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(PP-F1) A fated meeting (Rolland & Susano) (Complete)

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Rolland sighed and stood up, as he rubbed his neck, "Whatever, I'll let you cool down abit before we move on, I didn't mean it like that, your not an object, your a human being." "And I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway Susano." He said as he gave her some space and looked around, as he knelt and placed his ear to the ground, "Though i wouldn't want to linger too long, even though I don't have the listen ability, I can still use the old fashion way." He said as he couldn't belief that he could feel the vibrations of the animals near him, as he then looked around, he saw them in the distance. "Susano, pack of wolf, 5 of them, we need to run now!" He said as he rushed to her and pointed in the distance, they didn't see either Rolland or Susano yet, but still he didn't want to take the chance of them being attack, as he looked at her. "Well I guess it's time to use them feet of yours Susano." Rolland said as he held out his hand and urged Susano to begin running.

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Peeking an eye open she would look back toward him as she noticed him start to lay down on the ground with his ear to it. At first she was questioning his reason till he spoke up about not lingering outside of the city as a pack of wolves were on the way. For the first time in this game she actually was frightened knowing that she wasn't going to be getting out of an attack of that magnitude without the assistance from Rolland. Quickly she spun about on her boot and took off in the direction of the town grabbing hold of his hand as she didn't need an invitation to start sprinting for her life. "Well don't just stand their quick!" She shouted no doubt the fear breaking through her speech.

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Rolland began running as he didn't even turn his head to see if the wolf's had followed them, he just ran with Susano, even though they were level ones and twos, they could still do major damage to Susano. Rolland could take them on, but he wasn't going to take the chance of him getting major hits in, as he glanced, he saw one wolf begin running them, and Rolland did something to boost their chances of getting to safety. He quickly lifted Susano off the ground and held her in his arms, "No time, to argue, one wolf has spotted us, this is faster." He said as he began running faster, now that he had Susano in his arms, as he turned and saw the whole pack now on their tail, he looked ahead and jumped, flying in the air, and sliding into the town to escape the wolfs. As he landed on his back, he held Susano and cushioned her fall, as he stopped and laid there, "Sorry, phew we made it, look they can't come in." He said as the city guards showed up and began chasing the beasties away, Rolland got up and helped Susano onto her feet, as he backed away, fearing the rage she might put on him, through another one of her slaps.

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Sprinting for her life Susano wouldn't turn her head till she heard a nearby snarl of the wolves, one in particular that had been catching up to her. She let out a lout shriek attempting to force her legs beyond their usual physical boundaries although she wasn't finding any more energy to carry herself. Her mind raced with thoughts and fears of what she had accomplished and failed to accomplish wishing that she hadn't volunteered to be the first member of her family to hop straight into SAO. I can't die not here not now not after getting to level three. I have a reputation to hold of being the strongests female player in the game and I owe it to my family to make it back to them. As she sat continued her sprint, Susano suddenly found herself beeing swooped up into the arms of Rolland relatively shocked. Staying far more calm and collected then she was as she clenched her mouth shut after letting out the deafening shriek. She felt the air rushing past them as he leaped into the air carrying her frail body. Closing her eyes she refused to open them till their movement came to and end her which would be shortly. A few smashes of armor upon stone were heard as they came to a stop, Susano finally opening her eyes peering up toward Rolland's face a bit startled ... "We made it?" She felt herself rise to her feet as Rolland recollected his bearings, still someone in shock of the whole experience Susano stood their breathing heavily.

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Rolland looked at Susano, "Are you okay Susano?" He asked her seeing how she was breathing, he placed his hand on her back and rubbed it, "Take a few easy breathes okay, just nice and slow." He said, trying to calm her down abit, as his own heart was beating fast, he finally pulled his hand away and looked at the soldiers walking away as nothing happened, seeing the pack of wolf's now running away. Rolland gave off a relaxed sigh and returned to Susano, "How bout we relax in the town, and avoid the fields for now." He said sitting down and looking at Susano, "Take a seat, lets relax now, where safe here." He said, trying to comfort her.

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Susano's breath wasn't going to settled down shortly after experiencing that nervous rush of adrenaline that had taken over her motor functions. Beside herself she barely recognized the fact that Rolland was asking her whether she was ok or not. GULP Her body still frozen in its tracks as she began to muster the confidence to speak. "I think ... I just threw up a little in my mouth." Her tone would confirm that she wasn't joking about it as she genuinely felt sick from the situation that had just befell them. Looking over to Rolland nervously she would ask, "Is it even possible to puke in this game." Feeling the soothing pressure of his hand upon her back attempting to relax her.

