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[F6-SP] <<Calming the Soul>>(Complete)

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Walking through the dense Jungle of the sixth floor, Rook wished he was still able to enter the safe zones of towns. He had herd about the main village which was filled with only female NPCs. Sounds like my type of town he thought to himself. Never the less however, a village full of woman was not his reason for coming to this floor. While adventuring around on the 5th floor, Rook had overheard a group of players talking about a Waterfall located in the jungle of the 6th floor that forced the player into facing his own inner demons. Rook was never a person to feel a lot of emotions and the things that he cared deeply about came few and far between. Rook still wondered though, what type of demons had he buried deep inside of him. As he continued to walk though the jungle, he listen hard for the sound of falling water.

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As Rook walked out into the clearing, he was amazed with the sight that was before his eyes. The Waterfall of the Sage, this must be it he thought to himself. Looking around he noticed several large stones scattered about all around the waterfall. Approaching the waters edge, Rook cupped his hands and dipped them into the water. Raising them above his head he open his hands slightly and allowed the water to trickle down his face and onto his neck. Refreshing. Opening up his character menu, Rook unequipped all of his gear and jumped into the water. Swimming around, he almost forgot he was in a video game for a moment. Diving all the way to bottom of the plunge basin, Rook sat under the waterfall in calm serenity until he could no longer hold his breath. Allowing his body to slowly rise to the surface on its own. Rook climbed out of the water and on to the bank. Shaking the water out of his hair, he once again brought up his character menu and re-equipped all of his gear. Ready to continue, Rook looked around for good rock to sit down on. Spotting a large rock close to the waterfall but outside the splash range, he made his way over to it.

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Rook sat down on the rock Indian style and closed his eyes. He had never tried meditating before, but in all the t.v. shows and movies he had watched, this was always how people did it. As he cleared his mind, he found himself focusing on the sound of the rushing water as it came over the falls. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to try and block out the sound, but he found it soothing so he figured he might try and focus on it for awhile. Paying attention only to the sound of the water, he suddenly found past memories flowing through his mind and pouring away. That is until one memory in particular came to the front of his mind and stopped. It was an old memory from his childhood where he had let his brother take the blame for some trouble he had caused. As punishment his dad had whipped his brother badly. At the time Rook hadn't felt bad about letting his brother take the blame, in fact he was just glad that it wasn't him getting whipped. Looking back however Rook couldn't help feeling some emotion over the situation. I was just looking out for myself, who could blame? Rook thought as he tried to suppress the feeling of guilt that was bubbling up somewhere deep from within him.

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As the memory of his brother finally faded away it was quickly replaced with another from his early childhood. In the memory he was on the playground talking to a girl he had thought was cute. As she walked to go someplace he couldn't remember an older boy approached him. The other boy also having a crush on the girl had made a threat to Rook that he would hurt him if he continued to talk to the girl. Following his first reaction, he balled his hand into a fist and hit the boy as hard as he could knocking him to the ground. Standing over the boy he continued swinging until the boy began to cry uncontrollably on the ground. As his two older brothers ran in to pull him off, he remembered the anger he felt replaced with shame as he noticed the horrified look and the girls face as he was pulled away. I did what any strong person would do and stood up for myself, What other choice did I have? he thought.

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As a person who usually blocked out his emotions, and who many often though of as a sociopath. Rook was suddenly overcome with past emotions. Struggling to keep his concentration on the waterfall, he suddenly opened his eyes. Staring into the bottom of the falls, he though he could make out a shadow of a person standing behind the water. "Hello!" he called out to the shadow that he figured had to be from another player standing behind the water, there was no answer however. Rubbing his eyes for a moment to make sure he wasn't seeing anything, he wasn't sure if he could still make our the figure. My mind must be playing tricks on me he thought to himself.

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Freaked out by the tricks his mind was playing on him, Rook decided he would rather hurry up and get this over with. Returning to his seated position on the rock, Rook closed his eyes and focused on the sound of the waterfall. The memories of his past flowing once again through his mind, he picked one of them out in particular. He was now a few years older and in his house arguing with his parents. Always one for sport and athletics, he always disagreed with his parents on the subject of academics. This time the fight was over whether he would attend summer classes like his brother. Upset over the situation, Rook had told his parents he was running away from home and ran out the door. Alone on the streets, he hadn't thought about how he would eat or where he would live. The sun fading over the horizon, it began to rain as night fell. Cold and alone, Rook couldn't help but miss his parents and two brothers. He was to stubborn to go back though, he couldn't admit defeat. In the pitch black of night, he felt something shaking him from his sleep, it was his oldest brother. As he picked him up and carried him back home, Rook put on a strong front of stubbornness and pretended that he didn't want to go back. Secretly however, he was glad that his brother had came to take him back home. As the memory flashed before his eyes, Rook thought about how his stubbornness and refusal to admit defeat almost left him in a horrible position.   

