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[PP-F1] Row row, I will fight the wolf's! (Quick Silver & Ariel)

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When Quick Silver saw Ariel take down the wolf once more, and seeing it shatter away, he just sighed, and rubbed his chin. *Man wish I could be as powerful as her, wait this isn't time for me to get envious?* He pondered to himself looked at Ariel, "Lets get a move on, don't want to other monsters to get lonely." He said with a smile and began walking again, as he wanted to get going, the mobs here weren't going to kill themselves. And Quick Silver was going to try his hardest to gain something from this little training session of his, he hoped that he would at least gain a weapon from it all. Something he was more familiar with, because the sword he had was not something he cared for using his Iaijutsu in, for he was trained in using a Iai blade, and not a longsword.

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"Don't forget the loot!" she said while walking towards the new prey mob. She took a look at Silver and spoke in a teacher-like manner"Hey, I planned to tell you this later but don't sweat to much because of missing. Firstly, the mobs are way above your level and secondly, I don't know if this is true but I feel like my movements are dull and heavy compared to the my training IRL. I think the sword skill, One handed Rapier in my case, at low levels somehow restricts my movements and the amount of damage I can make. But I feel that with each new rank, that restriction lessens so I hope that once I get the skill Grand Mastered It will allow me to fight like I did IRL.


She then focused on the wolf that came into her vision, with a grin she said: "I'll take a shot at this one first if you don't mind! " and without awaiting his response the blond unsheathes her black blade in a elegant move and dashes towards the new target. Once in striking rage the blond performs one thrusting move, putting all her gathered momentum in it. She hits the attacking wolf in the mouth and deflects his front claws with her left vambrace then perform a half spin to let the mob crash and tumble a couple of times behind her. She then turn towards Silver "Switch!"


 Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 13753  BD: 9 [Critical Hit]  MD: 1 (3-2eva)


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Ariel: 10 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 10/20


- Damage taken: 10

Round One: Ariel [10 HP]

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With the second wolf taking damage like the last one, Quick Silver saw Ariel doing her thing, taking huge chunks of hit points, and when the words Switch entered his ears he did so. Sliding past Ariel, and skidding on his heels, as he came close to the wolf, his weapon dragging along the sheathe. The same silver colour emitting from the blade, as he dragged the weapons point along the ground like usual, and went for the hit. But alas like so many time before, he missed, the wolf leaping back, and him sheathing his weapon, he backed away and held no expression on his face, only a statue like expression. As he held his weapon like last time, his white silver hair fluttering behind him, as he waited for Ariel to attack, he didn't say anything, just a unsettling quiet aura around him.


- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 14056

BD: 4 [Miss]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Quick Silver: 0 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: 10/20


- Damage taken: 10

Round One: Ariel [10 HP]

Round One: Quick Silver [0 HP]

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Seeing Silver understand her call and take point the blonde thought that he might be able to land a hit but this time again the wolf managed to evade him....'It's clear that sword isn't helping him too much' she thought, seeing him back up in silence... "Chin up, I told you before that it doesn't mean anything if you miss! If you keep giving me that face I'll have to smack some sense into you. How can you frown like that when you're fighting alongside a  ç¾Žå°‘女; ã³ã—ょã†ã˜ã‚‡  like me??" she said in a joking tone to lighten up the mood while a translation bubble appeared above her head. She tried to wave it away with her left hand saying:"He doesn't need to know what it means."


Then she focused on the mob as it started running towards her, she made a 180º turn with her rapier holding it like a dagger. Then she put her left hand in front of the right making a X defensive pose while securing her footing for the incoming impact. As the wolf lashed at her with its jaws Ariel pushed forwards, the wolf went into her stance as if it slammed into a wall almost instantly going on his back due to the resistance of her vambraces plus the force of her push. It let out a low squealing before exploding into the polygons that made it.


The blonde then broke stance and sheathed her sword with a elegant move after making a downwards slash to the right, as if to clean her blade of any remaining blood. She then picked up the material left behind and threw it to Silver. "There you go! I think that was all of them right?" she asked while looking around for any more possible wolfs that she might've overlooked.



Language Spoken: Japanese

Word said:  

美少女; ã³ã—ょã†ã˜ã‚‡(Bishoujo)


Translated Language: English/opposing players natural Language.

