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«Jie» The Shadow Rider

» Username: Jie
» Real name: Jie Edmonds
» Age: 14
» Gender: Male
» Height: 5'5"

» Appearence: Check profile picture

» About: History/personality
Jie was born in Japan to parents who were not expecting him, but they decided to love him anyway. It didn't work out. At the age of three his parents filed for a divorce over stress of raising a baby, and it was finally decided that he would go with his Australian dad. For all of his life, he loved playing games of any kind, from Board to computer, he would play them all. And then came the day the accident happened, He was hit by a truck. The event blinded him for a month, and even after that, he was paralyzed, unable to move his body from the neck down, in addition to that his friend left him, wanting nothing to do with the paralyzed classmate, not caring that they had just been best friends the day before. When Sword Art Online rolled around (five months after the incident), he took the chance. A way to finally move again! it was almost too good to be true... 
» Virtues:

Jie is extremely intelligent and was in the top class, but unfortunately was not very good at English. This may have been due to the fact that when he was unable to move, his father sent for a tutor, that was very good in most things, but unfortunately English was not her native language, meaning that she wasn't very good at it either.


The fact that his friend left him has made him realize the importance of friendship in his life, so he has decided to never give up on the few friends he makes. However becoming his friend may be a little bit of a problem, because he has become a lot More selective on the friends he chooses, only allowing those that he believes will stick with him to become one.



For most people they would have grown distant and cold if all the events that had happened to him, happened to them. But for all of his life he had been very friendly, and old habits die hard. However he does not trust easily, meaning that if you break his trust he will never give it too again, and for the the most part it's actually easier to regain his trust if he didn't trust you at first.

» Flaws:
Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

After all of the events which had happened to him over his life, he has become tense and uneasy, not wanting more accidents to happen. He has also become much less brave, and a lot less willing to take most risks, this might be because he had not really thought about rushing onto the road, and he had regretted that mistake ever since.



After being stuck to a wheelchair for months on end, he has become used to not moving a lot, meaning that he has become quite clumsy as a result. Most accidents however will involve his feet rather than his hands, this may be due to the fact that his dad was a painter, and he had taught Jie how to keep his hand steady while painting.



He has heard many stories about creepy puppets and dolls While he was a child, and once when he was at his friends house, he saw a very creepy movie about the topic. Once at school he told someone about his fear, and he was made fun of for the rest of his days there, because he was afraid of dolls, and now it is very unlikely that he will tell anyone about the fear, although at times it may be obvious. (If you don't know what automatonophobia, here is the wikipedia article on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatonophobia)





Weapon skills:
» Dagger


» A Beginners Pack containing; 10 bread, 15 water, Cloth clothing
» A  One-Handed Dagger (does 1 damage, plus skill, for a total of two damage)


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