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<<Aysa>> Sakuro Ayugai [SAO]

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«Aysa» Sakuro Ayugai






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» Username:


» Real name:

Ayugai Sakuro

» Age:


» Gender:


» Height:



» About:

Sakuro went into the world of SAO after having gotten the game on the night of release, sneaking out to do so of course due to the fact she was still in school and her parents would normally not allow her to go out after dark. She then returned home and entered the world of Sword Art Online in search of what some said would be the most realistic game that ever existed as well as a world which some would say was the most expansive and player-driver world as well.


She had also went into Sword Art Online because of her close friend and classmate, Takisho, who had suggested that the two could join the game and "Rek Peeps" Something which she of course scolded him for due to the fact it was both really immature and very crude, although she went along with it nonetheless just because she wanted to have something to do with her friends.


Personality wise, Sakuro is a bit on the naive-side due to her age as well as sometimes too quick to jump into battle, as such she can get herself into quite the amount of trouble if not with her allies or those who are able to make her come back to reality when the time requires it, although other than this she can be quiet and reserved toward strangers and rather excited and outgoing when with friends. 


» Virtues:

Kind - Sakuro is a generally nice person at heart due to both her upbringing and her age, meaning that she tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, even if she is quiet about it and will be willing to help those in need if she is able to do so. She also tries her best in order to please her friends or those close to her, wanting truly to do what is best for them even if sometimes she tends to do the opposite.


Loyal - Sakuro is deeply loyal to her friends and as such will do anything to help them, even if it means that it may not be good for her in the end. Because of this, she will follow those that she is very close or familiar with into any situation that they ask her to, despite the danger - even if she may complain a little bit. Besides that, she also has a deep-rooted need to stay by her allies and friends sides in an emotional sense as well, not simply physically, meaning that she will stay by her friends through all of their problems and heartaches no matter how small or big they end up becoming.


Studious - Both in and out of the game, Sakuro does her best to pay close attention to studying, ranging from ordinary schoolwork to learning new ways to beat an enemy. This not only means she is capable in learning typical things that one could from a book, but also that she is able to study patterns and other complex ideas in order to overcome obstacles that she would not be ordinarily able to. This mostly pertains to problems involving puzzles and the like, or basic detective-type skills if the need arises to find clues and uncover a mystery!



» Flaws:

Naive - While ordinarily she pays attention to detail, Sakuro can be fooled somewhat easily when it comes to words due to the fact that she is still young and has not had much experience with people, thus this can lead to problems when it comes to trusting one person over another. It also means that, coupled with her inexperience and somewhat brash nature that she tends to not fully understand the implications that her actions may have or the consequences which they might bring, either to herself or those around her.


Inexperienced -  Although Sakuro is skilled when it comes to learning things via patterns and books, she is still very inexperienced when it comes to the ways of both the game and of those around her, making her a bit more vulnerable than most as she does not understand some important things that may come across her way. This also means that she is not as adept as some others may be when it comes to solving problems that are considered 'out of the ordinary' or when confronted with a difficult situation that involves morality or high-impact and things of that nature.


Hot-Headed - At times, Sakuro can be easily set off by either her friends or strangers when it comes to her temper, meaning that at times she can rush into a battle without much thought, or do something without thinking. This can lead to various problematic situations as due to her previously mentioned inexperience in many things she can get involved in something that is way over her head without knowing or meaning to in the first place.








Weapon skills:
» One Handed Straight-Sword: Passive - Rank 1 (Novice) - (2 SP) - The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed long-sword-like swords (Rank 1 = +1 Damage)







1 Beginner One-Handed Straight-Sword


»10 bread, 15 water, Cloth clothing.


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(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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Edited by Aysa
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