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[OP-F1] Memories

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Alice stood in a forest. She looked at the ground. Walking towards a tree, she sat down and rested her back against it. Alice thought to herself, she thought about her adoptive parents, her brother that no one knew of. She thought deeper, "could he be here? No.... thats impossible." Her real family was actually quite large. She had four brothers and two sisters. She only knew two of her brothers. She always wondered who the others were. "will I ever get to meet them...? or will I be stuck here....forever?" She mumbled to herself quietly. She knew that her favorite brother was actually with their real parents still. She didn't know how she knew, it was just that feeling. She knew she would die soon, no matter what she thought, that feeling was always there as she was stuck here. Her head rested on the tree, her short hair moving in the wind slightly. She slept, but not peacefully. She was having her nightmares again. her breathing slowed so much to the point where it seemed like she was dead. her eyes twitched under the eyelids. She started whimpering in her sleep, the nightmares seemed to get worse with every minute. Could she be feeling the real world? Or was it really just her nightmares?

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Me and Maruchan were running through the trees at top speed just trying to look for an adventure or a new friend. Maruchan seemed unusually happy today well more than he usually is. Then he bagan to bark at me.

"Yeah I know I see her too, remember we have the same detection level." I said explaining to my familiar.

Then me and maruchan jumped down to lower branches then I jumped and rolled on the ground into a standing position. we slowely walked over to the girl and stood two feet in front of her. Maruchan then put his paw up as if asking for permission.

"Go on... But don't piss on her!" I told Maruchan remembering what he did to calrex.

Maruchan then walked over and ontop of the girls chest. He then proceeded to gently lick her cheek. Well atleast he's not peeing on her.

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(OCC at the same time.. lol what are the odds.)

Klick was wandering through the woods, looking for something interesting to cook when he heard a voice. He pulled out his shield and scouted the area. Nobody was around, however he knew he heard something. He walked slowly in the direction of the soft sound. As of now the only thing he could hear was the gentle cool breeze. Too cool for his taste but that is why he wore armor. As he continued walking he noticed a player along a tree with a dog on top of her. He went into his defensive stances worried that the creature might attack her. "HEY YOU... PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE." he shouted trying to get the creatures attention. He had never seen a mob like it before. Who knew what evils its could unleash upon the world.

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Life wandered the outskirts of the first floor, the mighty city that stood strong at the base of Aincrad, a home for many who still yet fear the ventures of the front lines. The forest he walked through was damp as usual, quiet. The night sky accompanied by the chilling breeze assisted in clearing Life's mind. Since that.. day... he had lost a large portion of his memory and it felt as though he was now alone. The people that he did know however, he found out they were either dead, or missing. As he walked through the forest he heard a soft whimper, when he realised who it was his eyes widened, it was like he had seen a ghost. It was Alyce, Kazuyas wife. His kimono blew briskly in the wind before he could say anything or approach her, he noticed a whole bunch of people come out of nowhere. He approached the crowd and shook his head. He saw a black haired player by the alias of X or something, he had heard some rumours about him with his familiar. He mostly ignored the others and knelt beside her, ruffling the fur of boys familiar, he then placed a gentle hand on the girls shoulder.  "Are you ok Alyce? It's been awhile" 


(Verbal warning for Latsu, please do not one or two line) 

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Calrex gave a sigh as he made his way back towards the Starting City, clad in his deep-sea blue full-body armor the Grand Chariot. His entire Grand Armament was equipped as well: The Grand Blade was strapped to the back of his hip while his Grand Gauntlets were on his arms. As he walked back down the path his <<Reveal>> skill was active, allowing him to see through the environment to prepare him for any ambushes.


"Well, it seems pretty quiet so far...hm?"


He looked and saw a gathering of people nearby, but he only managed to recognize one person, X. He gave a sigh as he began to make his way over, "Hope he's not gotten himself into some sort of trouble again..."


As he arrived at the group he looked to see they were surrounding a young girl, who seemed to be moving around in her sleep, "A nightmare?"


One of the members of the group leaned in and tried to speak to her softly, as if to help console her.


"I guess let's see how she reacts upon waking before I go and open my mouth..."

