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[PP-F1] Gearing up (Completed)

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The room was a bit barren when she'd started the forge. However, the upstairs living abode she shared with Baldur was slowing becoming a 'home.' She'd made a silly shield with a Magikarp on it for the wall, and she was about to surprise Baldur with a new sword and armor she'd been working on. It was in the chair she'd moved, so Baldur wouldn't be able to see it until she turned him to face the other wall. The first thing he'd see would be the vanity shield she'd made, then she'd spring the surprise on him soon.


He'd be coming in from the second level any moment now, so she just sat on the bed and moved her inventory around, attempting to sort her stuff from her forge, and her actual inventory. 


"Man, just saying. I can't wait to see the look on his face!"


She snickered, waiting for Baldur to return.

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Baldur walked up to the door of the shop and knocked, calling out "Hello? Is there a beautiful Tyger home?"


He smiled playfully as he knocked again, waiting to hear from her. He couldn't wait to give her his surprises


"Pretty lady, are you here?" His friend list only told him she was on the first floor, he couldn't tell anything more than that. Finally opening the door he let himself into the shop. Taking a moment, he called up his inventory and pulled out the <<Tiger Lilly>>, an overly large, orange flower with black vertical stripes. The item was only called <<Pretty Flower>> but he liked his, albeit inaccurate, name.

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The door opened downstairs, and Baldur entered. He hadn't come upstairs yet, so Tyger left their room and hopped onto the staircase. 


"Hopefully that's a handsome robber downstairs..."


She joked, turning the corner at the bottom of the staircase to see her companion with an orange flower. Her gaze softened, and she walked over to him to give him a hug. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed his cheek.


"That looks like a Tiger Lily from back home! It's beautiful."


She smiled, looking at the flower. In his return, she almost forgot her own surprises for Baldur.


"OH! I have a surprise for you! Is the flower for the room? Because it's going on my side of the bed if that's the case."

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Baldur's eye lit up when she came down the stairs asking for a handsome robber, "I really am ruggedly handsome." he quipped back to her as he held the flower up for her to see.


As she reached out to take him, he slipped his arms around her and held her close, the smile moving to his eyes when she kissed him on the cheek.


"I missed you."


When she asked about the flower and mentioned his surprise, he handed her the flower, "It's for you, it can go anywhere you'd like... though probably not the forge, it might die in there, and I had to fight off a dozen giant bees the size of me in order to get that flower for you." He stood a little straighter, letting out that swagger of his to impress her as he followed her upstairs.

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"I missed you too."


She held her flower, thankful for something to put in the room upstairs, as well as Baldur returning from the second floor. At the mention of bees, Tyger shook her head. 


"Nope. Nopenopenopenope."


She hadn't told him about the worm the other day, and she wasn't about to. It was embarassing, and not a high point in her life. Bugs were never a high point in her life. 


"I'm glad those things leash. You'd be on your own if you lead them here."


It was a joke, of course, but Baldur would probably have a hard time determining that. 


"I'm glad you destroyed the awful bugs though. Consider your surprise a reward for your noble, and valiant demon-bug slaying antics."


She wished the flower had a smell, as she started to walk up the steps casually. That was one thing she missed, was her real sense of smell. She wanted her body to drink in the scent, not just her brain recognize something. But, that would come with time. They'd get out of here eventually. Today would be one of those days she'd look back on, happy she'd gotten a gift, and happy she was about to give quite a few away...

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"Oooh, you got Sir Baldur, the Bug Slayer, a gift?" He smiled and walked along behind her.


"Is it you? I hope its you! Did you get me your undying affection?"


He laughed softly, the fight of her with the flower was one of those mental photographs he was keeping in his heart to get through the rough days, just like the first time he had gotten her a bouquet. It was one of his favorite pictures ever.


"Is that..."


He pointed across the room.


"Is that a shield with Magikarp on it?!"


He ran over to the shield and carefully picked it up.


"Baby... I might have go sword and board now!" He whined in a kidding matter. She knew he was more comfortable without one, but he typically played a sword-and-board Paladin in other games.

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Baldur was sweet, in his goofy, amusing way. Yes, being with him was a gift for her, and she was definitely the reacher. 


"You've already got that. And, while that is the best gift, I think I can still get you some, even if they might pale in comparison."


Tooting her own horn, she was a musician... The pun was bit back for the sake of Baldur getting his gifts. 


"Now, close your eyes and-"


Nope, Baldur was already in the room. When his eyes hit the Magikarp, he walked over, giving Tyger time to put her flower by the side of her bed while Baldur drowned in disbelief. 


"I wouldn't go sword and board with that, it's pretty worthless. Just a decorative piece. Felt like it fit, though."


After all, Magikarp were pretty, well...


"I'm going to get your gift ready over here, go ahead and go sit down in the chair on the other side of the room. It's facing away, so you can't see me."


She smiled and turned around, watching Baldur to make sure he'd go to the chair, and find his new armor and sword.


NameHell Fang

Crafted byTyger, Catfish Forge

Armor Type: Weapon, Scimitar

Rarity: Rare

Description: A golden and silver scimitar, bred for battle and hungry for the sight of the exploding shards of combat.

