she had halted, the figure moved steadily closer. Squinting through the darkness, Lessa did her best to identify the young man. He was now close enough that his orange curser was visible, and the blonde found that incredibly unsettling. Here she was, trapped in a cave with a player who had already threatened her life once. Now, she realized that there was a strong likelihood of him actually killing her. Lessa lifted Hell Rose a bit higher, the weapon in its ready position in case the strange man decided to take action after all.

At the same time, she dragged the sole of her boot across the cave's pebble-covered floor as she took a single step backward. If he wanted her to leave, she would. The only thing keeping her there was the rain, and she would not mind getting soaked if it meant living another day. This skirmish simply was not worth it to her.

But then the mysterious player lifted his own weapon higher. The light cast by the marvelous blue and red flames lit his face, and Lessa let forth a small gasp as the realization washed over her.

"Zelrius?" The woman asked the man in the darkness. "Its me, Lessa. You've visited my shop a few times?"

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Zelrius slightly lowered his sword so that it was now pointing at the stomach area. She knew his name, That much let off some of his annoyance. It wasn't some random player, and when she mentioned him visiting her store, The Blood Buccaneer recognized her. The owner of the shop that matched her own assortment of gear, much pink. A little too much for the boy's tastes but that was the least of his cares. He sighed and sheathed his sword. But kept his hand on the handle, ready to draw at any moment. That's when a thought came to him. Taking his hand off the handle of his blade, Zelrius drew out a potion in which Celes had made him, he held it out. "If you try anything funny, All I have to do is open this and splash it on you and you will be unable to move. Makes for an easy kill." With that, He eased up a bit, Knowing that this woman would probably not make a move if it meant she could live. "Now that we've come to terms, I suppose I've been rude up to this point," Zelrius stopped, cleared his throat and fixed his bowtie. The next time he spoke, it was with the usual arrogance and narcissism as he usually had. "Salutations and Greetings, I am Zelrius, Blood Buccaneer, Level Thirty-Three."

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As he voiced his second threat, Lessa extended a single hand, gesturing for him to settle down. "Whoa, alright, take it easy," she told him slowly, as if talking a man back from a ledge. As much as the thought of putting away her weapon turned her stomach, she did so. Zelrius had sheathed his own blade, and it seemed he would expect her to do the same. Besides, the powerful potion that he carried was extra incentive to do as he commanded.

Thankfully, after he finished laying down the house rules, he lightened up a bit. The transformation that he underwent was actually quite fascinating. Before her eyes, a territorial player who threw hurried threats into the darkness became the notorious Zelrius, a conceited, self-righteous ass.

Her words had slipped from her lips before she had time to consider the consequences. "You really do have arrogance down to a science," she quipped, slowly crossing her arms against her chest. Then, "Lessa, the Wild Rose, level seventeen. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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Zelrius smirked at the woman's first comment. It was the said things like that that made Zelrius a little happy. He was known, more then anything, for his arrogance. Though it wasn't just ye olde average 'MLG Pro' Arrogance, No this was easily backed up by gear and level. Being the analytical type he is, Zelrius listened closely to her level and name. Then responded to her final remark with the same exact phrase "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, asell." Zelrius stopped and examined the area, Though it was dark all around him, He could tell that there was no more other entities in the area. He had slain them all grinding for level. This made him question Lessa's motives for being in the area. With his usual way of speaking, Zelrius asked sarcastically: "What buisness does the always busy Lessa have about on Floor 8, Might I ask?"

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"Business?" The woman repeated. "Nothing at all." There was a pause, and the pair were plunged back into the silence as heavy as the dark that surrounded them. Finally, she spoke again. "Do you want the truth?" Without waiting to hear his answer, she told him the truth. "I'm hiding," she admitted. With a humorless laugh, she continued. "I've been spending a lot of time with other people. I just need a bit of time to myself, I suppose. And the eighth floor always seems so empty. It seemed the perfect place to just..." her voice trailed as she searched for the correct word. "Wander."