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Crow looked on the group as silently as he could behind a nearby tree, hoping no one would see him. Hoping to be able to just walk around and sort his thoughts out for a while, he had taken a walk in the forest. However, upon hearing the sound of someone- or something moving through the forest as well, he instinctively lay found the nearest hiding spot and bolted as quietly as he could for cover. He now looked upon the scene and spotted one player he recognized-the performer at that restaraunt he'd met Zeri at. As he watched more people show up, he decided to try to sneak away undetected, hoping to avoid social contact with this group, he'd dealt with enough crowds today. Just as he almost made it out of view he tripped over (and managed to snap) a root of the tree, falling on his face to the ground. "Well, just perfect." He muttered. "Now they're gonna think I'm a stalker."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alyce made a face as the familiar licked her cheek. She soon woke up, slowly of course. She had noticed all the people gathering around her. She mumbled quietly "I fell asleep again..." It was very typical for her to fall asleep anywhere she went, just like in the real world. "She looked at each character around her. Alyce pat the familiars head. Looking up she noticed Life. She responded to his pat "I think iI'm okay... just a tad tired again I guess...." The more she walked around this world, the tireder she seemed. She sat up, scratching the back of her head. She looked at the others. Not knowing a single one of them. She noticed all that were around though. Even the ones who weren't in her peripheral view. Alyce had dark circles under her eyes, she hadn't spoken to her fiancee Kazuya in a while, she hadn't even seen him. She had guessed it might be over for their relationship. Alyce set the familiar next to her as she stood up and brushed her clothes off.

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While looking at Maruchan lick the players face others started appearing. Including one who began yelling at maruchan, yes maruchan the pup who is my familiar with zero combat abilities. Well I've never turned down a fight before and Im not gonna start now!

"Hey! You so much as look at him again I'm gonna punch you so hard the games gonna crash and kill us all!" I yelled in the players face grabbing his collar.

I then released his collar and calmed down as I walked back over to the girl who was sleeping. I never use inns so I know all about people waking you up.

"Hello there miss sorry about my pup he has a thing for pretty girls. Hahaha" I said while bending down to pick up maruchan.

I stroked my fingers through his fur and placed him on my shoulder. I also noticed life had shown up, I've met him before so I know he won't piss me off. The others especially this one targeting maruchan I can't say the same for.

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She looked up at the familiar as she stood there, surrounded by the others. She wondered to herself for a moment before speaking. "I'm Alyce, it's quite alright. I love animals." She scratched behind the familiar's ear, because of her small frame, she had to stand on her tippy toes to reach up.  Looking over at the others, she had remembered hearing someone fall, she looked towards their direction. "um... Will he be okay?" She asked, a bit worried.

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Life smiled  faintly as he noticed she was alright, it seems things settled down rather nicely. He stood up and dusted himself off and rested his elbow on the shaft of his Katana he stared at Alyce as she pet the familiar. The questions were building up inside him but he knew it wouldn't be appropriate to hassle her with questions, or at least not yet. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder "I think it would be best if we headed into town, It's a lot warmer inside a tavern. I also need to talk to you Alyce"  He wondered if he was being to forceful. He had noticed someone falling from a tree not to far away and spoke out to him as well "You can come too if you want" 

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"Hm...did I take the Sneak and Hide skill without knowing?"


Calrex felt a bead of sweat form on the side of his head as the group seemed to talk amongst each other. He gave a small calming breath as he scanned the others standing there, "Really the only person I know if X and..."


He looked over when he heard the thud to see another player had fallen from a tree, "...not that guy..."


As he finally got into speaking distance of the group he placed his hand to his sides, "Is...everyone alright here?"


"Well, that starting sentence made me sound like a waiter. Guess I couldn't really think of a better approach to inserting myself into the conversation. Let's see how this goes..."

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Alyce was startled by the sudden touch. She was never a big fan of being touched as soon as she woke up. Alyce nodded at L. She looked around at the group "are you all coming too?" She had a small smile on her face. She wasn't always a fighter, sometimes she was just sweet. Other times she could be in your nightmares of course. She stopped petting the familiar and looked up at L. "When are we leaving?" She grinned, tilting her head to the side.

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  • 4 months later...

((Im sorry for not replying, things got very busy and i suppose to lost track of this roleplay))

"We can go now if that would be better" He looked at the others that were around them "Lets take her to the main settlement guys, she seems shaken up" His stoic face befell the woman as he offered her a gentle hand so she could prop herself up. "We have a lot to talk about.." He gave a look at the others to come along with them. The tavern would be a good place to settle down and warm up he thought. 

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