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[SHOP-F4] The Empty Shells

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Snow knew it was getting late, But she wanted to pop into a shop for a minute and to look around. When she walked into the warm shop she had to take off her scarf as it was very warm. She saw a few weapons and what not. She also saw other members. She stepped over to the counter and leaned on it, still looking around the shop. She then turned around and wondered how this person collected all these good items, It seemed like a new shop. "Konichiwa" She smiled, Then she realised, 'He may be a member from a different nation, Everybody knows Hello in French?' "Or Bonjour" She said and grinned. 


The shopkeeper looked young, yet he looked so sophisticated. He Had a dark shade of brown hair, and his eyes as well. 

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Rusty stood up from underneath the counter and put his book on the side so that he could continue reading it later. He then quickly turned towards the new player. "Hello, welcome. Is there anything you would like?" He responded, assuring the girl that in fact he was Japanese. His quick response was his way of wanting to get back to reading. Looking at his list of orders, he sighed. He still hadn't finish any of them and a new one wouldn't help at all. He could fix this if he gained some more mats, but that wasn't an option at the moment. "Just so you know, if you order something that it might take some time, considering there's two more orders before you." Rusty warned.

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"I can wait, Take your time." She smiled.She put her order on the counter 'A simple dagger, Good quality'. Then she looked around once more. Apparently there was already a dagger. She gave the 100 col to the counter person and left. Now that she had her dagger she was happy.  She could probably fight better if she tried.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Calrex made his way into the Empty Shells, giving a quick wave to Rusty as he approached the counter, "Hey, got you those materials that you requested. Let me know if you ever are in need of more. Hope business is well!"


With that he swiped through his menu, depositing the materials on the counter before giving a wave, heading back out.


Donated 5 Materials

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Rusty nodded at Calrex, mumbling a small "Thank You." before returning to the materials he had recently gained. It was simple was he was going to try to do now, he needed to start on a order that needed to be finished fast. He quickly grabbed at one of the metals and burned inside the small stove in the back. As he turned it over to its side, he looked around to see his hammer on the side. The red-hot iron was fully heated and now he had to finish it off with its transformation into an actual weapon. He rushed the iron bar towards the crafting table and grabbed the tool used to form it into a proper weapon. He bashed on the side of the iron bar and used a serrated knife to form the point into a sharp one. He stepped back and looked at his weapon. It was somewhat of a success. The sword turned out as an average rapier, something that wouldn't make the cut at all. Rusty gave a big sigh as he put the "success" on one of the hooks in the front room. He would need to try again.


ID: 15961 CD: 7 - Good

+2 EXP

-1 Material

Craft 1/3

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Rusty got himself up just so that he could hurry up and finish his first order. It had been a few months now and he couldn't blame Reu for being considerably angry at him for not being done with it. He was a lousy blacksmith, perhaps the man should've gone somewhere else. Still, there was no point in beating himself up over it. He needed to start crafting now before it was too late. Rusty grabbed a piece of metal and did the usual, heating it up and then bringing over to his crafting table. There were only so many times he could mess up. Bringing his hammer to the item, he began to mold it into the shape of a typical sword. After a few minutes of repeatedly doing this, the item came out a failure. It was a bent-up sword and the handle was slippery. It was useless. Rusty decided to try again.


ID: 16096 CD: 3 - Failure

+1 EXP

-1 Material

Craft 1/3

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Rusty opened up another piece of material and quickly heated it up. He was pissed off, his earlier attempt was just utter disgusting. All he wanted was just one good perfect item, then he wouldn't need to it again. Maybe if he had bothered to pick up an item to help him with his crafting, he wouldn't be in this predicament. It was so annoying how all his attempts either failed or were just good. He couldn't pass as good, he needed to become better. That would start with how determined he was to do this. Rusty sharpened the edge of the now heated blade and then bashed on the front-side of the metal. The sword was finished. It was a perfect success. His mouth turned into a big grin as he looked at the shiny, smooth and sharp rapier. He had done it. All he had needed was a little determination and luck. 


Item Name: Apotheosis Unto Mars 
Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect
Enchantments: +3 Damage
Description: A One-Handed Straight Sword that is actually a pair of swords, fastened into one hilt. The two blades run parallel and are within half an inch of each other. The blades are the same thickness, weight, and length. The left blade-Ea, and the right blade-Apocalypse, will, according to mythology, merge to become a single blade upon its wielders' ascension 
into a God of War.


ID: 16097 CD: 12 - Pefect

+8 EXP

-1 Material

Craft 2/3

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Zandra entered the Empty shell. She realy needed a new dagger, when she got in she new she was on the right place for that. She walked towards the boy she saw working on something. She waited until he was done.''Excuse me Rusty, my name is Zandra and I herd you was taken custom orders. If its not to much trouble I would like to order a dagger.''


Item: Desolation, blade of the loner.
Item Type: One-handed dagger
Quality: Perfect
Enchantments: +1 Accuracy, +2 Damage
Description: A curved dagger made of some hard silver-looking metal with a black hilt. (See pic below in spoiler)


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Kotori was going to surprised a certain someone, although she didn't know when she would do so. It was simply really, all she would need to do was find a blacksmith that wasn't him and order a weapon. It wasn't an urgent request and she didn't need it at the moment. The girl noticed a pwculiar shop on the outskirts of Snowfrost Town which she had never seen before. She entered it and found that it was a weapon shop. She walked up to the counter and decided to ask to make an order. "Can I request an order please?"

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In front of him were two girls who seemed to wanted to place an order, each at the same time. Business was business and he looked around at all the good weapons he had created. Hopefully he wouldn't make the same mistakes he made with Reu and try actually making these orders on time for once. "Uh yes, I'll take your order... um Zandra. At the moment, you do not have to pay for them although if you pay with mats at this very moment, I'll make sure to try as much as I can to finish your commission on time. If you don't, just wait till I'm finished with your weapon and I'll PM you and then you'll pay." He answered before turning to the black-haired girl that stood next to the first customer. "You can place an order as well, just simply sent me a PM or write it up as this moment and the same goes for you as I said to her." he mentioned, nodding towards Zandra. At least now Rusty would have something to do for once.

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  • 1 month later...

Beatbox was roaming Floor 4 because he had heard there was a lot of businesses in this area, and he needed a new sword... then he found a store after roaming around called "The Empty Shells". Knowing him he decided to walk on in with his fox familiar on his head sleeping "Good Evening... what is your prices good sir..." he said looking around the store seeing that it was really cozy since its cold as heck outside on floor 4 since its a snow land.

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Rusty was a bit surprised at the arrival of a customer to his shop. It had been ages since he had last had one and he never get any type of request from the people who had place their orders here. "Hello? Um, what type of order or item are you looking for?" He replied in response so that the boy in front of him would state what kind of weapon and how he wanted it to be. "I mean I'd like to say my prices, but unless you know what you are looking for... so just give me an order and I'll tell you the price."

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Beatbox let out a slight smile and told him "I'm looking for a perfect straight sword I more than likely have the cash to pay for it but I also have the Mat's if they are needed" he said. Beatbox continued to look around the store seeing how it sure seems a little old, but he was very interested if he can get Beatbox the weapon that he has been needing for a while since his sword <<The Wolven>> wasn't cutting it anymore... he is needing a new sword now so is willing to pay the cost whether it be cash or simply materials which he has.

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