"So I assure you," the blonde added, giving him a small smile, "I did not mean to impose. I truly was just hiding from the rain." A crack of thunder overhead suggested the worst of the storm had finally arrived. Yet, she told him, "but should you ask it of me, I will still leave. I'm not looking for trouble." Softer, "I never am."

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Zelrius listened to her reasoning for being in the region. He nodded solemnly. The boy understood, for he himself wasn't nesscarily hiding, But more or less avoiding. "Aye, I understand. I often get annoyed with people and need time away. I am not usally an introvert bu-" Zelrius stopped himself mid way through his sentence. During that little spout of dialouge his voice had changed, to something more human then usual. That was the mistake. He had made this mistake of explaining himself to someone. Clearing his throat, Zelrius once more spoke in his arrogant Tone. "Very well, I take pity on you. I will not force you to leave this dank, cold, wet cave." Opening his inventory, Zelrius put the potion away and turned from her, Looking into the darkness, now deep in thought, letting the silence regroup.

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The faintest hints of a smile flickered across Lessa's lips before dying away once more. For a moment, the man had let his guard down. She had caught a glimpse of the real Zelrius, or at least the player behind the name. Briefly, she wondered how many others had been so fortunate.

"I know what you mean," she commented, completely ignoring the words he had spoken in his usual, pompous voice. She spoke to the Zerlrius who had slipped past the man's sturdy walls. "I'm not introvert. Hell, I'm about as far from introverted as a person can get." Her arms uncrossed, and her hands moved to her tangled mass of hair. Scooping up the sopping mess, and draping it over one shoulder, she went to work wringing out the blonde locks. Her wet skin shimmered in the light of the player killer's Twinfire Sword, and she felt the first traces of a chill creeping in.

"But occasionally, I need some time alone. Time by myself. Time to think." Blue eyes rose to meet his, and she tilted her head slightly. "I'm sure you understand."

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Zelrius let out a grunt. Sure he understood, People were better then no people and he'd much rather have someone around, but as of right now, He didn't know or feel comfortable with someone as to consistently adventure with. Zelrius actually corrected himself in that thought, He knew Clarence well enough, and had enjoyed being in his company, but as of late couldn't find his friend of old. So again, Yes he understood the want to get away from people, But wouldn't admit it in words. The Blood Buccaneer had already faultered once, though he wasn't sure why he let up so easily. His arrogant smile disappeared into the lines and wrinkles of thought on his face, and he only intently gazed at his surroundings. Something was different about today, he could feel it, But Zelrius couldn't quite place his mind on what it was that made it feel so new.

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Lessa watched his face intently, curious to see if her words had any affect on him. Though she would never tell Zelrius, she had heard only bad things about this Blood Buccaneer. Other players had called him crazed, due to his tendency to put out impossibly high bounties on other players. That fact had never sat well with Lessa, especially in the beginning. However, much had changed over the past couple of months. She had watched someone she cared deeply for take another player's life, donning that player killer title that had once made them both so sick. He had had his reasons, and perhaps Zel had his as well. Though it had hardly seemed possible, the ever trusting Lessa had only become more accepting of the strangers around her after the golden-eyed swordsman's death.

Before her eyes, Zelrius' face twisted from an arrogant sneer to a pensive frown. She had expected some sort of reaction, but this particular transformation surprised her. "Are you alright?" She asked him gently.

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He contorted back into displeasure, annoyed at what she had just asked "Yes, I am completely fine. I do not need some low leveled woman worrying about me. more specifically, One I had just met. Worry about yourself." Zelrius whispered a God Damn to himself. He glanced toward the outside, It was still raining, meaning he was stuck with her still Letting out a sigh, the boy ran a hair through his own blonde hair and looked back to Lessa. In utter Boredom, Zelrius decided it would be best to atleast get to know someone new. Atleast that way today wouldn't be a complete waste of time. "As we've already established our names and levels, What do you say we talk about other things, My choice of Topic: The Hydra of Floor 9."

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Much to her dismay, Zelrius the arrogant returned to the cave. The man's face hardened, lips twisting into a sneer as he told her what he thought of her. And as he swore under his breath, Lessa merely shrugged. She let his sharp words roll off of her harmlessly, refusing to dwell on what he had said. These were words spoken in defense, and she understood that there was little truth to them. He had made a grave mistake by showing her a glimpse of a more pleasant Zelrius. This was the person she sought, not the mask he wore to protect himself.

