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» USERNAME: Maki ã¾ã, マキ

 Â» REAL NAME: Nishiyuna Maki

» GENDER: Female 

» AGE: 16

 Â» HEIGHT5 "4'



Maki has a doll-like complexion, and it's not hard to mistake her for a little kid. That is, until she opens her mouth. Her hair is a snow white color, stopping at shoulder length. It's often let down, with a simple accessory in it. Her eyes are an ocean blue, and her skin tone is a powdery white shade. No... probably add in a little more color than that? Her height is just at the average, for her age group. But Maki still thinks that she's short, and she clearly dislikes it.


Her in game attire at the moment, is still from her starter pack. Later on, she plans on getting something else. Her hair is left the same, with a black ribbon headband to top it. Next is her dark vest, which is left open and worn over a white polo-styled shirt. Over her white shirt, a small ribbon bow-tie is worn. Her skirt is tailored in the same fashion as her vest, at a knee length. Lastly, Maki wears heavy duty long black leather boots, with knee high socks underneath. Often times, she is seen with a relaxed or 'bored' expression on her face. Her demeanor on the other hand, is confident and daring.



Maki didn't come from a stable family, to be honest. and things were hard on her. Her father was the typical 'player' type, who disposed woman like nothing. Her mother, happened to be one of them. It's self explanatory. Maki's mother had been pregnant with her in her early teenage years, and when she was born... it was kind of like a burden. She didn't know what to do with the little child, and she had to survive by leeching money off of her family. And so the decision was made to give Maki away. The little one was nine months old, she couldn't remember a thing about her biological parents, let alone her past itself. She was only able to collect all those tidbits of information, but it wasn't enough. Sooner or later, the young girl was given up for adoption, living in a big orphanage back in Hokkaido. It was a land known for agriculture and farming, but that didn't make it anything close to underpopulated. The orphanage was home to many children, and there wasn't enough money to feed all the children who lived there. The living conditions weren't all that great either.


Maki's only home was there, and she lived there for most of her early childhood. She grew up with many, many kids. Pretty much, nobody had their own space. It kind of felt like boarding school, the way things worked around. The administrators there weren't all that bright... they were nasty, evil, witches. Maybe they liked to torment little kids with a whack by the cane, or maybe a gazillion chores to go around, and extra homework if you were 'bad'. Maki didn't like it at all. Let alone, she didn't cooperate with others that well either. Most of the time, she was quiet and introverted, but that's just the way she was. Often times, she can become violent or hostile, leading into physical fights and whatnot. So yeah, she was the 'crazy' one with a 'horrible' temper. Because of her record of violence and her tendency to withdraw from many things, it makes her one of those kids who could never get adopted from the orphanage. She dealt with a lonely feeling which harbored inside of her, but refused to express it. She'd mask her inability with that of a tough exterior. Even though she wondered about how another life would be like.


At age thirteen, someone had decided to adopt Maki. A man and a woman who both held warm smiles on their faces. Well, they didn't look cocky to her. Or she hoped that they wouldn't. But the feeling that she'd get to leave the orphanage was more than she could ask for. So she was happy. Adjusting to the family wasn't quite easy. It's been a while and they seemed decent. They were oriented around religious beliefs. Originally, her adoptive parents were missonaries who traveled around the world. They had an older son, at the age of sixteen. He never had much to say, but he was a HUGE game nerd. One of those people who'd say: "Shut up! Let me finish this level first!" 


Her life throughout the years hadn't changed much after that. Of course, there were a few noteable things. Maki's intelligence expanded and her grades would make any parent proud. She still had that mellow attitude, but throughout the years she had developed more confidence and maturity. Now, it's less likely that she'd lash out of stupidity. In school, she was one of the average kids, nothing like a hopeless emo or a rich snob. Right in between was where she belonged. Her interests had change over the course of time. Since her brother was fascinated by anything that involved video gaming, it made Maki a little curious as to why it was so 'intriguing'.


Lately, he's been raving over this video game he won as a prize giveaway, Sword Art Online. Really, that's all he'd talk about, some strange sword combat VRMMORPG software. He was registered as a beta player, and spent hours on it. When he'd surface into reality, he looked like a prune. But one day, he was going to a friends house. That left Maki with a chance to check out the game. With a new avatar, and all that cool stuff. Well curse her instincts for signing up on the day of the death game! But that mistake could have been the best, or the worst one she ever made her whole life.







Maki is usually quiet, she doesn't have much to say, being the 'reserved' type of person. Actually, she's pretty shy around others, but that's usually why she bites her tongue and refrains from speaking much. Her weakness is masked with a boasting and confident ego, so she can really be someone who you can bicker and argue with. Maki is extremely hard headed and stubborn, and she isn't afraid of speaking her mind and revealing the honest truth. She has that fiesty and daring kick to her, which is probably a good thing since it motivates her to clear the game on a faster pace. Her dialogue is often brash and hinted with sarcasm, so she might even come off as offensive a lot of times. Her main reason for finishing the game is not to escape, but to simply achieve a goal that's set in any other game: beat it. Finish it. Something like that. Because it's a game! Pretty much: She's a smart-aleck, a little impulsive, confident, and determined.