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Rolland shook his head, "No, the mechanics of the game don't work like that, I think... never had to use the restroom in this game." "I guess whatever happens here effects us in the real world, my guess is... you probably have puked, your real body must have done so, but not sure." He said as he did have a thought about this world and all the things no one as able to to do here. As he looked up and sighed, he got up and walked to Susano and hugged her, "It's okay, your going to be fine now, you got me to help you out." He said as he let go of her and smiled, "How bout we get you something to eat or drink to calm your nerves." He said as he held out his hand again to her, trying to get her to calm down again, as he didn't like to see her like this, his sapphire blue eyes gazing at her.

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The city's lights shown down on them still with shadows of darkness which she wish she was hiding in but she had only just gained muscle control once again as she felt the avatar of Rolland before her embracing her in a soothing hug. She wrapped her own arms about him feeling as if she was back home once again hugging her siblings whenever she felt down or afraid. he would release her from the embrace but she would continue to hug on a few more seconds nuzzling her face into him before realizing what she was doing. A moment of silence would pass as she blinked awkwardly before looking back up at his face to see his sapphire eyes beaming down at her. Jumping backwards she would quickly try and gain her composure. "Of course lets go and grab a drink." As if trying to put on a disguise of confidence after her embarrassing debut, how was she suppose to become strong if the fear of death kept setting her stomach and mind in a twirl.

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Rolland chuckled as he grabbed Susano's hand and nudged her, he began walking to the Tavern where he would get the drinks to calm not only Susano down, but also himself. As he turned his head he would hoped to see Susano walking with him, when he got to the building, he opened the door and held it for Susano, "Ladies first." He said to her, allowing her to enter and as he entered the build after she would enter he found a nice quite area near the back, that was a wall seat, not one of the tables and chairs seating. He slide in and held out his hand, "Barkeeper, a bottle of Sake (Sah-keh), and some wine please." He said, as the elderly man did so and brought a warm bottle of the Sake and a chilled bottle of wine, as well as glasses for Rolland and Susano. "So how about we toast your success on gaining uour newly acquired weapon and armor, and surviving a pack of wolfs today." He said as he poured a glass of wine for Susano, and one for him, as he held up the glass for her to take.

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Nudged along she would follow behind Rolland, her eyes staring into his back as if she was trying to blaze circles into the back of his armor. Her expression now reverting to a mildly disgruntled one as she realized that she was going to have to keep on training in order to get anywhere. She even dreamed about eventually taking on an attack roll in a boss raid but with her fragility in a fight with the beasts roaming the field she had begun to lose her confidence in making that dream a reality. Acknowledging his open door she would begrudgingly smile replying with a, "Thank you Rolland." Susano long hair streamed down against her back the two ponytails bouncing against her back till she went to take a seat. Before sitting she would rearrange her hair so that the two tails would flow gently behind the chair back. Sitting silently, Susano would try to avoid long sessions of eye contact till the wine arrived. As he raised a glass for her she would accept it before hearing his proposal to a toast. "And for becoming stronger and to join in an eventual boss raid," she cheered before sipping at the alcoholic beverage.

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As Rolland sipped his drink, and saw Susano avoiding his eyes he frowned, "Susano, is something wrong?" He asked her, leaning forward some, as he tried to figure her out, something no man should ever attempt. But he didn't like that she was acting different, more silent, he tilted his head sideways, "Come on Susano, there's something wring isn't there?" He asked once more, knowing that her aura was different, he could tell these things as his cool sapphire blue eyes locked onto her own, and he stared her down, giving no chance for her to look away unless she turned her head. His white hair, dancing in the lighting of the room, though they were both in a rather dimmer place, all they had was as a single candle to give them a source of light. Rollands eyes, sparkling like two stars in the light of the candle.

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Susano's ears perked up as she heard Rolland's question of whether she was ok. Staring now into his sapphire eyes that were glowing with the flame of the candle reflecting in them. A bit flustered from the mood that was set, she would raise up her glass of wine again this time pouring it all down her throat before gently placing the glass firmly upon the table once again. "Of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be I mean I just had the most adrenaline packed chase of my life with the fear of death on the mind why wouldn't I be fine about everything." Her eyebrows drooped as well as her mouth that now hung down low as defeated frown.

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Rolland sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder, "I see now, your scared of dying, aren't you?" "Susano, it's okay that you felt like that, hell even i had my heart racing, not because of the wolf's, but because I was scared for you." "I saw how you were reacting, and I saw how scared you were, I didn't want to see you like that, and I don't want to lose you, your my friend, and i won't let you fear anything here." He said smiling, and then wrapping his arm around her and gave her a side hug, "I mean, that's what friends do right, they help each other out, if you need anything, I'm here, if your need someone to talk to I'm an earshot away." He said giving off a grin and pulling away and went back to her spot, and had a smile upon his face, as his hand was now on the table, he grabbed his glass and took a sip. As when he set his hand down, he wasn't paying attention and when he let his glass go, his hand accidentally touched Susano's hand and he quickly slipped his under the table, as a blush came across his face. 

