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OP - F1 So this is the game...

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London returns the pleasentry with a smirk, not a smug look but still not a full smile and extends his hand "I'm London, a pleasure to meet you. And I'll be sure to stop by your shop, I'll most likely be getting a cloak. It might be a while before I get to floor 4, don't I have to clear the bosses to go onto the next level-...floor? I'm a bit confused by this system, could you explain it please?"

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Sousuke shook the newcomers hand and began his short explaination of the way the world of SAO works after all he had recently reached the front lines himself but was unfortunate enough. to miss sign up for the raid boss. "You can use the teleporters in the capital of each floor to travel to any unlocked floor at any given time. They can be found in the central plaza of each city although should you choose to you can venture through the dungeons if you like. Just be aware that the higher you go the tougher it gets. The 9th floor is the current front line and the terrain is extremely hostile id stay away from there for now if i was you." He said

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London nodded "I wasn't planning on it until I got higher up, I'm personally hoping to be somewhat noticed in this world in all honestly. And thanks for the advice. I believe I'm going to head off to the woods and perhaps kill a few boar so I can finally get my levels up. I hope our paths cross again one day." He nods to both of them, giving a small wave with two fingers and looks at Arekkusu "Thank you again for your help." as he finishs this he makes his way towards the door of the store.

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Sousuke watched as the boy walked towards the door. He was intrigued by this person and wanted to help him out. The fact he wanted to earn his place in this world was something Sousuke respected a lot. He wasn't just someone who wanted to play the game and escape, but wanted to find his place here with the rest of us. He thought for a second and realised this kid was probably unsure how the combat in this game actually works and so decided to tag along and show him the ropes. ''He kid im guessing you don't know how things work here so mind if I tag along and show you the ropes, it will help you get started and its sorta what I do.'' told London

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Arekkusu looked at the two talk. He didn't want to involve himself too much. They were getting along so well, but when they were talking about fighting strategies, he just felt the need to speak up. He was dedicated to overpowering his enemies by increasing the amount of damage he can inflict, he also was designed to be a hard target to hit with his evasion.


"Fighting strategies are like tactics." Arekkusu said to London. "Sousuke here is a good one, balanced in fighting, many struggle fighting him. For me, I'm used to taking things out quickly, so I enhance my power to it's highest. Some people like to dodge out of the way and increase their evasion. Some might be able to heal themselves in battle."

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Sousuke turned and laughed at Arek as he began to speak. ''Been lagging eh?'' he said with a smirk. He turned back to London. ''Ill tag along with  you sure as for my fighting style im sure you will be confused by my choices its a bit unorthodox.'' he told him cheerily sure Sousuke was a good fighter but he wasn't the usual kind or swordsman people would come across. ''Thanks for the compliment Arek , say wanna join us by any chance.'' he said smiling to his old friend

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"I could..." Arekkusu said, but he didn't want to make things way too easy for everyone. He can easily one-hit kill everything on this floor, possibly the boss in this floor as well. Still, a good mat opportunity though, how came he was ready to shoot it down. Mats were harder to get nowadays, their value growing much bigger everyday, even with all the hunts. "But I won't be fighting everything, I'm not going to hog all the loot friend. My blade is way too strong, even if I did want to hit it without killing it, I can't."

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London says casually and with a bit of indefference or bordem "It's your choice, Personally I don't mind, it may give a oppurtinity to get to know the two of you better. As for your level, you could observed and if I start to really suck [censored] and end up close to death, you could jump in to help as a last resort. Either way it doesn't matter to me." He has his right hand placed on his hip.

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Sousuke watched the boy who seemed to be quite indifferent to the situation and laughed when his voice made that annoying censored sound when ever anyone swears in the safe zones. ''if I hit a crit ill most like one hit kill most things here myself but im sure we can find a more suitable opponent if you really want to.'' he explained.

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London kept silent as the two talked, he did however, begin to think to himself.I personally had boars in mind to start off but whatever these two would like to do, I'm rather capable with rapier. I'm curious to see what else they DO have on this floor besides boars. London let his immagenation run wild for a moment and began to imagen this that could be on this floor, ranging from slimes, to beastmen, to maybe even possesed armor. This was a fantasy based game afterall.

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London thought for a second "I suppose so, are these normal wolves or we talking about Dire wolves? If the latter than I might have a challenge ahead of me." Thought for a split second then spoke up again "Is there anythng I need to know or watch out for in these wolves?" He looked over to Sousuke, his right hand has mobed ontop of his rapier's pommel.

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*hayden walks past sousuke's shop and sighs as he feels his empty pockets* "guess ill have to make do with what i have"*hayden walks out of town to the dire wolf territory as he remembers the peices of conversation he heard when he walked past sousuke's shop*"guess ill beat them there then just watch them haha" *thinks dire wolves will be more challenging

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Sousuke thought for a second and decided it was time to test his own abilities and limits down here on the first floor and give this boy a nice challenge. ''We are going east into dire wolf territory, I have a special plan for you and ill be there to back you up so don't panic ok? I got your back.'' he said grinned as he picked up his sword and placed it back in its sheath.

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London raises an eyebrow "I don't plan on desertions but level are these type of wolves?" He thinks for a.moment and mutters to himself "Dire wolves...they are realtively twice the size of a normal wolf, twice as fast, twice as strong and they have sharper teeth..." After that he continues rambling to himself but its to soft to make out what he's saying. He looks up again and looks at Sosuke, saying "I suppose we should head out, Are you coming Arekkusu?"

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"Don't worry." Arekkusu said with a grin as he packed up his items. He knew he could make it up to them. "Don't worry, I'm almost the speed of light itself, this game gives me that advantage, trust me, I'll catch up to you all, just give me some time to get my items in check and I'll catch up to you. Don't have too much fun without me now."

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Sousuke watched the little exchange between his friend and new 'Apprentice' and laughed at Arekkusus statement. ''Arek if you were the speed of light then you would beable to hit me.'' he said with a wink and turned London. ''Lets get going captain slowpoke here can catch up.'' he said with a grin holding the door open for London and grinning stupidly at Arekkusu

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