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PP - F2 Eyes of the Night <<Let There Be Light>> (Calrex and Teayre) (Completed)

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It was late in the day when Calrex appeared on the second floor's Urbus settlement.

"If seems like I've been doing more and more things on the second floor as of late."

"Alright Calrex stay focued. You're not here to sightsee."

He moved over to a nearby wall, leaning against it, "I messaged Teayre about this quest, hopefully she got it. It looked it might yield a good reward that would put us further towards purchasing a house on one of the floors."

"Let's see, if I remember correctly, we're supposed to help an NPC mother to find her child in one of the caves. Of course the caution was that it might be hindering to our sight in there without a particular skill."

Calrex gave a breath as he let his eyes relax, adjusting to the lessening amount of light in the area. As he did his eyes dilated, taking in even more light than before. Even in the non-hindering darkness of the city he could see it as clearly as if he was on the first floor. His <<Night Vision>> skill was active.

"It's a good thing I picked this up then."

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Spawning in next to Calrex she reached for his hand, her other resting on the hilt of her blade.


"Heya Callie, long time no see! Well... Sorry I've not been able to talk much, I was busy sorting out some bits... I was writing some essays up about my life and doing some quests."


Looking around she took in the sights of the second floor.


"I'll never miss this place.


Leaning her head against Calrex's shoulder she asks him,


"So what're you doing here Callie-kun? I heard there was a quest here so fancied going for it, what about yourself?"

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"So what're you doing here Callie-kun? I heard there was a quest here so fancied going for it, what about yourself?"


As Teayre materialized ned to him he gave a smile and grasped her hand, pulling her in to a deep hug, "You have no idea how much I missed seeing you Teayre, heh." He gave a quick kiss to her forehead before releasing her, "But you're right I'm actually here for a quest as well. It's supposed to be one where you're supposed to help an NPC find her missing child in a cave. The main danger so far is that we would be at a disadvantage due to the darkness, but..."


He pointed to his eyes, "Luckily enough I took <<Night Vision>> as a skill, so just leave the scouting to me."


He gave a smirk as he gently squeezed Teayre's hand again, "Once you're all set if you want to join me I'd be happy to have you with me."

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"I'm always set to join you Callie, come on lets go."

Jumping up and down she sets off, hearing the calls of a woman she headed over in that direction.


"Hello, have you seen my boy? My boy's gone missing, can you find him for me please?"


As the lady finished speaking, a quest text popped up in front of Teayre. 



Would you like to accept the quest <Let There Be Light>?

O - Accept                    X - Decline

Accepting the quest the lady continued her speech.


"Thank you, Thank you so much! My boy was playing on the fields west of here when he went into a cave, and didn't come out I tried going in after him but it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing."


Placing a hand on the woman's shoulder, Teayre smiles at her.

"Don't worry we'll get your boy back, what's his name so we can call out to him so he know's we're friendly?"

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"Oh thank you! His name is Koran! Please bring him back safe."


Calrex gave a warming smile at the NPC mother, "Don't worry, we'll find him and bring him back just the way you last saw him."


The mother gave a grateful bow before taking off.


With that he accepted the quest as well, looking over at Teayre, "Alright she said that Koran was playing in the fields west of this location right? Guess all we've gotta do is find the cave in that area."


With that he equipped all of his gear before looking over at Teayre, "We should be alright. Also if you need healing I got a Recovery Crystal II. Just let me know and I'll use it."


He gave a smile before putting his hands in his jacket pockets, brushing Teayre's hair as he walked past her, turning and giving a friendly head nod, "Hopefully we can get this done before it gets dark."

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Letting out a laugh, she looks across at Calrex.


"Well if it gets dark you can lead the way Callie."


Heading off in the direction the mother pointer, after getting out of the gates she hears a screeching from above and looks up to see Beleram flying, screeching happily and beginning to do several aerial acrobatic stunts. Looking up Teayre stops, raising a hand she begins to trace the motions of her beautiful companion with a finger. Sighing, she brushes her hair out of eyes with a hand before placing them on her hips.


"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to fly Cal? It's a shame they didn't introduce something like that into this game."

