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[F6-SP] <<Calming the Soul>>(Complete)

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Utilizing the same move as he did on the figure of Violet, he grabbed the arm of the figure of himself as it tried to create some distance and pulled it close. Holding the figure by the jacket and making eye contact with it. It seemed as if the figure had resigned to it's fate and given up. Hesitating for a short moment before finishing the job. Rook stabbed his sword through the figure, this time watching as the shards diapered for good. Allowing his body to float to the surface naturally. Something inside him felt different, although he couldn't pin point what it was. Clutching his body, it was as if a piece of his insides had be severed away. Had the game done this to him, or was this his own emotional turmoil coming to a conclusion? Whatever it was, Rook was unsure how deep the change was inside him. Would he feel the change once he was out of the game he wondered?


ID: 13750 BD: 7+2=9 MD: 3


Rook-10/13(Attack hits for 2)


Rooks Conscious-0/3

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Swimming over to the side of the basin, Rook hauled himself up onto the bank. Looking around the area, he decided it was best if he got out of the area before anything else strange happened. Rook hadn't been prepared to face what he did when he came to this waterfall, walking away he no longer felt emotion about the situation. Thinking of the memories that had came to light during his meditation, he no longer felt any emotional attachments to them either. Rook was free, unburden by emotion or a conscious, he was ready to set out to accomplish his goals, whatever that might entail.




List of Rewards

- <<meditation>> Skill

- 1 Skill Point

- 400 Col

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