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Her body trembled once again as she recalled the howling and snarling wolves chasing them in and then being gently cupped inside the arms of Rolland who had delivered her to safety.  Shaking her head she would then look back to her drinking partner who had just hugged her returning once again to his seat. "Thanks for all your help today Rolland," she allowed a smile to rise to the surface ever so briefly before continuing on, "If I hadn't seen you standing their by the fountain today I probably would have been killed today trying to train myself up. Sorry for slapping you earlier, although I was completely justified doing so." Staring at his blushing face she grinned and would lean across the table planting a kiss upon his cheek, "You are exactly like my brothers." Smiling her laughter would fill the once silent room pushing her glass over for a refill. "Perhaps we will meet up again some day."

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Rolland smiled as he heard Susano telling him that if wasn't there she would have been killed, and that she was sorry about slapping him he chuckled, "I'm just glad I could have helped you, and you were justified, I kinda almost looked." But when Susano place a kiss on his cheek, his entire face flashed red, and when she said he reminder her of her brothers, he rubbed his head, "Aww your making me blush, and I do hope we do get to meet aga... how bout we make that happen, how bout we go have some on floor three, there's a area where no monsters spawn, we can have some fun at the beach if you want?" He asked her, his face still red from the kiss Susano gave him, his heart racing, as no girl had ever given him a kiss before, even on the cheek, he felt happy that he could have gotten one from her.

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After planting her rear back in her chair she would yawn  realizing that she really ought to set some time in game to sleep as her own lack of sleep had begun to take its toll on her. Looking over his expression and cheeks she grinned, "Whats the matter over their Rolland first time you been kiss before. Or perhaps your skin got moon tanned." Susano was enjoying the expense and embarrassment of her partner as she continued finishing off the next glass of wine placing it upon the table again. Standing up she would finally respond on what she though of the adventure to the beach. "I suppose I could be convinced to go sunbathing at the beach. But if you gawk over my bathing suits I am going to slap you so hard that you will be seeing stars."

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Rolland blushed again as Susano asked him if he had ever been kissed, "Yeah... though I am a popstar in Japan, I never got a kiss before, even on the cheek, people in Japan just made fun of m, because I am half Arabic." "So yeah, that was my first kiss received, and trust me, I won't gawk at your swim suit." "Doesn't mean i won't compliment you in it." He said to her, as he realized he just gave away his career back home, and he face palmed himself, hoping Susano would freak out about him. As he looked at her, and heard her yawn, he smiled, "How bout you go get some sleep, and we can meet up tomorrow, and talk some more." He said to her, as he got up, paid for the drinks and poured himself a glass of Sake, and sipped it, the warm drink running down his throat he sighed, "That's some good Sake." He said placing the little round glass down and grabbing the bottle, as he began walking towards the door, he turned to Susano, "Come on, I'll escort you to your room in the Inn down the street." He said to her, his left hand holding the Sake bottle in the other his bare hand as he held it out for her to grab.

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He said to her, his left hand holding the Sake bottle in the other his bare hand as he held it out for her to grab. Listening to her companion she would offer a puzzled look, "Pop-star in Japan?" She continued to stare at the boy a bit confused as she was trying to place his face now to the famous pop-star artists that she could even recall. Shaking her head in defeat, "I'm afraid I don't recognize you from your glory days. "As for the escort I hope you realize that I am not a child, and you aren't one of my brothers. I am half expecting you to waltz in on me now during the night to make sure I don't have a nightmare."

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Rollands expression changed as his smiled faded and he turned his head away, "Don't be silly, your not a child, I know that, but I thought it was something we could talk on the way there before heading off to sleep." "And I know I'm not your brother." He said now a little ticked off, as she said she didn't recognize him he gave off a sigh of relief, "Well I guess we should be heading off then." He said as he turned back Susano, his eyes changing to a dull blue now, a darker blue than his previous color, more of a navy blue, as He still had his hand out for her to take or not, was up to her.

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As she mentioned that her recognition of the famed pop-star was missed she watched as the reflection of his emotion danced across his face. "I'm sorry but I don't get out much, I'm sure you are popular I just don't know that many people in japan. I'm not native born either my mother married into a Japanese family after my previous father disappeared. As Rolland offered out a hand she would smiled accepting it gracefully as they were walked to their respective rooms in the inn.

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