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Lancer; The Shard of Destiny

Guest Lancer

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» Username: Lancer
» Real name: Romeo Iglesias

» Face Claim: Lancer; Fate/Zero
» Age: 21
» Gender: Male
» Height: 184 cm



» About


History: Romeo was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, he was a orphan who lost his mother to drugs when he was 5, his father raised him to a point before he gave up on him, and committed suicide, as he said his son was a good for nothing that would never succeed in life. After that, he was left to roam the streets of Guadalajara, now having to scrounge for scraps of food, people ignoring the dirty child who now was hostile to anyone who came near him. As now Romeo wandered throughout Mexico, hiding in trucks and vehicles as he wandered from town to town, one day found himself in Texcoco, the State of mexico. And one fateful day, a Nun from the local Catholic Church found him passed out on the ground of the little state and took him in. Not knowing of his rage, once she touched him, he burst forth and attacked her, yelling to not let him be taken away, he said all this in Spanish his native tongue, as she quickly calmed him down. After giving him a apple and some bread, which he quickly ate, and as she told him, the Church could use a young man like him around and helping the other Nuns. Hesitant he was, but after she told him, he would be safe and there would be food for him to eat, he quickly came along, and when he got to the Cathedral, and seeing some more kids like him, he quickly went into his quiet phase.


Now being the youngest of everyone, he was picked on by a few of the older boys, who did not know of his rage, and were quickly beaten down by a child half their own size as well as weight. After that day, Romeo got a stern talking to and was punished, after that he stayed to himself, quickly growing into a young teen, till one day a family on their way through town. Vacation they claimed, saw Romeo, and thought nothing of him, but their Daughter on the other hand found him rather handsome and asked about him, being the quiet one he ignored her. But that didn't stop the blonde hair blue eyes girl from talking to him, and after talking to her father, and the Nuns seeing the reaction the Daughter and parents had, which the Daughter most likely talked them into it. Asked if he was wanting to go with them, as they spoke perfect Spanish, not surprised they spoke Spanish, but surprised they wanted him with them, he looked at his Guardian. Who told him it was in the Lords hands, all he had to do was take it, and after fifteen minutes of thinking it over, he went with them, now having a family once again. But this time he had a mixed culture in his new one, his new mother being Asian, Japanese to be exact and his father German and Spanish like him, while his new sister was definitely her fathers daughter, having his Germanic Blonde hair, and blue eyes, but her mothers facial features her eyes and mouth. While retaining her fathers rather darker skin colour, they moved to Tokyo Japan after a few months of travelling the Country of Mexico, and as they brought him to their home in Tokyo, he was taught how to speak not only Spanish, but also English, German, and Japanese.


Now able to speak four languages in total, he was able to not only speak them but also read them making his life easier in Japan, now with his new family, though he had a hard time seeing them like that. A few years pasted as Romeo now fully seeing the Iglesias family as his own, he was now at the age of 17 when he fully accepted them. But as time passed even more, he moved out of the home he was brought into with his sister following behind him, he found a home in the center of the city, and applied for a position as a security guard in a gaming corporation. The company called Argus, he heard rumors about a new system being tested and sent out into the market, when that day came, Romeo had to take a look for himself, and with his findings to be rather unusual, and intriguing he took the Rig for a spin when he bought it. And a certain game everyone was raving about, he didn't care so much about the game but more on the lines of the mechanics and the way the Rig worked, and when he got home that day. His sister greeting him, he told her about the device called a NerveGear he told her he was taking it for a spin first and as he did so, making his account. And everything, he placed the NerveGear on his head and spoke the activation phrase, "Link Start."


Personality: A calm and quite fellow, who has the upmost respect for people he sees as friend and ally, as well as family, he is a person who likes to aid others in time of need. Romeo is a person who will stand up for his pals, and his family, he doesn't back down easily, but when he knows he is out beaten he will submit to the winner, to only come back later and challenge them again after he has gained new strength. Romeo is a mild tempered man, it takes some to tip him off, but once you do, his anger is as mild as his temper, it will stay as long as it can, and afterward he will be somewhat still irritable. Romeo also has a habit to flirt with women when given the chance, he is also a very well spoken man, and can conversate with the best of any man, and any woman. He is very honest and won't hesitate to speak what is on his mind, if he has anything on his mind, Romeo is a rather mysterious man, saying only what is needed to be said and nothing more, as most of the time he keeps people guessing.





Lancer is regarded as a remarkably handsome and beautiful man with quirky long hair combed backward in a rough fashion. He wears a dark teal outfit, that shared by some sort of Celtic mythology reference, people have described that the bold features of his face are the high bridge of his nose and his valiant eyebrow. His hard cut mouth marks him with a stoic air, but his eyes seem to hide a quiet grief. He tends to be droopy eyed and button of a mouth, he has a beauty spot like a grain of tear below his right eye that only serves to make his gaze even more brilliant. As well as he has a strong, manly scent that rises from him. giving him a more elegant air of beauty, that is somewhat unnatural. Even though his features are considered handsome, much of it comes his spiritual power charming women due to the fact that he has been rejected many times, and has gained much knowledge.



