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[SP, F1-3]<<Worn out Welcome>> Of Blood and Bone, taken by Meokka (Complete!)

Guest Meokka

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Guest Meokka

Meokka fell asleep outside of the room.


"Please come home safe." said an elderly voice.


She knew it was her grandmother. Meokka opened her eyes and stared out the long halls. At this rate she'd forget her name. She opened up her inventory checking her items. She realized she had one more use from the bell, and she needed one more bone. She took in a deep breath and placed her hands on the door. She knew that feeling. Porcelain, or ivory. That's what the bone reminded her off. Her hands found the handle again that wasn't visible with the naked eye, yet she knew it was there. She opened the door again and walked in. There was rattling sounds from above. She looked up at the horde of them all on the ceiling, and it was then she noticed the ceiling was made of pure gold. Typical dragons. She almost wished she could get up there and mine some of it. Maybe another time. After all she had no way of getting up there. 

Meokka rang the bell and the room seemed to shift quickly and there was another bone dragon in front of her.


15733  BD2



Meokka waited for the dragon to get closer but it refused to do so. It stayed just out of her range and Meokka had no choice but to move forwards the. The Dragon serpentine around the lance and landed on it. It's eyes gleaming at Meokka.


Meokka LVL 7 HP 17 

dragon HP: 9

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Guest Meokka

15734 MD3


The dragon ran on Meokka's lance and lunged at her face, but the azure haired woman quickly ducked out of the way. It roared and hit it's tail against the ground. It was annoyed it missed the woman that called it away from it's shiny treasure on the ceiling. Meokka got ready for her attack now that she saw an opening!



Meokka LVL 7 HP 17 

dragon HP: 9

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Guest Meokka

15735 BD7


The dragon was close enough this time and Meokka placed her lance on her arm. It flew straight as an arrow, a red line was across the beast's jaw. The dragon howled in pain and shook off the pain. It's eyes gleamed and it's jaw unhinged. It was then Meokka saw how the jaw could lock and she knew she'd have to avoid something like that.


Meokka LVL 7 HP 17 

dragon HP: 9 -1 base -1 skill = 7hp

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Guest Meokka

15745 MD8


The dragon took flight and flew over the spear. Before Meokka could raise the spear, it's bone tail struck the tall woman in the shoulder. Meokka turned looking at the red shards flying from her shoulder, then at the dragon. She could only hope she had enough room to strike the beast while they were in such a close proximity of each other.



Meokka LVL 7 HP 17 - 1 = 16 

dragon HP:  7hp

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Guest Meokka

15747 BD1 

Meokka was right as she feared. There was no way for her to bring her lance towards the enemy without having to move. She arced her lance and twirled it in front of her and jumped back a bit. She got ready hoping to keep a set amount of distance between herself and the enemy. To close and she couldn't strike, to far and she couldn't reach. There was a lot to think about. She tried to believe her Lance was an extended part of herself. Yes that was difficult considering the spear was longer than she was. She'd need more experience with it there was no way around it.


Meokka LVL 7 HP  16 

dragon HP:  7hp

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Guest Meokka

15748 MD6


The dragon zipped around the room and hit Meokka's arm hard almost knocking her lance right out of her hands. She remained vigilant and kept it. The dragon almost collided with the wall because of how fast it went, but it menovered itself to land gracefully on the wall. The dragon then pushed off the wall to try to strike Meokka again!



Meokka LVL 7 HP  16 - 1 = 15

dragon HP:  7hp

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Guest Meokka

15749 BD4


She tried to ready her lance but after she had, hoping the dragon would impale itself. The dragon twisted and turned it's body around the lance. Meokka stared watching it coil around her Lance like a string. Her eyes went wide and she had to make a quick decision. Let go of her lance and dodge, or take it. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to move out of the way as the dragon came at her in slow motion.


Meokka LVL 7 HP   15

dragon HP:  7hp

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Guest Meokka

15322       6

 The dragon opened it's mouth and at that moment Meokka dropped her lance and let her body fall backwards. The Dragon kept spiraling upwards. She rolled bacwards to get on her feet and ran for her lance. Her fingers grabbed the handle and then there was a sea of red light as the dragon had doubled back, it's teeth firmly latched onto her side!


Meokka LVL 7 HP   15 -1 = 14

dragon HP:  7hp

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Guest Meokka

15751 BD8


She dropped her lance and let her body fell using the mob as a type of shield letting it hit against the lance. Shen then picked it up and the mob seemed stunned  a bit from the interesting move Meokka made. There was a light crunch like sound. It seemed she was weakening the monster! Meokka huffed and brought her lance up glaring at the beast.


Meokka LVL 7 HP   14

dragon HP:  7hp - 1 base -1 skill = 5hp

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Guest Meokka

15758 MD3


The dragon's eyes stopped glowing seeing the fierce look on Meokka's face. It tried to claw her but Meokka swiftly dodged the attempt and prepared for her own attack now that the dragon seemed all turned around again. She glanced at her heath and wondered how much damage it had taken. She should have been counting. Meokka gripped her lance. 


"Too scared to move?" Meokka taunted.


THe dragon made a aggravated cry as it realized it missed it's chance to move.


