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Simple suggestion for 2H vs 1H weapon advantage

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So you could really make this as complicated or as simple as you wanted, but I like simple. I have no idea how this gels with what the mods are cooking up for any system revisions, but here's what I suggest.


Currently weapons do a base of 1 DMG, before anything else is added to it. My suggestion is to make 2h weapons do a base of 2 dmg. Now, that in and of itself isn't enough of a reason to take it over the awesome benefits of a shield, which is why I'm saying we could make this as complicated as we want. I personally, would love to see each weapon type have an advantage of some kind to give them all personalities.


So, in addition to the above, I think 2H weapons should be able to go up to +4 vs just +3. Since there is nothing set up currently in the craft section, the only way to go about this would be to do the quest that lets you increase an item's quality by +1.


This would, effectively mean that someone wielding a 2H weapon could do a whopping 2 DMG more than any one hander. It also gives them some room to play around with enhancements, since they can't spec a skill into shield, which can give you huge evasion bonuses (due to the penalty to MD).


I have many other ideas for how to make each sword style different, but step one (just making them do base 2, instead of base 1), seems like something that could be implemented without any major fuss, nor worries about upsetting balance too much.


What do you think?

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Well I have a few things to say about this.

1. That's a really great idea for two handed weapon users.

2. Not so much for all the one handed weapon users seeing as how there damage is less than the other.

I noticed you said the shield has great evasion capabilities well that would be true only I read that the shield doesn't stack with the evasion in the matter of lowering an opppnets dice role. Now I do like the idea of making the styles more defined. But if your going to go as far as give two handed players more damage why not give them a handicap as well considering sing hand weapon users aren't really given a buff besides using the shield. Like maybe if you automatically give two handed weapon players plus one damage why not give single handed weapon players plus one Eva right off the bat? As they would be quicker not having a two handed weapon and a free hand to help in maneuvers. The trade off would be easy simply remove this buff when they equip a shield. I think that's the best way to go about this now as for all sword types maybe one could go as far as giving one handed dagger users +2 Eva as it is only a knife basically, spear users + 1 accuracy as it is a longer spear and they are able to stab from a distance, curved sword users could have a sort of chance to cripple an enemy or svere limbs as it is a more slashing technique rather than a stabing one. The list could go on and on for each difrent type of style.

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Giving 1H years a bonus to evasion or something is something I had considered, however there are a few issues with that.


1) only 1H users can use EVA, and only 1H users can use shields, so anyone that uses a shield gets shafted.


2) Shield uses a skill to increase EVA (it's effectively the same thing), vs 2H users which can only get this stat through item enhancements, that one skill (Sprint and Acro).


Each character has 3 item slots, regardless of 1H or 2H, however, currently there is no difference between 1H and 2H other than sacrificing the use of Shield.


Effectively, though the use of the Shield skill, a 1H user can gain an extra +5 enhancement bonus that a 2H user cannot use.


Mathematically, a 1H user not using a shield is consciously playing at a disadvantage. Just like anyone using a Katana (such as myself) is willingly throwing away SPs for absolutely no advantage.


Due to the math, if you are a 1H user with any enhancement points in evasion, they're being wasted, since for 6 SP you can effectively get 2 EVA, and free up those Enhancement points for something else.


Does that make sense?


I would go more in depth into how we could revamp all weapons to have their own pro's and con's, but the mods are already working on revamping the system, which is why I suggested something as simple as possible for something that is currently at a disadvantage.

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So I made an excel spreadsheet, and if the DMG of a Katana were bumped up by 2pts (e.g. base dmg of 2, and it could go up to +4 enhancement) it would deal and equal amount of damage per skill point as a 1 hand weapon, since it takes 36 points to reach Katana rank 5, vs 30 points to reach 1H rank 5


So over a 20 post solo thread, with unmodified accuracy:

1 Hand deals 96 DMG

2 Hand (with base 2) deals 106 DMG

Katana (with base 2 and +4) deals 116 DMG


On floor 9 that would be a difference of a single mob, depending on how the dice fall.


On a single hit, this would only be a difference of 9 vs 10 vs 11 DMG (with a max damage weapon)

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I do agree Greatsword users do have a disadvantage to Longsword, shortsword, and other one handed sword users, and I think they should get something to match their weapon. In any situation of a two handed weapon user. As I will be one, I think since they do't use shields, they should have somthing that make their weapon like the weapon it is, a big hulking massive hunk of metal that does massive damage. But thats my opinion.

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