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"I've never really given it much though, since the only way so far that we can fly is through using plane or blimps. To be able to fly under your own power...seems like a romantic way of getting around..."


As Calrex watched Teayre gaze at her winged familiar he felt a smile come to his face as he kept his eyes on her. He took a hand up to move some of the bangs from his face, trying to keep his blue hair from going all over the place.


"Yeah, it would have been neat for them to do something like that, although finding a way to control and simulate that feeling of flight in humans would probably prove to be difficult. Although I'm sure if we make it out of this game there will most likely be other ones that might try to give that kind of idea a try."


As they reached the gate he gave a nod to Teayre as he drew his weapon, "Let's be ready just in case any other monsters decide to interrupt us before we reach the cave. I have a feeling it won't be as populated now though, but let's stay low to avoid any unnecessary trouble."

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Drawing her falchion Teayre lets out a sigh, whilst Beleram screeched flying low before perching on her shoulder looking at the eagle she gently strokes his head before handing him a small piece of bread.


"There, there boy. It'll be okay alright? I'm sure we'll manage just fine. We've got bluey here to protect us after all."


Flashing Calrex a smile, she felt her cheeks burn quickly hiding her face with her hand she lets out another sigh.


"Why's he doing this to me, now of all times... Focus Teayre come on."


"Cal, be careful it might be a trap set up... I... No, we need to make sure we're safe."

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At the sight of Teayre's cheeks flushing Calrex's cheeks flushed as if in response as he gave a quick fake cough.


"Cal, be careful it might be a trap set up... I... No, we need to make sure we're safe."


"You're right, we can't really know what to expect once going in here. I'll go ahead and take point thought once we reach the cave. I remember rumors about this quest that the cave is dark enough it actually hinders your sight, but I've got the <<Night Vision>> ability, so I'll be able to see just fine. I'll make sure that the coast is clear before proceeding, so we can take it slow and steady."


As the two reached the area where the cave should be Calrex toom point, slowly entering into the mouth of the cave. As the rumors previously stated, the cave itself was very dark. Calrx gave a few calming breaths as he let his eyes relax and quickly adjust to the darkness as he looked inside, "It looks clear in the entrance, but let's be careful. There appear to be some decent sized rock a few paces in that we can use for cover in the meantime."


OOC: From here on out the -1 to Battle Dice Rolls will be in effect

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Following Calrex carefully into the cave Teayre stretched her hand out in front of her, Beleram quickly slipped into Teayre's dress staying out of sight. The stone was cold and slimy to the touch as her hand made contact with it, quickly pulling her hand back she lets out a screech.

"I'm... I'm okay Cal, it was just a rock... I think..."

Taking a few deep audible breaths, she shifts her grip on her falchion before stepping forwards again looking around she catches her foot on a small rock and begins to roll down the tunnel screaming as she goes, loosing all sight of Calrex she feels the tunnel take a steep drop before levelling out. The sound of dripping water echo'd throughout the part she was in.

"So I'm probably in a cavern here... hopefully there's noth-"

A sudden flapping of wings by her head caused her to crouch down.

"Guess there is something after all, right lets see what I can do..."


Her eyes straining in the dim light, she makes out a shape of a relatively large winged creature swooping down over a small rock, with smaller ones around her.

"Great... guess it is bats..."






ID: 13929


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Calrex looked as all of a sudden he heard a rustling noise, seeing that Teayre had lost her footing and begun tumbling down into the cave, "Whoa whoa whoa."


He quickly rushed after her, doing a small jump so that he could enter into a slide, picking up speed so that he could quickly catch up. As he reached her he  looked up, seeing a bat's wing take a quick flap. He quickly rushed over, pushing himself against the rock Teayre was crouching behind, "Yeah, looks like a giant bat to be sure."


He gave her a signal to remain quiet as he drew his Anneal Blade, peeking out from behind the rock. The bat appeared to have moved deeper into the cave, the sound of its flaps growing more and more distant. Calrex emerged from behind the rock as he looked around the cavern, "Looks clear for now. I don't see any other creatures in this part of the cave. Course I don't see any trace of Koran either. He might have gone further in."


