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[PP-F4] Making Memories ( Pyro & Kosan )

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She nodded her head. "I really, really like them. They are nice. At night where I lived the city was too bright so the stars were impossible to see. The pollution was pretty bad as well so that added to the problem of trying to see the sky clearly." Pyro thought of memories of her hometown in Japan and sighed. It wasn't the best place to live but she missed it just thinking about it. "This just isn't the same as home." 

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"Well.." Kosan said as he got up and added some logs on the roaring fire.."They are beautiful.. back in my hometown i was watching the stars here and there.. now i enjoy it as well.." he said as he smiled at Pyro "but.. I still want to clear this game.. There are people who should've not died.. " he said as he raised his head.. "soo.. How is this Brayden?.. i've never saw him ... " he asked her as he added fast after "I..I mean i hope he is not just sitting at the bars drinking or so..."

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Pyro nodded. "I agree." She listened to Kosan and watched as he put more logs onto the bright fire. Her head tilted back as she let out a slight laugh. "Don't worry he's really sweet. I trust him completely. Besides, he's young but acts pretty mature most of the time and is far too smart to go drinking anyways." She smiled. "You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine and can take care of myself. But thanks for caring, honest. You really weren't kidding when you said you cared about others before yourself, eh?" Pyro joked and touched Kosan gently on the shoulder. "So sweet~" She cooed and moved back into her sitting position, removing her hand.

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"W..well , i dont really lie" he said as he heard Pyro saying he is sweet.. "and..i am not sweet.. You are tho.. " he said as he let out a small giggle.. " And yeah , i do really care about others.. I feel like its normal.. I mean , we all are trapped here.. It would be unfair to say that i am more important than others... " he added as he put his head on her lap again and smiled.. " Well , atleast something good happened today.." he said as he added.. "I've met you.."

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"Just watch yourself. Some people might use your kindness to their own advantage." Pyro warned. "Yeah, and I met you, which is really great because you're nice and friendly. I like that." She smiled down at him and looked up at the stars again, this was probably the best scene she'd seen in Sword Art Online out of everything else so far. Snow usually wasn't her friend, but now she didn't really mind, and she thought it actually looked nice. 

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"I will be safe..." He said as he watched up again. "I..it started snowing .." He said as he lend out a hand to grab a snowflake.. "Heh..we should move somewhere else.. It might be a snowstorm.." He added.. Few days ago a snowstorm catched him and his guild leader unprepared.. So it was kinda bad.." Lets get going shall we Piper ?" He said as he got up and lend a hand to help her get up...

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"Alrighty~" Pyro accepted Kosan's hand and pulled herself up. "Where to Kosan?" She asked once she was standing up, and crossed her arms the keep herself warm. Snow flakes landed in her purple hair and on her pale skin. She licked them off her lips and giggled. Snow wasn't all so bad to her now. "You lead the way and I'll follow."

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"Okay !" He said as he started walking towards the city.."Well.. we will rent a room..I mean , if you want I can rent you a room for your own.." He said as they entered the city..

"Uhm.. The Sleepy Pillow.. " he said to himself as he saw a name of one inn from the town of floor 4.. "Hey , do you like this Inn..?" He asked her pointing at the Inn..

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Pyro walked next to Kosan into the city. "We could rent the same room, I would feel safer, with two beds of course." She replied and then shrugged when Kosan asked her another question. "I've never been here before but it seems nice. Would you like me to pay this time?" Pyro asked, feeling guilty that he'd paid for their meal. She opened the door for both of them to walk in. The inside was warm compared to outside and had a cozy look. There was a fireplace and tables for people to sit at. It smelled of smoke, not suffocating, but the pleasant fire smell. A woman smiled and waved at them from a corner, standing behind a counter, where Pyro guessed was where you rented a room.

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"No no no.. Don't worry.. I will pay." He said as he smiled at Pyro who opened the door for them both. The place was warm , quite nice furnished.. There was a desk where behind of it you could saw a lady.. "I think that is the place we rent a room.." He whispered to Pyro who was besides him.

"Hello" Kosan said to the NPC.. "I would like to rent a room if you have any available.." He said smiling as he took his eyes for a moment to look at Pyro who was still looking at the NPC..

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The NPC looked at Pyro. "Two beds, one room please." The NPC nodded. "Here's your key. The room is upstairs." The NPC replied sweetly and placed a key in Pyro's hand. "It costs 500 COL." Pyro grabbed Kosan's arm after he paid and pulled him upstairs. "Room 253..." Pyro mumbled, searching for the room who had numbers placed above the doors. It was at the end of the hallway and she quickly walked in, using the key, leaving the door open for Kosan who was still behind. 


In the room was two single beds that had a table with lamp on it next to both. There were small windows on two different walls, and a plush chair in the corner. There was a small space with a black curtain over it where players could change. "This is the best room I've been in yet." Pyro commented and jumped in the chair, bouncing up and down. When Kosan entered she spoke. "Thanks for paying. Do you like it?"

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"Yeah.. It looks great" he said as he entered the room.. "We got beds and everything.. So its great !" He said as he let out a small giggle.. "Uhm.. If you want to change I'll wait .. But don't keep me dressed like this for much longer.." He said as he added after really fast.."I..I mean I want to get changed as well ! Don't take the wrong idea !" As he blushed a little.."Sorry.."

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Pyro giggled. "It's alright Kosan, I understand." She said and headed behind the curtain, closing it behind her. She opened her HUD and took off her equipped items, replacing them with a baggy yellow tank-top and black short-shorts. Since it was warm Pyro decided to leave her socks off and stepped outside of the small space, motioning for Kosan to go ahead and change. She sat down on the end of her bed and pulled her legs into a criss-cross position.

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As Kosan went behind that curtain he opened his HUD and he removed all the equipment he had on him. He equipped a green T-shirt and some black shorts.. As he stepped out from behind that curtain , his white hair still being a little messy , he saw Pyro staying at the end of her bed .. "Soo..are you tired ?" He asked her as he passed a hand through his hair which was a little bit messy.

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Pyro watched Kosan step out. "Tired? Kind of. I just don't know what to do to pass the time." She slammed her body back down on the bed and placed both hands behind her head, stretching out her slender legs. "Are you tired? I don't want to keep you up or anything." She kicked her legs in the air in a bored and lazy fashion while waiting for Kosan to answer. 

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"Me , tired ?.." He asked as he let out a small giggle.. " No no , I was just wondering if you are.. As you said , I don't want to keep you up or anything.. " he said as he smiled at Pyro.. "Hey.. Wanna eat something ..? I always have some in my inventory.." He said as he looked at Pyro , who was in her bed , kicking with her slender legs into the air..

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"Ah~... no thanks. I'm full." She stated simply and patted her belly. "It's funny. Usually I can eat like ten-million pounds of food and still want more but today seems to be different than usual." Pyro smiled and nodded her head at Kosan. "Thanks again for offering you've been so nice to me and we barely know each other. Not many people in Sword Art Online are like you."

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Pyro blushed and punched Kosan playfully on the shoulder when he kissed her. "There you go again, being your sweet self Kosan." She told him and pushed him off her bed, but not before kissing his cheek. "Yeah I guess I can sleep now." Pyro crawled under the soft covers and pulled the cord of the lamp next to her and slowly the lightbulb went out. "Night~" She cooed and smiled at Kosan. 

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"Good Night.." He said as as went to his bed.. Pyro was now his best friend.. And he had a small crush on her.. The night passed.. He woke up before her.. He opened his HUD and got out some food for them to eat in the morning.. He was feeling a little dizzy.. He sat on his bed watching and waiting for Pyro to wake up before anything else..

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