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[OP-F1] A new type of training maybe?

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After the GM's announcement everybody was panicking and started running around in random directions. Ariel stood in the place where the announcement took place a moment ago and thought about the things she just heared.
"So...basically I'm stuck here until we reach the 100th floor right?"then a small grin appears.

"Well all I can say is BRING IT ON!!!!!!! you think you trapped me?? I who has trained in the art of fencing from the time I could wield a practise sword???"she tried to suppress a laugh but failed, she would look as someone who lost his minds upon hearing the terrible news. When in fact it was the opposite, she wasn't terrified about being trapped here, she was in fact glad that from any other type of game she could possibly be trapped in, this was a game that relied completely upon swordplay. Not some random game that involved magic or firearms. She started talking to herself in a low voice while walking in a random direction.

"So what can I do next..start grinding?"


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"You have ambition." Arekkusu said from the NPC shop on the roof. He swung his legs up from above, as usual just hanging around in high heights. This player seemed to hve received her message. That's an illusion, if this new player thinks that no other players are any different than her, she would have sorely mistaken. But Arekkusu likes potential in players, so he may not normally like to show himself to players, but not only was this one new, she seemed to want to clear the game. Sadly, this world would beat down any player, no matter the ambition, no matter the potential. All Arekkusu could hope for is that she would listen to him while he speaks.


"And I sadly have a lot of bad news for you." Arekkusu said from above with a small serious grin. "This game isn't what you think... that cutscene you saw of all those new players being trapped, heh, that's only an illusion. You were released pretty late into the game, putting you at a heavy disadvantage. Another thing is, this world isn't like any other video game you have ever played, you live in this world. This world is your owner, and if will drag you down if you don't watch your back. But... you have help at least. Before I continue, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Arekkusu, but call me Arek if that helps you any."

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Sousuke had been lurking on the roof behind Arek for quite some time now and he listened to his little speech. He shook his head at how serious he had become in his time here in SAO almost loosing himself to the game and his old personality slowly being over taken by this persona he had built for himself. As the great ones always said with great power comes great responsibility and in Sousuke's eyes Arek was beginning to take things a little to far. He stepped forward and patted his friend on the back. ''Ah lighten up will ya why don't you go down and introduce yourself properly man?'' he asked shrugging. He dropped from the roof and landed with finesse thanks to the damage mitigation of his boots and walked over to the new arrival. ''Welcome to SAO miss, the names Sousuke perhaps me and my friend up there can be of assistance?'' he asked politely

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I stared at the ground in shock at what I just heard. I don't have anyone back home in the real world but I didn't want to die in a video game! I looked at the one cheering. "You're happy to be here? What about your family? What if they try to take your nervegear off?" I walk to her with my mouth open.

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Arekkusu swung his legs over the roof, noticing that Wynter arrived as well, and she made one of the most valid points. He can relate, nobody on the outside world likes him, yet no one has ripped off the Nerve gear from his head. Hopefully the same would apply to Wynter, who may not have people on the outside world like her, but at least they didn't hate her like they hated Arekkusu. And Arekkusu was heavily hated for a 15 year old boy.

"I know how you feel Wynter, and I do admit that I am scared of having my Nerve gear ripped off..." Arekkusu said, pausing, showing that he isn't finished with his statement. "But...I am still alive in this game. No one has ripped off my nerve gear, even if they hated me. I know the same would be for you, you have charisma you know."

Arekkusu then turned his head to Sousuke. "I'm sorry man, but after the hell I've been going through, I'm not the same guy you knew." Arekkusu said with a bit of sadness. "I just want players to live at the end of all this. To avoid having anymore deaths of players in the game"

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Sousuke looked at the boy and put his arm round him. To him Arek was like a little  brother and ever since his own twin brothers death he had become close friend with Arek and admired his determination but he was still a young boy not much younger than himself mind but Sousuke had seen things not even some of the most famous war heros had seen. ''Look man ive changed too since I went into the mountains and Manta is missing and I gotta say im worried to death about her but there is nothing we can do at the moment besides help the newer players ... dwelling on the past wont help anyone whether are dwelling on it or not don't let it darken the light that I know is still inside your heart you got it little bro?'' he said to the boy adding the little bro thing to make it clear how Sousuke viewed his friend hoping it would atleast help him smile at the very least.

