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[PP-F3] A New Friend Approaches! (Thorrisia)

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Hikoru walked out of his shop and locked the door, making sure that the sign said closed and smiled, whistling quietly to himself as he walked down the street. He decided to go to the nearby park and hang around at the fountain. He made his way there quietly, avoiding afew players and making his way to his favorite park bench, and sighed quietly as he sat down and closed his eyes quietly, clearing his mind from all the troubles of the day happily, and listening to the sweet trickling of water from the fountain

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Thorrissia was exhausted. She'd been out grinding all day and hadn't gotten a huge amount to show for it. Most of the monsters she'd battled hadn't dropped any col, just a few materials. Well at least I got to test out my new sword. She shrugged a little disappointedly to herself, milling aimlessly through the thatched cottages of the third floor. A few NPC's flowed elegantly through the elven village and a nice cool breeze swiftly followed. The brunette trudged wearily towards the town centre and gave a satisfied smile upon seeing the beautiful fountain there. The girl picked up the pace a little bit and eagerly plunged her hands into the nice cool water, splashing it refreshingly upon her cheeks. "Oh god that's great. Just what I needed." She said with a small smile. 

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Just as Hikoru was about to fall asleep, he heard a splash from the fountain and jumped up, seeing a young girl splashing her face in the cool water. He wasn't sure who it was, but he knew they were one of those players that he knew would backtalk, just from how she looked. He stood up, slightly blushing and tapped her shoulder


"E-Excuse me miss.... B-but you kinda interrupted my sleep over there...." He quickly and quietly. He wasn't one to say much, or be loud, and this was a great way to show it

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The girl regarded him curiously for a moment, surprising the urge to laugh. "Y'know if you sleep any longer out here than you're going to freeze to death." The brunette chuckled, striding with interest to inspect the odd boy she'd found napping out in the freezing cold woodlands so casually. "Besides, what are you actually doing out here anyway? Don;t you know its better to sleep inside? Or at least in a safe zone?" Thorry prompted with a slight shrug, curious as to what this guy had actually been doing out here. 

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Hikoru blushed slightly at the question.


"Well, I don't like how loud it is in town..... and I don't have a house, and the Inns are always packed.... so I thought I would grab afew hours of sleep here...." He slightly rubbed the back of his neck, as he wasn't comfortable around this new person. He looked at her with interest though. It wasn't normal to see another player around here "And I should ask the same thing. What are you doing out here? I actually have warm clothes. You look like you dont." He said curiously.

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It appeared she was making this guy a little uncomfortable judging by his nervous behaviour, which hadn't been her intention. Thorrissia had just been a little concerned that he was going to freeze to death out here. "What am I doing out here? I'm going for a walk that's what." She snorted, realising how stupid an idea it had been to begin with. It was actually pretty cold out here. Her hand seemed to sneak subconsciously up to her choppy mop of hair of its own accord and fluff it up a little bit to up the volume factor. "Well, seeing as we're probably both pretty chilly, how about we go and grab some coffees?" Thorry suggested with a friendly tone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hikoru nodded slightly at the new person. Cofees did sound good, and it was getting colder. He pulled out a hand from his pocket and held it out to the other player

"Sure, sounds good. Im Hikoru by the way. Nice to meet you." He said with a slight smile. He knew he needed to be polite, even to people he had just met, as his mother had taught him years ago, before any of this happened. He looked towards the direction of the town, and nodded his head in the direction.

"I remember a really good cafe just near here. Come on, lets go!" He said with a half smile

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Thorrissia shook the boys hand with a friendly smile and responded cordially, "Nice to meet you Hikoru. I'm Thorrissia, or Thorry as most people call me. " Hikoru seemed like a friendly enough fellow, and the fact he actually knew where a decent place to get coffee was, was always a bonus. The only place she really knew how to find on floor four was her Guild's Inn. "Awesome, lead the way! I'm a little unfamiliar with floor four really." The brunette shrugged, beginning to walk enthusiastically back towards the city where it was much easier to find somewhere to keep warm. As much as she liked long walks... a hot drink sounded nice. "Do you visit floor four often, or is this an uncommon occurrence?" Thorry asked, trying to make conversation. 

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Hikoru looked at the new girl and shrugged

"I come up here every once in awhile. It reminds me of my home, well, my IRL home. The winters were always this cold...." He said, remembering when he would make snow forts and throw snowballs at his cousins and neighborhood friends "So I've gotten to know this place pretty well." he looked ahead to see the coffee shop, and smiled

"It's right up ahead, lets go!" He said as he ran ahead, making his way toward the Tavern

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"That makes sense. I wouldn't mind having somewhere to remind me of my home, although it would probably make me awfully homesick now that I think about it." Thorrissia responded as the navigated through the various twisting and turning passage ways of Snowfrost Town. Hikoru clearly knew this place a thousand times better than herself so she was quite happy to let him take the lead. The young brunette couldn't help but be ever so slightly relieved when they came across the coffee shop at last. She was starting to hanker for something warm to drink. "Awesome, let's go in." She smiled, heading eagerly for the door. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hikoru nodded and made his way into the coffee shop. It was a quaint little place he had come to love, and he nodded at the store owner, making his way to a table near the back by a window, his usual seat. He sat down and took off his warm jacket, letting the warm waves of heat roll onto his shoulders and back from the nearby fire, taking a sigh of relief and relaxing a little

"Man I missed this." He said quietly " I forget how nice it is to enjoy a warming fire right next to you...." He said, drifting off into memories of his IRL life, then came back in an instant "But anyways, tell me a little more about yourself." He said as he made a number 2 with his hands, indicating two coffees at his table. The store owner nodded and went into the back to make them

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