Word Translated: 

Beautiful young girl




- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 14073

BD: 7 [Hit]  MD: 5 [Miss] (7-2eva) [Thorns Activated]  LD: 2


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 40/40

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Ariel: 11 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wolf's HP: -1/20


- Damage taken: 10

Round One: Ariel [10 HP]

Round One: Quick Silver [0 HP]

Round Two: Ariel [ 11 HP] [Thorns]


-Loot: 1 Material

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Quick SIlver watched as Ariel annihilated the wolf with her Rapier, and as he read the bubble that appeared above her head, he smiled. "Yes, I know your a beautiful young lady, that was obvious." He said with a little grin, and walked to her, with his hand shooting up, he grabbed the material that came to him. And he rubbed his chin, "Why give this to me, you got the kill, it's yours." He said, his Swedish accent coming out from his lips, and he gave a look over the material, with a sigh he looked it over and tried to identified it. "Hmm... lets see it's a <<Beast Bone>>, I think I can have this made into a weapon, but I don't know." He said as he placed it into his inventory by clicking the icon next to the name, and then reverted his gaze to Ariel, "So tell me, miss beauty, as so you said, what now?" He asked her, wondering, as his silver hair danced behind him, his weapon now on his waist, as he placed it into passive mode, the long black sheath reaching to the back of his knee.

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Her cheeks started to gain a tinge of red as she saw Silver smile and compliment her. "That wasn't the point I was trying to make...geez it sounds so ....different in [sAO base language..english?] than in my native tongue." She'd shift her gaze, apparently searching for more mobs when in fact she just didn't want to meet his gaze. Seeing nothing hostile-looking around she let out a sigh and respond: "You should take it to Tyger or Oikawa, I'm sure either will make a fine katana out of it. They are the best blacksmiths I know, one of them has his shop at this level while Taiga(that's how she pronounces tyger) has her shop at the" still not wanting to meet his eyes she starts walking  while answering: "I think that was all of wolves they usually run in packs of 3..at least here in SAO. How about he head to town and see what we get in our way back." she declared while checking her HUD map for the shortest way towards the 'Starting City'.

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Quick SIlver saw her cheeks reden like a pair of cherries and he smiled, walking towards her, as she made her way back to the town. This was a chance to make Ariel blush even more, "No it wasn't the point, but I made it the point, as it is true. You are a beautiful young woman, and that isn't something you can change." He said as he walked in front of Ariel and began passing backwards as his golden eyes hazel eyes gazed at her blue ones. He looked down at Kimba and smiled, "Isn't you master soo funny, she blushes from a simple compliment, how cute." He said bending down, still walking and tickled the lion cubs nose with his long ponytail and then turned right around. "You know Ariel, you look good when you blush, makes your face liven up, something every woman should have." When he said that he began walking faster as he to was looking around for the third wolf, and when he saw the town, he sighed, "Perhaps this group was a smal... well I take that back, look over there." He said pointing at the one near the town and he spoke again, "And your thought on the weapon I should make is incorrect, a Iaisword and a Katana are two different things, Katana's in here use two hands, Iaiswords are one handed." He said with a smile, "But no one is perfect in that concept, even I got them mixed up." He said drawing his longsword and looking at Ariel, "Soften it up for me will ya? He asked her as he waited, he just wanted to get a final strike for once, or at least a hit that would give Ariel her final strike if he missed again.

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To his compliments Ariel raised her unusual silver eyes to meet his hazel colored ones, for a split only to hide her gaze again below her short bangs. Then responded with a barely audible voice: "I'm not like that, there are many that I can't even hold a candle against...but thank you." Kimba on the other hand when she was addressed she would let out a roar of approval while unsuccessfully trying to catch the white moving thing that touched her nose. Ariel then embraced herself as to comfort herself while distant memories resurfaced. From when she was in high school, by that time already mastering the art of fencing and participating to a couple of tournaments. The thought of leaving the two alone and running in a random direction did cross her mind but she snapped out of that state as soon as she heard Silver telling her to look at his pointed direction. There she saw another pack of wolves but two of them seemed to ran off while menacingly growling at the 3rd one. Then the two left the one behind, as it attempted to follow them Ariel could see that it had a limp in his walking pattern and couldn't keep up. In fact it was painstakingly slow: "We should put it out of its misery" she said in a sad tone while brandishing her black weapon.


The wolf sensed them and like a cornered...wounded animal, it only became more savage dashing with its current top speed at the blond that was threatening it. Ariel let out a sigh while planting her legs firmly on the ground, entering a defensive stance with her left arm. Holding it like she'd have a shield instead of vambraces. The wolf ignored that move and pounced at her, trying to bite the arm, its fangs clashed against her armor piece as she, with her right hand, thrusted her rapier from beneath and piercing the mob a little below the neck, missing the vital point. "Care to help?" she asked while holding the mob in place as it continued biting into her left vambrace.


- Battle Dice Rolls

ID: 14503

BD: 6 [Hit]  MD: 6 (8-2) [Hit] [Thorns Activated]


- Party HP

Ariel's HP: 39/40(-1)

Quick Silver's HP: 7/7


- Damage Inflicted

Ariel: 11 damage inflicted on Wolf.


- Foe

Wounded Wolf's HP: 1/12


- Damage taken: 11

Round One: Ariel [11 HP]


((FYI: Ariel has silver eyes and the mob will drop a mat only for a LD of 15+

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