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[SP-F1] Kharn's magical mountainous adventure

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ID: 14030 Battle: 1 Craft: 10 Loot: 6 Mob: 10


Kharn: 1/9

KGC: 3/8


Kharn managed to lunge just far enough to grab Gorechild, but that was as far as he could get. As his hands grasped the weapin, the beast swung down, impaling Kharn on its sword. It picked him up, the system warning him that a critical hit had been dealt, and threw hi once more. This time though, he landed on his feet, but was forced to hunch over and had started to pant. He was pretty beat up now and the creature was once more charging his position. Could this possibly be the end?

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ID: 14031 Battle: 10 Craft: 7 Loot: 3 Mob:5


Kharn: 1/9

KGC: 0/8


NO! He was a warrior of Khorne, a bloodletter who had dedicated himself to letting the red river flow, and the last of his cult. He refused to let it end here! He would win this in the name of his god, and for himself as well! He refused to let that accursed man who had made that accursed menu system win so easily! So as the creature ran forth, seconds from ending his life, Kharn let out a screech of hatred and courage, and charged in kind. The beast swund down, narrowly avoiding ending the berserker's life. Kharn stepped on its blade, which was now imbedded in the ground, and used it as a stepping stone, pushing himself upwards not unlike a certain kobold from earlier. As he lunged forward, he screamed in utter defiance "FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" and targetted its already weakened neck. A the blow cleanly seperated its head from its shoulders, and it stood still for just a moment as Kharn landed behind it, and then vamished in a blaze of blue. It was over. Kharn had won.

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Kharn sighed heavily. It had been a great fight, and his blood was still singing with joy, but now he was tired and his everything hurt. He had looked around for some loot, but all he had seen were some empty chests. Just his luck. He groaned. He also had to go all the way back down the mountain. Joy. As he walked out the front of the ruins, a peice of stray rubble caught his eye. It was flat and rectangular, and gave him an idea...a grin once more stretched across his face. He didn't know if it were possible, but if it was, this was going to be AWESOME.

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The sheepherding NPC continued its peaceful existence. Its coding was fairly simple, just move around the sheep and act as a mobile peice of scenery. It had already dumped the strange warrior from earlier from its memory banks, the system deciding that there was no real point in keeping the memories and usingbup space that could store information about more useful things, like sheep. So its confusion could be excused in the current circusmstances. It had been walking around, sheepherding as normal, when it suddenly heard a noise. It got louder and louder, as if getting closer. Suddenly, off a cliff several meters above him, came the blurred figure of the near death berserker came hurtling forwards atop a slab of stone, screaming in glee. He bounced off one off the stones and kept sliding until the friction finally caused him to slide to a stop. He jumped off the stone, ran up to the NPC, and shouted "I win! Rekt!" and sprinted off. The NPC blinked furiously, its system trying desperately to compute what had just happened. At long last, it responded to the long gone Kharn in the only way it could. "Does not compute. Please try again"

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Kharn sighed, collapsing into his bed back at the lovecraft Inn. It had been a long day, but the loot he acquired and the fights he had won made him believe it was easily worth it. He once more conjured the visage of the creature that had nearly ended him in his mind. He smiled at it, in a way that most would look at an old friend. Kharn remembered all his fights, and worthy opponents like this had a special place in his heart. As he lay back and started drifting off to sleep, he remembered one thing: he had found neither the players nor the boss. His eyes shot open. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

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