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As Rook continued to mediate there on the rock, he though he herd a female voice calling out to him. Opening his eyes he once again could make out a dark shadowy figure standing behind the wall of water. This time he didn't bother to call out to however was standing behind the falls. Drawing his sword he dove into the water and came up on the other side of the waterfall. Heaving himself up onto another rock, he was confused when he couldn't see anyone around. Deciding he would set up here instead, Rook closed his eyes and returned to his meditation.

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As he closed his eyes, the situation with Violet came to his mind. He wondered if the feelings he had experienced in the memories were somehow connected to the situation with violet. Like the situation with the bully, Rook could of taken the opportunity to walk away and let her live. Once she had given into defeat there was no reason to keep attacking her besides to make a statement. A statement to who though? he thought to himself. It certainly wasn't to make a statement to her since she was now dead. Maybe I wanted to make a statement to other players not to mess with me, they would see my orange tag and know I wasn't to be fooled around with.  Was that really what they thought though? Although he tried to ignore most players, it seemed a lot of them looked at him like the girl in the playground did. Rook was unsure how this made him feel. Do I really care how others look at me? he thought to himself.

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It was a good question. After killing Violet, he had often felt alone just like the night he had ran away from home. Did his stubbornness once again lead him to making a decision he regretted?  Where would he be if he had let Violet live, would he be any closer to reaching his goals? Indeed he would have access to safe zones which would be a plus, but being restricted from towns wasn't what had him feeling the way he was. It was the lack of people around him. Sure if he was a green player there might be more players willing to join up with him, but then he would be bothered by having to watch more people's back besides his own. As an orange player, although there were only a limited number of people willing to team up with him, they could mostly take of themselves, and even fewer would dare to have expectations that he would risk his life for theirs. Was not having more people around him willing to help a weakness? Or was feeling bad about not having people around the weakness? Rook wasn't sure of the answer.

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Confused about how he felt about the repercussions of his decision to kill Violet, thinking about them certainly didn't help uncover the reason behind why he didn't just walk away. This experience was confusing to Rook, for this first time in his life his head was full of self doubt. What was causing this he wondered? Trying to clear his mind, he determined that there must have been a reason the memory of him letting his brother take the blame came to his mind. It was true thinking of the memory had made him feel bad for his brother. But by allowing his brother to take the fall for the crime, Rook had avoided punishment and there for was better off. The only downside being the sad emotion he felt for his brother getting beat. Thinking about the situation it all became clear to him. All of the decisions he had made were for his own benefit, it was his emotions that made it seem like they were bad decisions. By allowing his brother to get whipped, Rook was able to escape punishment. By beating up the bully, Rook had made statement that he wasn't to be messed with. It didn't matter what that girl though about him, there where many other girls that came after her, as for bullies he couldn't remember any. When he ran away from home, he was free to be and to do whatever he wanted, it was his emotions that had betrayed him and forced him back home.

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Opening his eyes and standing back up, he noticed his reflection in the waterfall. As he stood there and watched it, he was caught of guard when it lifted its hand and stuck it through the water, as if it was reaching out to him. What is this? he thought Is this my demon? Still observing the reflection, he got a calm feeling from it. No, this isn't my demon, this is my conscious!  Standing in front of Rook was all his emotions, feelings and attachments. As it turns out he was the demon and he had a choice to make. Does he reach out and embrace his emotions, finding away to utilize them as a strength? Or does he cut ties with that part of himself, the part of himself he thought was holding him back from acting in his best interest and achieving his goals? Rook thought about the decision.

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Feeling the cool mist of the waterfall contact his face, he was awoken from his intense thought. Looking around, Rook made eye contact with the reflection of himself one final time before carrying out his decision. Lifting his blade, he thrusted it though the heart of his reflection. For a moment it seemed like the reflection attempted to reach out to him with all of its might. Fighting to get to him, Rook could see everything he had ever been attached to or cared about in his life leave the reflections body. As more and more memories faded into the sky, the reflection slowly lost its strength until it could no longer fight. With deep sorrow and fear showing across it's face, he could tell the reflection didn't want to die. Nearing the end however, the fear faded from it's face and was replaced with anger. The reflection now bubbling and changing, morphed into another figure. Standing before him was Violet.

