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Kari's Journal

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«Kari» .

» Username: Kari
» Real name: Katrella Vance
» Age: 19
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5'2

» AboutKatrella was born 3 months premature to a wealthy couple in the south eastern United States. The couple in question already had a son to inherit the family name, but the woman, Vivian, so wanted a little girl to buy frivolous dresses and dolls for. Unfortunately it wouldn't be so easy for them, due to complications with the child birth Katrella was born with a very weak immune system. Due to this she was forced to stay in a hospital room for her entire life, only experiencing the outside through a window. Her parents pay for the (very nice and almost palatial) hospital room, but rarely visit, instead sending letters and phone calls every so often. Of course she's able to get any material item she wants...but never the thing she -truly- desires, companionship. She instead found the way to fix this void was through the internet. Chat rooms first when she was younger, then moving on to forums, then finally MMO's. Friends she made there she -hoped- would last...but something always came up and the friendship ended, causing many tearful nights for the girl.


One of Katrella's friends online happened to tell her about SAO and immediately Katrella was hooked...she'd finally be able to walk around outside, feel the breeze, smell the grass....she -HAD- to have it. It took quite a few pulling of strings for her family to get the game and the equipment necessary to use it to be shipped to Katrella's room...but when it finally came, she was overwhelmed with excitement...and maybe a little fear. After plugging everything in, making sure none of the cords interfered with the many already attached to her, she booted up the game, ready to start her life anew...Unfortunately due to logging in a different country the lag spike upon entering sent her mind into a limbo like state for nearly a year...



» Virtues:

Loyal - Having been raised by nurses and mostly alone all of her life, when Kari makes a friend she -keeps- the friend. Ready to defend the person she's attached to, no matter what, she's one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet. She wouldn't dare think of betraying someone who showed her compassion, no matter how small. 

Listener - Kari enjoys every conversation she's a part of, and will actively listen to people when they speak to her. She takes opinion's seriously, and will always lend an ear to those who need to vent, or just want to talk. She can be used as a cathartic release in that respect, able to take any yelling with a smile and a nod.

Optimism - As Kari has only ever experienced the world via a computer screen or through her window, she hasn't really had first hand experience with any bad events. Her sickness is really the only tragic thing that's happened to her, and that just felt like a part of life. She's insanely optimistic about SAO and the world it will create for her, already thinking it will be perfect no matter what may actually happen. 


Outgoing - Kari loves to talk to people as much as she loves to listen, and will happily open up to anyone who wants to listen. If she were ever given the opportunity in life she would have excelled at parties, and social gatherings that her parents would have happily taken her to. She's always ready to make a friend.


» Flaws:

​Naive - Unfortunately, as she's only experienced the world second hand she's also pretty clueless on the finer points of how a lot of society works. In some ways that can be considered innocent, but it also means she can be taken advantage of rather easily, especially with how easily she can become attached to people.


Over attached - Kari's loyalty can become a bit -too- much, to the point she becomes overly attached to people who she deems friends. This can be quite detrimental to her if the people in question don't truly have her best interests at heart. Unfortunately this over attached flaw has lost her many friendships over the years...but its something that just -happens- without Kari even realizing it.


Spoiled - ...but not in the way you think. Though its true she doesn't have a -true- understanding of hard work to get something she wants (as whatever she wanted was easily given to her) she doesn't expect the world to give her everything she wants. She knows she -has- to do something to get it...but what that something could be is a mystery. 





Weapon skills:


10 bread, 15 water

Basic One-Handed Spear

Cloth Armor



Story Thus Far


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