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[PP-F4] Ice Skating (Thorrissia)

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Golden looked at the sky and the stars beyond. He sighed. "I didn't say anything about not fighting in the front lines you dummy! My life is yours, Thorrissia, I would do anything to protect you and therefore, I would fight in the front lines along with you." Golden smiled as he looked at Thorrissia before rolling over on top of her and giving her a kiss on the lip. It was getting late... maybe it was time to go back to the shop. No... Golden thought as he rolled back to the floor... I want to enjoy this while I still can.


[Notice how I used a Kirito quote?]

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N'aaaaw they're such cuties. 


"I'm not expecting you to follow me out there y'know. I don't want you to risk your life just for me. If anything happened... I'm not entirely sure I'd handle it too well." Thorry whispered softly into Golden's ear as he rolled her over. The girl wrapped her arms lightly around his neck, a small smile peeking upon her lips as he kissed them. "If both of us won't be making it home safely, I'd like you to be the one who does." The brunette explained honestly to him. She had every intention of getting back to her family, but things didn't always work out that way. After a moment of thought, Thorry asked, "Golden, I was wondering. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but, what was your name? Back in real life I mean?" It was a rather personal question, but it was hardly as if they were strangers to each other. 

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"My name." Golden said. "My name is Kojuro... Feel free to call me that... you know... since we're..." Golden stopped talking as he concentrated up on the stars. "Since I told you my name... it is right for you to tell your name to me right?" Golden asked as he looked at Thorrissia once again. "I don't feel right calling you Thorry all the time." Golden said as he scratched his head before looking back at the sky and its beautiful glimmering light.

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"Kojuro..." She let the name play off of her tongue. "It suits you." Thorrissia smiled, wondering what Golden's life might have been like back in the real world, if they'd lived near each other, if they shared any similar family lives. "Since I told you my name... it is right for you to tell your name to me right? I don't feel right calling you Thorry all the time." Well, fair was fair. She didn't hold any tribulations about telling him her real name. "Elizabeth is my real name, although I always went by Beth ever since I was very little." Thorry felt a strange sense of relief about telling somebody what she was actually called. She felt strangely more human as a result of it. 

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Golden looked back upon the sky. "Beth huh?" He said before feeling himself slowly and slowly falling into a deep slumber. He couldn't help it... it was a lot of exercise for one day and he wasn't really used to it since the SAO crisis occurred. Golden drowsily looked at Thorrissia's face before looking back up again at the night sky and the beautiful stars. Perhaps, he will one day fight in the front lines and help the other players escape this poor virtual reality. Golden sighed... he's still too weak for that. He dreamt on and on about the life in SAO and how different it was from the real life. He smiled as he eventually came to a stop of dreaming before falling asleep in the snow under the night sky with Thorrissia.


[Perhaps we should end it here... It's getting kinda hard to think about more material.]

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