Effect: +2 Damage


NameThe Golden Night

Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

Armor Type: Metal, Breastplate

Rarity: Rare

Description: A black breastplate, trimmed with gold. the sheets of metal fit over eachother, allowing for easier movement and better protection as the pieces shift. This armor covers the chest and falls down slightly, covering the tops of the legs.

Effect: +2 Damage Mitigation

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Baldur couldn't help but smile and admire the shield as he walked over to sit down in the chair and wait for his surprise. So absorbed in admiring the crowned fish was he, that he almost didn't notice the sword and armor sitting on the chair. When he did, he set the shield down on the bed.


"Oh my word, Tyger, these are gorgeous! You made these?!" He reached out and tapped on each item, bringing up their stats.


"Wow! These are really impressive! We got rares?!" He looked up from the items back to his ginger Tyger.


He was speechless for a moment as he just looked back at her, "You are pretty incredible."

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The surprise wasn't as intricate as something she could have done in the real world, but between crafting daily, going out for materials, and everything else, she was a little tired. The effort needed to go out and buy the materials to make something extraordinary was just out of the question right now, despite her internal protests. 


"Yeah, they're rares! I crafted 'em a few days ago. I hid them just in case you stepped into the forge. I've got some armor sitting, waiting for me to start using it, as well as a sword too. But, that pair, that's yours."


She smiled, soaking in the compliments. They went a long way. Sometimes it was hard to keep the self-confidence up. A little reassurance went way farther than many people realized, in any aspect of life. Life, relationships, crafts, fighting, anything. So, hearing it from Baldur was the best boost she'd had in a while.


"Well... I don't mean to brag, but... I am pretty awesome. Those pieces are some of my favorites. I almost kept the sword, but I forged another today, so instead of just giving you armor, I gave you a little set. And, there's more where that came from, because I leveled up my Blacksmithing again today!"


Her fist was raised in a mini-cheer as she walked towards Baldur to transfer the items to him. More damage and some mitigation to keep him safe. 


"Although, it ate up most of my mats to do it..."


It was almost a defeated sigh. It was well worth it though.

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He turned and smiled to her, glad he could bring her even more gifts.


"Well, as it would happen, your ruggedly handsome burglar has a gift for you as well."


When she brought up the trade window to transfer the items over to him, he placed 15 mats into the trade window on his side, and then accepted the trade.


"So. Totally. Worth."


He grinned at her and then pulled up his inventory and equipped the items. In a flash of cyan light, the armor appeared over his form and the new sword at his hip.


"Woah! This looks really good with my cape!" He gave her a little spin, making his cape WOSH as he spun.

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When Baldur mentioned he had yet another gift for her, she was surprised. So, of course, the gift of 15 mats was welcome and appreciated far more than anything that could have dropped from one of the bees. The flower and the mats were the perfect end to the day. She went to hug him, but he was putting on his new armor, which looked incredibly sleek on him.


"Do you feel anymore badass? Because you certainly look it."


She watched him spin, and wolf whistled. 


"Easy now, tiger, i'mma have to start beating the ladies off you with a stick. It looks good on you. How does it fit? Too tight, just right, a little loose? Do you want me to put in some holes to pin the cape so it's not strangling you, or is it okay?"


Fidgeting, she walked around him, checking to make sure nothing was rubbing and hoping that everything was fitting well. Hell Fang looked pretty awesome, too. He had the black ensemble going on, and it was working well.


"I like the theme here. You look great."


She smiled. 


"The armor gives you damage mitigation, the sword gives you extra damage. We'll have to move stuff around once you get your armor skill, you won't be able to have the cape and the armor as well. I can make an item for you though, like a helmet or necklace or boots or something, that will compensate for it."


She didn't like the armor rules, but she didn't make them, and had to follow them.

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He beamed at her and put his foot up on the chair, striking his classic and well practiced hero pose.


"I finally don't look like some scub noob who was totally the reacher in our relationship."


Baldur winked playfully at Tyger and then took his foot off of the chair so she could fidget with him. He had no control over the armor, it was an item so it would probably fit whoever needed it to once it was equipped, but he didn't want to spoil her fun, he knew she enjoyed it and was doing it because she wanted to take pride in her work.


"With this, we can finally really really take advantage of some of the better farming grounds. Maybe we could even go into one of the dungeons they have already cleared out. I hear them mobs there are tougher but have better loot."


He smiled broadly at her, his eyes filled with confidence. "You and I, together, we can do this."

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Her eyeroll was playful as she denied the reacher status, but said nothing as Baldur sat still and allowed her to look around. It was true that the video game would do it's own thing, and wouldn't necessarily have any 'imperfections' but it was still nice to see it in action.


"It looks good on you."


She said finally, crossing her arms and giving her a nod of approval. 


"We'll be able to go to some of the tougher grounds, or zip through the grounds we've already visited. It'll make it a quick process, thanks to the armor. Just make sure you pick up the skill before you go into combat."


She warned, casting a glance back at the mats Baldur had put into her inventory and smiled. 


"By the way, thank you. These will definitely come in super handy."


Her hipcheck was out of the blue, but affectionate nonetheless. 