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Withdrawing his blade from the reflection, Rook was unsure what was happening. Staring down the figure of Violet that was before him, he had to side step quickly when it suddenly thrust it's dagger towards his face. I guess my conscious isn't going down without a fight he thought to himself. Swinging his blade in a horizontal slashing motion, Rook was able to make contact with the figure as it attempted to jump away. Looking around at his surroundings, he didn't feel comfortable trying to execute a battle on top of a bunch of slippery stepping stones. Using the figures retreat as a chance to grab some better ground. Rook jumped from stone to stone until he reached the bank safely.


ID: 13737 BD: 7+2=9 MD: 2


Rook-13/13(Hits for 2 damage)

Rooks conscious- 5/7

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Stepping onto the bank, Rook was caught off guard when he felt one of Violets daggers pierce his back. Turning around quickly, he rotated his leg in a low sweeping motion and managed to trip the figure of Violet onto the ground. Lifting his blade upwards, he quickly jabbed  it into her body momentarily impaling her to the ground. Pulling his sword from the figure, Rook jumped backwards as he did and took up a defensive stance.


ID:13740 BD:8 MD:9


Rook-11/13(Hits for 2 damage)


Rooks Conscious- 3/7(Hits for 1+1(critical)=2)

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This is looking to be as easy as the first time I killed her he thought to himself. His confidence high, Rook sprinted forward and attempted to strike Violet with a brutal slash of his swords. Utilizing its agility much like the real Violet would of, it quickly dodged out of the way. Having already fought Violet once however, Rook was prepared for her counter attack and deflected the dagger that was aimed for his knee with the blade of his sword. "Nice try, but I've already fought and killed the real Violet" Rook called out to his conscious "So your going to have to do a lot better then that if you want to stop me from killing you."


ID: 13741 BD: 3+2=5 MD: 3


Rook-11/13(Attack fails)


Rooks conscious-3/7(Attack fails)

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Watching the figure closely, he could make out a wicked smile come across its face as he made that last comment. Rushing forward once again in an attempt to end the battle quickly, Rook stopped in his tracks as the figure disappeared from in front of him, and reappeared behind him. How am I supposed to hit something that can teleport he thought to himself. Watching as the figure did this trick several times over, an idea came to his mind. Dropping his guard on purpose, he allowed the figure to get in close and attack. As it stabbed its dagger into his stomach, he quickly took advantage of the situation and grabbed its arm, preventing it from moving away. While holding it in place with one hand, Rook used his other to jam his own sword up through its stomach impaling it on his sword. Watching as the figure burst into shards, he was surprised when they seemed to be reforming back together.


ID: 13742 BD: 10 MD: 8


Rook-10/13(Hits for 2+2(critical)=4


Rooks Conscious-0/7(Hits for 1 damage)

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Observing as the shards reformed together, he was once again faced with the reflection of himself. This time with its blade drawn and ready to fight. Rook charged forward aggressively swinging his blade multiple times but his reflection was able to match every move, Continuing the onslaught of attacks Rook looked for an opening it its defense but to no avail. Pulling back from the attack, he raised his sword in a defensive manor and continued trying to size up his opponent.


ID: 13733 BD:3+2=5 MD: 3


Rook-10/13(Attack fails)


Rooks Conscious-3/3(Attack fails)

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Seeing an opening in the reflections defense, Rook made sure to make it count as he rushed forward. Raising his blade up high forcing the figure to raise its own blade high in preparation for defense. Rook quickly swung his blade low striking at the figures leg.  As the figure attempted to counterstrike, Rook blocked the attack with his blade before jumping out onto one of the stones sticking out of the water.


ID: 13745 BD: 7+2=9 MD: 2


Rook-10/13(Attack hits for 2)


Rooks Conscious-1/3(attacks fails)

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Determined to not be slayed, the figure of Rook leaped forward towards the rock the real rook was standing on and attempted to strike. In a perfect defensive position Rook swung his sword in a vertical motion that would surely land the killing blow on his double. Using the teleport trick once again, the figure teleport from in the air to below the surface of the water avoiding the fatal attack.


ID: 13746 BD: 3+2=5 MD: 1




Rooks Conscious-1/3

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Diving into the water to chase down the figure, Rook plunged in without giving it a second thought. Watching the figure as  it went down to the bottom of the fall basin, he swam after it as fast as he could. Reaching the bottom he swung his blade at the figure, but the density of the water slowed the attack greatly. Easily able to dodge the assault the figure moved out of the way, but did not attempt a counter attack.


ID: 13748 BD: 1 MD: 4




Rooks Conscious-1/3

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