Meokka LVL 7 HP   14

dragon HP: 5 

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Guest Meokka

15759 BD4


Meokka glared.


"Turn around and face me! I won't be cheated out of a victory like this! Face me disembodied, discarded reaper pieces! I command you to face me in combat. I want to be a true worrier! Now turn!" Meokka shouted at the thing.


She tried to get the confused dragon's attention. If she were to sit in a pub later she didn't want to tell a tale about how a dragon just stared at the wall the entire time. Though she doubted she'd ever retell the tale. If she did she'd leave out the part about the bats.


Meokka LVL 7 HP   14

dragon HP: 5 

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Guest Meokka

15760 MD10 (Well that should teach me not to yell at a dragon XD)


The dragon whirled around and tackled Meokka in chest knocking her down. Meokka winced and saw the creature bite into her twice. She let out a wail. Her eyes staring at the red light emanating from her ripped open chest. Her eyes darted to where her HP was. 11HP. She tightened her grip on her lance. 


Meokka LVL 7 HP   14 -1 base -2 crit = 11

dragon HP: 5 

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Guest Meokka

15761 5BD


She whipped her lance up at the dragon but it was much to close to her to actually hit the creature. The dragon roared loudly at her and Meokka closed her eyes from the noise. If it kept that type of attack up she'd have a big issue. She stared up at the dragon that was on top of her.




Meokka LVL 7 HP  11

dragon HP: 5 

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Guest Meokka

15762 MD2


The dragon went to snap and Meokka wrapped her leg around it's rib cage and rolled getting on top of the dragon herself!


"No!" Meokka glared. She tried to pin it to attack it, and it flailed under her unable to bite at her without tearing it's wing.


It roared angrily at the woman for besting him suddenly!


Meokka LVL 7 HP  11

dragon HP: 5 

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Guest Meokka

15763 8bd


Meokka sat up and brought her lance down against the dragon trying to shatter it's bones.


"Come on break!" she shouted raising her lance up again.


The dragon roared in protest at her and Meokka just glared down at it. She had enough of this! A part of her questioned her sanity. From this angle it was like murder. Though she just told herself this was just code. She was the the person, and she'd be the one to rise above this and survive! 



Meokka LVL 7 HP  11

dragon HP: 5  - 1 base -1 skill = 3hp (come crit on my turn!)

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Guest Meokka

15764 3


The dragon roared and squirmed as best it could but Meokka would not allow to escape. She stood up feet on it's wings glaring down at the monster. It turned and seemed to writhe. It looked up at Meokka. Humans were in fact mostly harmless. Mostly. Until pushed just enough. In which case they can present themselves like gods. 


Meokka LVL 7 HP  11

dragon HP:  3hp

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Guest Meokka

15765 BD10 (Oh heck yeah!!!) LD 3 (I don't even care XD)


"It was a good fight but in the end. I have to continue fighting. I'll make this quick!" 


She drove the spear  into the bones and it shattered in front of her leaving behind 45 cole drop one Dragon Bone Cuirass! She picked it up and looked around. She stretched and smiled a bit. The quest was almost over all she had to do was get it back to the quest giver! Though something caused her to pause. She decided to have one last look in the room.


LD12 (darn)


There didn't seem to be any treasure chests in the area. Oh well. She walked out of the room and made her way to the blacksmith. He looked over to her.


"Did you break the bell?" he asked.

"It only had to uses."

"Did you run out screaming like a welp?"

"Did you hear me scream?"

"Well then....Did you at least get the materials I needed?"

"Absolutely." She went into her inventory to get them and presented them to the blacksmith.


"That'll do!" he grabbed them and went to work on in the forge. 

"How was your visit to floor two?" Hana asked.

"I'm under the impression floors hate me."

"Aw that's okay sweetie, it'll get better. With my husband making your armor you'll be fine."

"I appreciate it."

"So do you thing we're still NPCs?" he asked gruffly.

".......It doesn't matter. I'm getting something out of this. So it's fine." Meokka replied.

"I'm happy you returned unharmed. Please feel free to rest in the shop till you feel like you can make the journey back." Hanna smiled at Meokka.


Meokka felt a bit unnerved. It reminded her of her grandparents a bit. She just went into the shop and laid on the floor to take a nap. She'd sleep the whole day, and into the night. The hammering back noise was nothing to her. For some reason she liked the sound. The sound of hard work. The shop felt nice and toasty too. When she awoke in the morning fully healed she noticed there was a blanket on her and a lovely pancake breakfast. She sat up instantly and looked for Hana who just nodded happily to her. She turned to it and started to eat hungerily. Griswold walked in and frowned at her.


"You have to go get it again....."


"The materials......I done goofed."


Meokka stared at him, ready to scream at the top of her lungs.


"Hehehehehehehe your face!" he started to guffaw. 


She let out a sigh. Most people probably would have said screw you old man, but not Meokka. She just was happy to find she didn't have to go back to floor two. Well aside to get back to the starting town.


"Here ya go deary. One leather armor."

"Urk, what?"

"Haha gotcha again."


She gave him an annoyed look and then looked at her new chest plate.




Recieved from this RP

890 cole

Heavy Metal Chestplate  (Reduces 1 damage when attacked) (Uncommon, received from quest)

1 Skill Point

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