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"I'm sorry to say you couldnt have been more wrong... Ever." Arekkusu said from above. He then wondered how Sousuke was up here and down there at the same time. "I'll tell you why later. Right now, I just wanted to help this new player, keep her updated so she isnt confused. Players can lie to get their own way, but I'm not going to let players get conned."

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Sousuke nodded at his friend dropped back down to the others and picked up the card board cut out himself and placed it back in his inventory. He knew that thing would be useful at some point. He clapped his hands together and looked at the new players smiling. "Ok so what do you wanna know about the game?" He said beckoning for Arekkusu to join him.

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Seeing how a bunch of people gathered around her she didn't knew who to respond to first, so the said in a raised voice.

"Thank you for your concern..and sorry if I appeared to be amused, but something like this is kind of a dream come true to me, you see.."

she then lost her grin while saying

"My name is Ariel, nice to meet you Arrek, Sousuke and..??*she tilted her head while looking at the third person*

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"I'm so sorry." Arekkusu said. He jumped from the top of the roof and landed cleanly on the ground. "I don't want to kill your dream, but I also dont want you to be lied to... This game is not what you think it is. It is a nightmare disguised as a daydream. (Get the reference?) This game... You must never run out of health. If you do, you are dead... In real life... Please don't hate me. I just want to be fair with you so no one tricks you into dying."

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"Okay see you around Wynter" she said to her while she left. Then her mood changed into a serious one, and she started talking while staring at the ground:

"I kinda figured out that much from the GM's speech, but seeing another player confirm it its a little disturbing. But I won't back down, I want to get stronger, and help clear this game. Its not that I'm daydreaming or anything, I know the risks. I even told father that under no circumstances should he try to detach my Nerve Gear, but I wasn't thinking it will come to this situation. What I'm afraid of the most is not upholding the teachings he bestowed upon me..but look at me babbling about random things. Lets get to the point, can you teach me the basics of this world?" she turned her gaze towards him and asked.


(( my bad.. i was working on multiple posts

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Sousuke nodded when the girl spoke and asked for help. "I would be glad to show you the ropes but I have a few errands to run first so maybe Arek can start you off and I'll catch up with you later ok?" Sousuke explained and he began to walk away down the street heading towards his shop.

((Going bed so will jump back in tommorow))

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Arekkusu looked at the new player. He smiled, to help out a player the way he wanted to was a good thing for once, it didn't give any surprises or anything. He put out his hand in a handshake sort of way, and not forcefully demanding one in return. "My name is Arekkusu, what might your name be again? I can't travel with anyone I don't know the name of." Arekkusu said as he kept his hand out.

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While waving goodbye to Sousuke she said in her normal cheerful voice:

"okay see you later then Sousuke"

She took Arek's hand while replying "Ariel, Nice to meet you. So what is the first step? I have a general idea of how things go but its better to learn from somebody experienced" she truly meant that. Usually her pride wouldn't allow her to ask for help, but for some reason this time it didn't bother her that much. And she didn't feel awkward talking to somebody unknown, maybe it was because he had a sincere wish to help her.Ariel was always good at judging peoples characters and this guy..somehow she got the impression that he was somehow of a lone wolf.

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"I'm sure you know of loot Ariel." Arekkusu said with a smile. This was always something fun he liked to do with new players. Watching them invest time for money, that makes them successful the fastest. "We are going to go treasure hunting, Col hunting. Col is the currency used in Sword Art Online, and will be your main source for getting items and weapons like what I'm wearing and holding. What we will be doing is fighting a few enemies. I'm sure you know how to get your starter sword, but as a reminder, open up your menu and inventory. It is great for this current floor, but don't rely on it too much, you will come across better and cooler looking weapons on the way anyways.But for now, your weapon is perfect."

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She takes a look at her rapier that she summons, it felt more lighter than the usual fencing equipment she was used to, so she asked.

"Um will the weapons get a little heavier? This toothpick *point towards her rapier* seems like it would break in any moment if I grip it harder"

Then she tried to make a few stabbing moves with it. Barely satisfied with the results she attached the rapier to her waist.

"On the other hand treasure hunting sounds good, and I want to test the damage on this baby, lead the way"

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Arekkusu began walking towards the safe zone borders, making sure to avoid ant NPCs on the way, if he gets stopped by any of his NPC friends, he could lose focus and not train at all with Ariel. He then got to the safe zone, he wanted to make sure this person wasn't just aimlessly swinging her sword. "I have a question." Arekkusu said. "Do you have any idea on how to fight with a weapon, or at least with your current weapon?"

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