"We'll get this done together. And we'll get through this. Because we rock, even moreso together."

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"Yea we do!" Baldur held out his first to Tyger for her to bump it, and when she did he exploded it. His face was all smiles and twinkling eyes, but just as quickly he put on his serious face.


"Really though, this is amazing!" He thumped his new armor with his fist, satisfied with the metallic ring that followed.


"Have you made your own tiger stripped set yet?" The sparkle was back in his eyes as he reached his hands out and took both of hers and placed them against his chest, pulling her close so he could wrap her in his arms and hold her tight.


He might not have said it, but she could read it plainly on his face. He was grateful to her for this, for giving him the strength not just to protect himself, but both of them. To get out into the world and start making a difference. It was her faith in him, made physical. And his eyes told her how much he loved her for that faith.

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Tyger’s hand whoosed behind her in an explosive fist bump, and she chuckled to herself. Well, guess I did good. The way Baldur wore that armor… it was as if she’d given him extra confidence, or some sort of extra emotion that made his face light up like a Christmas tree.


â€Thanks! I’m glad you like it, seriously. You wear it well, and you’ve got some power now.â€


She patted his shoulder, and then laughed at his question. Tiger stripe armor was an idea, for sure.


â€No, my armor is kinda dorky. I’m a little embarrassed to show you when it’s done. It’s got like, dragon wings coming down off the pauldrons where both my scapula are. When I make perfect armor it’ll be something tiger related probably.â€


It could be assure there would be some type of feline involved, at least. She was pulled into a hug, where she sat there for a while, just drinking in the moment. Baldur’s gratitude and love was coming off of him in waves, and it was a pleasant moment to be in. She let the hug continue for a few moments before she eventually mumbled.


â€So, what have you seen on the second floor? Any big nasty baddies yet?â€


Since she was working in the forge, she’d only visited the second floor once. Baldur had been there almost daily though, so maybe he had some insight. It was harder for her to level, but with the XP from Blacksmithing, she had to take it easy to not outlevel Baldur too quickly.

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"Wellllll....." Baldur said as he moved to sit down in the now vacated chair and put his feet up on the bed, leaning back into the chair and entwining his fingers behind his head. Tyger instantly knew he was about to tell her a whale of a tale.


"The floor has this really weird cow theme going on. Lots of Minotaurs in like... bad 80s BDSM armor. And then bugs. GIANT WASPS. Baby, I had to fight off SO MANY WASPS!" At this point, he began gesticulating wildly with his right hand,vaguely imitating fencing strikes and parries.


"....and then I sliced another one's wings off, and when it fell to the floor it died, and that's how I liberated your flower from the <<Giant Wasp Empress>> and her <<Million Wasp Army>>. It must be a glitch, cause I should be like level 50 after killing so many. And if this game had titles, I'd totally be Baldur, <<The Orkin Man>>."


He smiled self satisfied and returned to relaxing back into the chair now that his whale of a tale had been spun.

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Tyger listened to his tales and raised an eyebrow here and there, but overall staying silent. The way he fought around, parried at the air, and danced around the invisible enemies made her smile, and she watched him with amusement. 


"Yeah I don't wanna go there. No thanks. Not a fan of bees."


Bees, for real man. Those nasty creatures were awful. Especially wasps. When the story of her flower came to light, she stifled a smirk and listened dutifully until both the Giant Wasp Empress and her army of 'millions' had been eradicated. 


"Oh, my hero!"


She spoke, in a high falsetto, pressing the back of her hand against her forehead in mock distress. To let Baldur know she was kidding (and not making fun of him, but going along with the joke) she hipchecked him and glanced over at her flower with affection. 


"Sorry, didn't mean to RAID on your parade..."


She kissed his cheek.

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Baldur smiled at Tyger as she threw down the glove.


"It's fine baby, that doesn't bugme at all." 


He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her over to sit on his lap so he could put his arms around her and leaned his scruffy, dark haired head against her back. It wasn't quite the same as in the real world, but she was warm. Smiling into her back, he squeezed her tight.


"I will admit though, that joke was a real stinger."

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Tyger didn't realize what she'd done until after the fact. She'd issued the challenge. Crap. All she wanted to do was make a pun without it turning it into their hour long pun wars. She'd have to win this quick.


"I don't beelieve you. It gets to you more than you let on."


She fell into this lap as he pulled her, and she sat there, letting him hug her as she came up with more puns. When he insulted her joke, she got defensive. 


"Hey! Buzz off, and beehave. My puns are Ahmuzen."


The last one was a stretch, but if Baldur picked up on it, it could be an automatic win.

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When Tyger riposted with her puns, Baldur couldn't help but admit it was an impressive assault. Thankfully his face was against her back, so she couldn't see his expression.


"Kakakakakaka" He said in order to hold back his laugh. The old school reference of her joke made him smile.


"Bee that as it may, Honey, you would have to comb a hundred pun books if you want to be the Queen of this hive." He let his sentence hang in the air, and then he hugged her again.


He hoped he made her laugh. He loved hearing her laugh. It's how he knew everything would get better. Her laugh was just too pretty for them to die.

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