Once you get to know Maki a little more, she'll definitely open up to you. Although it may not be much, 'opening up' means that she enjoys your company. She'll start to talk a lot more, and her attitude is a little more livelier and witty. (To be honest, her social skills are meant to improve, par to her character development within the game. Eventually, being quiet will be a less frequent thing she'll do, and she'll learn to change slowly.) 


INTELLECTUAL - In general, Maki is quite the sharp minded one. She had always observed the littlest details in everything, it was just a habit. Maki has a tendency of observing everything around her, since she's a thinker. While she may seem layed back, her eyes are watching like a hawk. Outside of the death game, she excels in school. All these good grades and studying might deem useless in Sword Art Online, but it has trained her to use her brains when necessary. Maki will work well in group tactics, and is the one you can go to if you need help with things involving mysteries or a little more thinking than average.

PERSISTENT- Maki is one of a strong will. When pushed down, she gets back up. It's hard to demotivate her, since her incapability only seem to fuel her even more. This is good however, since it's an ethic that is needed in the death game. Once her priorities are in order and her mind is made up on something, she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. One of her pet peeves is giving up on something, since she (of course) doesn't get her desired outcome. Once things are done, she just might relax and chill.


ADAPTABLE - Maki is capable of adjusting to situations quickly, pretty much anything. Usually when she is frozen in fear or hit with an uncomfortable situation, she is oddly able to accept the fact and abide by what life has given her. At first, the death game had taken a toll on her emotions. In the matter of days she'd already grown strong and made her first moves towards defeating the game. After all, a game was made to be completed. And in life, death would come eventually. Why cower when there are goals left ahead of you? Suck it up and walk ahead. With a mentality like this, Sword Art Online is just as similar as her life back home. She treats it no different, and nothing's changed about her because of the incident. Katana_fille_chibi.png

EMPATHETIC - Every now and then, she finds it in her heart to help someone in need. Now she won't go throwing herself around the place screaming out "Hey I'm here to help anyone!" But when it's offered, Maki will accept the request. Deep down, she has a motherly and concerned personality. She may not be the brightest of the bunch, but is more than willing to help if it deems necessary. Throughout the plotline of SAO, her kindness is due to gradually rise.


STUBBORN - Maki will get what she wants, when she wantsIt's a hassle to change her mind, because she's always certain about decisions that she makes. When there's something set in her mind, she will strive to obtain or accomplish it, regardless of others feelings. Generally, Maki despises authority and advice. This is a bad thing, since her head is way up in the clouds, and she chooses to selectively hear things. When told what to do or what she should do, she usually lashes out and cuts them off mid sentence. So yeah, she's kind of complicated...

INSECURE - Albeit being confident and strong willed, Maki has her own set of doubts and insecurities. Sometimes, she even worries about dying in game, although she tries her hardest to stay safe. (Being hard headed doesn't contribute much to that...) Maki worries too much about things around her, the well-being of others. She always views the downsides of  situation rather than the good. She's a huge pessimist, but knows how to hold her sanity and walk on. But you know, someone can only have so much doubts... before-

IMPULSIVE - Maki has a horrendous temper, as noted. The simplest things can cause her to snap or irritate. It's not that hard to get her to flip off on you or get a whole barrel of insults hurled all over the place. Rarely, she'll get violent, that's on a worst case scenario. But usually she's just verbal. But once you get to know her, she's way more lenient and tolerable (affectionate). You could say it's labeled under the stereotypical word "tsundere", if it makes it a little easier to understand. 


INTROVERTED - In reality, Maki wants to form friendships with others. However, there's an invisible wall she holds up to block others out. Mainly, the cause roots back to her early childhood years. She had a hard time making friends with her closed in and quiet attitude, and it eventually got harder as the years passed by. Finally, it became an effort. She occasionally pulls off stunts to get more attention, but other than that she's slowly working things out herself... Although that isn't her primary focus to be honest.








» N/A

» Athletics [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Precision [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Sprint & Acrobatics [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Extended Weight Limit [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Battle Healing [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Block [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» Parry [RANK 0 - # SP USED]

» One-Handed Curved Sword [RANK 1 - 2 SP USED]



» Light Armor [RANK 0 - # SP USED]









» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)




» N/A


+ Maki was originally planned to be around the age of fourteen - fifteen... but the creator resorted to this age instead.

+ Maki loves cute things. Secretly...
+ Originally, she was planned to take on a sweet and shy persona, but after looking at a few badass pics... (I changed my mind).


» To be written soon!


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