"Best see if we can find any particular trace of him, like a trail or something like that."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gently stroking Beleram's head she reassures him that it'll be okay, standing she begins to look around seeing if she can find anything related to the boy digging around she lets out a loud "Yuck!" as her hand goes into some guano coming back out she tosses the object she found at Calrex.


"What do you think Cal? I think it might be a shoe, it's got an opening and feels oddly shoe like to me of course your eyes are better than mine though."


Wiping her hand down she draws her falchion gently swinging it from side to side making sure it hung right.


"So... Further into the Cave then Cal?"


ID: 14882

LD: 13 (14 - 1[Due to light conditions)

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ID: 14885

Loot Dice: 10 (Search and Detect +1) = 11 Low light conditions negated by Night Vision


As Teayre cried out Calrex went on alert for a second. A noise that loud could've alerted any monsters that were in the cave. After being at the ready for a few seconds he breathed a small sigh of relief as he released his grip on his Anneal Blade.


"That might have been a little too close for comfort. Falling and making some noise that could be considered part of the environment is one thing. But voices are unique and would be out of the ordinary no matter what."


As the object Teayre tossed by him landed he looked down, inspecting it. It looked to be a shoe. Going from what Calrex could guess the kid must have stepped in the guano and when his foot came out the shoe got stuck in the goop.


"Yeah definitely a shoe. Alright then, we'll need to look for something to match his walking pattern then."


As he scanned around he looked to see if there was anything else out of the ordinary in the entrance area, "Looks to be nothing else at the moment. Let's go ahead and move further in."

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Nodding at Calrex, she shifts her grip on her weapon as she slowly follows him down where the bats had fled to. After some time she cocks her head to one side before gently tapping Calrex on the shoulder, he brow furrowed with a quizzical expression on her face. Whispering she begins to ask Calrex something before ducking as she feels a great gust of wind on her head.


"Can you h- OH GOD NOT AGAIN!"


Kneeling down, a shiver runs down her spine as another cold breath of wind slithers down her back. Spinning she hears a screech very close.


"C-Cal, is there something there? I can't see much but I'm getting very cold and there's a lot of wind."


Raising her blade into a general defensive guard she presses her back against Calrex's.  Muttering repeatedly "Don't be bats." under her breath time and time again.

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As Teayre let out another yelp in surprise Calrex's eyes narrowed as he felt the great gut of wind blow over him as well. He quickly turned and put a hand on Teayre's shoulder as he dropped his weight, motioning for her to crouch as well. He looked above, seeing the flap of a large wing.


"Sorry Teayre, looks like our good luck at avoiding encounters might have just run out..."


It was an oversized bat, although with some luck it hadn't completely noticed the two players. It had clung to a nearby wall, its eyes scanning to see if it could pick up on wherever it had previously detected them. Calrex guided Teayre as he ducked behind a nearby rock.


"Bats may have decent sight, but they can also use echolocation. If we stay behind this rock it might not be able to fully detect us for now."


With that he turned back to Teayre, speaking in a whisper, "I'm going to try and sneak up on it. Hopefully I can take it out fairly quickly so that we can avoid any other monsters in the meantime."


With that he emerged from behind the rock as he quickly moved over to the same wall the bat was on. As he did he quickly used his <<Sprint>> ability and accelerated fast enough that he was able to take a few steps on the wall before kicking off, leaping towards the creature.


ID: 14913

Battle Dice: 2


As he got into striking range all of a sudden the bat turned to face him and gave a screech that was strong enough that it disrupted Calrex's focus as he raised and arm to block and ear. He harmlessly sailed past the bat, landing on the ground below, "Shoot, so much for the element of surprise..."


Battle Start

HP List

Calrex: 53/53

Teayre: 26/26 (Not yet detected)



Giant Bat: 30/30

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ID: 14926

BD: 6 (5 +2 ACC -1 Low Light)


Ducking behind the rock that Calrex had lead her to she waited for the boy to dash out as a screech resonated throughout the cave. Gripping her falchion she darted round keeping herself low, pushing off on her right foot she sailed through the air slashing down she causes a few red crystals to appear across the bat's abdomen. Landing she twists her ankle, spinning she pushes back off swinging her blade upwards she strikes the bat causing several more red crystals to appear continuing the harrying attack she steps forward slowly. The bat lets out another screech causing Teayre to step back, before it beat its wings causing it to hover in the centre of the tunnel.


