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[PP-F01] Too Close To The Raven

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  • Right... Raven... Bluejay... Cardinal... Raven... Blue---...

    Inu's thoughts rambled on, repetitively, in attempt to solidify her goals (as if she needed to do so) as her eyes motioned up into the tree and scanned for any sign of birds. A few flashes of red drew her eyes to the far right branches of the tree pretty quickly. It seemed the cardinals were the closest, and even easiest, to get to thus far. Which seemed odd, given that bluejays were located dead center above her, and the Raven's to her left. But the trees branches became scattered and sparse in those directions, unless of course, she headed toward the cardinals first, in which it was set up much more like a staircase... albeit, a dangerous one.

    It was a maze of sorts, as Inu had imagined it would be. It was very suiting to her chosen career, and her longing to specify pretty remotely into acrobatics and song. As the young one began to piece together the path in which was wisest to take she could hear Saix speak up, and tried hard to just let his warning roll off of her pretty little shoulders.

    It wasn't as if he didn't yield reasonable concerns, but if she let fear well now, Inu knew there would be no way to complete this. Instead she flashed her big brother a smile in return, and as casually as she could muster, taunted him with a nonchalant comment that was very unlike her. "You worry too much!" Truth be told, it's what she loved most about him - his protective nature over her. He'd always had it, and Inu knew he always would. He was the only one in the real world who saw her, and the only one who ever really attempted to care for her. He had his shortcomings, but Inu knew she did as well. They were hardly to blame for them though. Their father had never been known for his gentle nature, and Inu knew he held more sway over Saix than she liked to admit. But there was something about a father and son relationship that she'd never really grasp... though imagined if they still had their mother, their bond would be much the same to the boy's eyes.

    As the young one's smile softened she turned back to look up, and taking a deep breath, grasped the next branch above her and pulled herself up as best she could. It was a struggle, given that she was still low in level and strength, but eventually she made it. However, it was clear this would be the least of her problems. As she looked out into the next area... there would need to be a leap of faith that the young one wasn't sure she was entirely willing to take. The first branch hadn't been so far from the ground, and neither the second, but this third one put her a good distance above her brother. She wondered then if falling from this would actually harm her... or even worst... kill her.

    Immediately Inu shook the thought from her mind, trying hard instead to focus on the task at hand, even when the sound of her wolf pup Ezo barking beneath her proved to be quite distracting. In attempt to calm him, and somewhat to lighten the sitution, Inu broke off a small branch... which she was semi-surprised the game allowed her to do, but then figured it was good she'd made the attempt... perhaps some of these branches weren't as stable as others.

    "Would you keep Ezo busy? I can't focus... and I fear his barking will scare away the birds..." Giggling, Inu dropped the small branch down toward her brother, then return her lilac gaze ahead. Taking a deep breath she decided there was little more time that could be wasted on second guessing, and made the leap. Inu made it successfully, only having to haul herself up onto the thick branch as she had the previous one, but this put her a helluva lot closer to the cardinals than she was before. The rest of it though she'd have to tread lightly... with that leap the cardinals seemed to catch onto her antics, and even a few fluttered away to higher branches. Seeing such, Inu lowered herself among the thick bushel of leaves that surrounded her, and slowed her breathing. It was time to listen, and pick up on the exact sound she was supposed to replicate.

    At least it could be assumed that's what the NPC had meant in her riddle of sorts. Not all battles need be won with force, when your way is barred do not forget your voice.

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Ezo was far more distressed then simply barking, the little pup's fur stuck out in all directions like he had taken a ride in the tumble drier, with hair sticking up all over the place. Normally Saix would have found it funny, but he was riveted on the form of Inu who was climbing higher into the tree. It seemed that a barking dog made listening to bird calls more difficult than it needed to be, and she casually snapped off a branch and dropped it his way, telling him to entertain the dog. For a moment it felt like a fist made of ice had just grabbed his heart.

She had broken off a branch, that meant that the tree branches could break, that they might be more dangerous than he had previously imagined. Taking a moment to give the dog a quick brush down the back, and get his attention with the stick, Saix pulled back and threw the stick, watching Ezo quickly race off after the projectile. With Ezo occupied for the moment, he craned his head back up and watched Inu get steadily closer to the Cardinals. She had teased him saying that he worried too much. That wasn't true at all. He didn't think he worried enough. It was his fault she was in this game, as he was the one who had convinced her to play. Not only that, she was the only reminder of the good memories he had of his family...

The Cardinals had yet to really react to her presence, though when she came within range, they turned to face her as one, quickly puffing up as though frightened. In a display that Saix found incredibly creepy, they all suddenly sang as one, a quick little four note sequence of low, high, and falling notes. They paused for a long moment, their beady little eyes fixed on her and repeated their four note sequence expectantly. Saix slowly nodded, even as Ezo returned and bumped his leg with a whine, the stick clenched in his little puppy jaws.

That note sequence had not been quite that difficult, it was rather comfortably in the baritone range. He imagined that he himself could probably replicate it, albeit off key perhaps. But he was also certain that the other birds might be a little harder to learn the tune from. Glancing down he wrestled the stick away from Ezo, and hurled it off again for the little pup to chase. All he could really do at this point was keep the pup quiet and watch Inu, hoping that if for any reason she did fall, he would be able to catch her.

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