"Well," she began slowly, "I wonder why we are not making more of an effort to clear the dungeon. Are we really so content on the ninth floor?" Satisfied that her hair was as dry as it would be, she fluffed it up a bit, then dropped her hands to her sides. "We have a sizable force that I'm sure would be willing move out, given the right individuals stepped up to lead. I know my guild is comprised of some incredibly skilled players, and they would happily risk their lives to win this game." Then, dryly, "though I'm sure the opinion of some low-leveled woman means very little to a man such as yourself."

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Zelrius laughed, Her final comment was not expected. "You're absolutely correct, A low level such as yourself has no weight in the deciding in things. The reason for that being is if everyone had a voice the progress would be even longer then it already is," His arrogance fading into a more proper and political tone. "Well it may true your level has no value, The fact that you are a guild leader adds a good amount of power to you. So, at this point it depends on how you want to be seen. Are you more keen to being perceived as Lessa, Or as The Guardians of Aincrad?" He grinned, remembering all the names of the guilds that had shown up at the meeting.

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Blue eyes rolled as Zelrius spoke again. He was clearly going out of his way to get a rise out of her, but she would not give him it; he was not deserving of that satisfaction. Instead, she glanced down at her soaked attire. Though her hair was no longer dripping, her clothing was. "Excuse me for a moment," she commanded, holding up a single hand. Then, she brushed past the man, retreating deeper into the cave. Once she was entirely surrounded by darkness, and well out of the light cast by the man's blade, she brought up her menu. A few swipes removed her damp equipment, and moved a pair of blue jeans and a pink blouse into their slots. Ribbons of shimmering light hugged the curves of her body, and when they finally faded away, she was changed.

Appearing far more comfortable than she had been a moment ago, Lessa returned to Zelrius. "To answer your question," she started slowly, "my role as a Guardian is incredibly important to me. However, I do not agree that the two titles are mutually exclusive. Can I not be Lessa, the Guardian? I can be known for my achievements as a leader, and as a single player, as who I am to each player is a bit different." She eyed him. "I am an entirely different person to you than I am to someone else."

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Zelrius quirked an eyebrow as she walked off into the dark cave. He shrugged and just went back into her own thoughts. When Lessa returned, Zelrius realized that she had changed out of her previsously soaked clothing. Zelrius laughed shortly at her response to his question. Shaking his head, Zelrius himself started  "No, you completely misunderstood my question," He stopped, and glanced at her, then continued . "Here is what I had meant to imply: You, as Lessa, as The Leader of the Guardians of Aincrad, are only one person. One measly person, Like anyone else. And then there's the fact that you are the Representative of the entire guild. Now you are several opinions, all bottled up and for your saying. That has more power then being one little embodiment. So, I'll ask again. Do you prefer being "Lessa", Owner of the Wild Rose Forge, The Level 17? Or Do you prefer to have the more powerful name as "Speaker" or "Representative" of the Guardians of Aincrad, Therefore making you the actual existance of that guild?"



"Allow me to Clarify, Would you rather be your individual person, or have the prestige of being a Leader, Whom has a part of everyone they lead?"

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Listening to the man speak, the woman seemed to grow more and more perplexed. Lips turned down at the ends. Though he insisted she had completely missed the point of his question, his explanation suggested she had been spot-on. In fact, her answer for him was the exact same, despite his lengthy correction.

"I'm afraid I am misunderstanding you," she replied, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Either that, or we simply disagree entirely on this matter. You suggest that I cannot be a force in my guild without renouncing everything else that I am, correct? That I cannot be taken seriously as a leader, or work effectively, unless I am no longer Lessa?" As she shook her head, her blonde hair fell in a damp heap across her shoulders. "You put far too much stock in levels, Zelrius." Her voice, though not unkind, was stern. She was growing tired of his attitude. "A high level does not make one a leader." Finding his eyes in the darkness, she added, "some of the most inspiring players that I have ever met have been low levels."

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