"Cal, it looks like we'll have to fight our way through."


Scraping her blade against the wall it sparks illuminating the tunnel with flashes of light before throwing it back into darkness. Letting out a sigh she slips to the side giving Calrex room to pass her in the narrow tunnel.


"I do hate bats you know. You're up Cal."



HP List

[H:0] Calrex: 53/53

[H:1] Teayre: 26/26



Giant Bat: 26/30 4DMG (1 Base + 3 Skill)

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ID: 14927:

Battle Dice: 7

Mob Dice: 4 (Evasion +1) = 3


Calrex nodded as Teayre switched out as he quickly rushed forward. Since Teayre had made a successful attack on the bat it made homing in on his target even easier. Since he wasn't hindered by the darkness he gave a calming breath as he stepped until he was just beneath the bat, giving a quick short hop before planting his feet together, leaping up into the air. The bat's previous screech was ending as he approached, so it didn't have enough air to yell once again as he gave a quick 360, slashing as he came back around, easily leaving another slash across its stomach.


As Calrex began to drop back towards the ground the bat tried to fly after him to strike, but its claws were unable to get a grasp of him as he shifted his shoulder left and right, avoiding each attack. As he reached the ground he quickly kicked off, sliding back a few paces as the bat stopped its descent, hovering just above the ground, "Yeah, it looks like it. Let's make this quick so that we don't attract to much noise. Switch."


HP List

Calrex: 53/53

Teayre: 26/26



Giant Bat: 22/30

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ID: 14926

BD: 6 (5+2ACC – 1[Low Light])


"Yeah, it looks like it. Let's make this quick so that we don't attract too much noise. Switch."


As Calrex told her to switch she was already dashing forward as he slid back she ran towards him vaulting over him before swinging her falchion upwards just managing to nick the bat’s wing. As Teayre pivoted on her left foot the bat swooped in to try and catch her, ducking the bat went past her and was now between her and Calrex landing a few harrying blows on the back of the beast she called to Calrex.


“I think we might have the advantage now Cal, switch!â€


Stepping back a couple of paces she swivelled her blade around in her hand, holding it behind her she raised a hand in front of her following the bobbing of the bat as it hovered twisting and turning trying to decide who to go for.



HP List

Calrex: 53/53

Teayre: 26/26



Giant Bat: 18/30 (1Base + 3Skill)

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ID: 14949

Battle Dice: 10 (+2 Damage)

Mob Dice: 4 (Evasion +1) = 3


As Teayre managed to land another series of strikes on the bat Calrex gave a nod as she switched out. He flipped his Anneal Blade into reverse as he began his approach by running up the wall once again. The bat in the meantime had attempted to fly down at Teayre, but its attack flew clear of the mark as its claws scratched the ground.


However, this set up a great opportunity for a critical strike as Calrex leapt off of the wall, turning so that he faced the bat. He gave a calming breath as he descended, bringing the ice pick gripped blade up. As he handed on the back of the bat he plunged his sword into its neck, wrenching it left and right a few times before extracting it, leaping off with a backflip as he landed on the ground, "Alright, that was a good hit. Teayre switch!"


HP List

Calrex: 53/53

Teayre: 26/26



Giant Bat: 12/30

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ID: 14952

BD: 1 (D’oh)


The bat screeched hearing Calrex tell her to switch Teayre crouched low as several smaller bats flew over her head. Dropping her weapon she curled up into a ball slowly rocking back and forth. Circling around her head, the chirping of the bats causing her to place her hands over her ears. The rocking becoming more and more intense as tears starting streaming down from her eyes.


“The bats… It’s too much Cal I can’t… The Bats…. It’s too… It’s just too much for me… Kill the thing, let’s find the kid and get out of here… I don’t want to be here no more… Just.. just SAVE ME CALREX!â€


HP List

Calrex: 53/53

Teayre: 26/26



Giant Bat: 12/30

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