» Virtues:
Somber: He is very mature, and does not act out of his age, he is very well mannered and likes to act it. Romeo is a person who likes to act his age, but also be with people who act their age or older, though he does come across a few people who are not like this, he won't ignore them, he will just deal with the immaturity they hold on their being.

Mysterious: Romeo is a man who speaks little words when needed, he likes to speak when needed and when not needed. And when he does speak he says only what is needed and nothing more, this make conversating rather difficult at times. Or makes them interesting, as he can also flip his switch and be as talkative as any woman can be, you never know what he will say next either.

Honest: Romeo is a man who will speak his mind, but only when he has something on it, at other times he has nothing to say. Romeo at times will have a lot on his mind, and at others nothing, it all depends on the setting and time he is in. This make Romeo rather mysterious and making his actions rather unsure and unpredictable at times.

» Flaws:
Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Flirt: Romeo is a natural flirt, he likes the opposite sex as him, and he will always try to woo a female when he feels as he should, and not only that he is a gentleman about it. He will also use subtle signs of flirting, like opening the door and complimenting a woman on the littlest  thing he see's, Romeo also likes to be around woman more than men, though he will hang with his male counterparts. He mostly stays with the females around him, as he can learn a lot from the, though he has been rejected many times, and hurt, he still finds the woman to be trusting and worthy of his affection..

Slight Temper: Romeo does have a slight temper, it takes abit to piss him off, but when a person does, things get complicated with him. Romeo will start speaking in Spanish if angered to a certain point, and even before then, he will say certain words in Spanish, more than he does when talking. The words he say are curses and are not very nice to say to anyone, as he can get very fouled mouth if angered.

Religious: Romeo was raised in the Catholic Church when he was young, he has a very strong sense of the lord with him, and he will be seen praying to God when he has the chance. Romeo, unlike other Catholic's, is not very strict with his religion, but he won't take kindly to a person slandering his lords name around, and he does get... very foul mouthed about it, and will start speaking in Spanish when angered.






Utility and Mobility Skills


1.) Athletics: 
Cost: 6 - No Ranks

Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
Description: You can endure more, are quicker and stronger than average.


2.) Precision:
Cost: 6 - No Ranks

Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 Accuracy (ACC)
Description: Your strikes find their mark more often.

3.) Sprint & Acrobatics:
Cost: 6 - No Ranks

Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: +1 Evasion
Description: Able to perform complex jumps, flips, balancing acts, dance, tumbles, and somersaults as well as reach areas of the map that are outside of a normal player’s ability to reach via being able to jump and reach ledges and other means of climbing.

4.) Search & Detect:
5 Ranks

Skill Points: 0/30 [Rank 0: Untrained]
Effect: +1 LD per rank.
Description: Players investing in the search and detect Skill have a higher chance of finding hidden Treasure and Loot Chests as they explore Aincrad, as well as being able to detect hidden monsters and traps. For each Skill Level invested, a player gains +1 to their LD.


5.) Night Vision:
Cost: 6 - No Ranks

Skill Points: 0/6
Effect: Ignores any penalties from low light or darkness, as well as negating others stealth bonuses from it.
Description: allows players to see normally in low light conditions
Note Visibility rules: From now on any actions being performed in low light or dark conditions will suffer a -1 to all dice rolls. Expect future content to mention visibility details. Also watch out for monsters who may dwell in the darkness! Some may not suffer from these penalties. A portable light source of some kind will provide light for your immediate vicinity. 


6.) Extended weight limit: 
5 Ranks

Skill Points: 0/30 [Rank 0: Untrained]
Effect: Players start out with an inventory with 6 available slots, and gain one extra slot per Skill Level invested in the Extended Weight Limit skill.
Description: Investing in the Extended Weight Limit skill enables a player to carry more gear into the field, be it weapons, armor, or usable items



» N/A

Weapon skills:


7.) One-Handed Assault Spear: 

5 Ranks

Skill Points: 0/30 [Rank 0: Untrained]
Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed piercing Spear type weapons. (Example: Javelin, Iklwa)



8.) Two-Handed Assault Spear:
5 Ranks

Skill Points: 2/30 [Rank 1: Novice] (+1 Damage Output)
Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed piercing type polearms. (Example: Warspear, Lance)


 Armor Skills


9.) Light Armor: 

5 Ranks

Skill Points: 0/30 [Rank 0: Untrained]
Effect: The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Armor Equipment. For each skill point invested in the Light Armor Skill, incoming damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must have light armor equipped to take advantage of this benefit)






Obtained Items:

Item: Cape of Fabulawesemeness 

Item type : Light Armor: Cape

Quality: Rare
Enhancement: +2 Acc
Shop: The Lion's Den

Description : A cape that makes its user look FABULOUS normally and makes him/her look AWESOME while posingAnd as a side effect it helps the user be more aerodynamic  resulting in a better aim.







» The Beginners Pack:

10 bread 

15 water

1 Basic Weapon [Two-handed Assault Spear

Cloth clothing







» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)



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