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[PP-F2] << Let there be Light >>

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Thorrissia, Goldenarroz

Kicking ass as usual 


Ok, so maybe scouting pointlessly around floor two for fun was ever so slightly counter productive to levelling up, especially as most of the stuff here wouldn't yield her any loot, but Thorrissia just couldn't pass up an excellent opportunity to scout around Craterville [AKA Urbus] for the afternoon. After all, there were so many excellent opportunities to- ok that hadn't been her intention. Whatever. The brunette had been scouring the towns across floor two in order to find the Let there be Light quest for about an hour now. So when the crying peasant started pulling desperately at them hem of her cloak and begging for help, the young warrior let out a very loud whoop of triumph as virtual tears began soaking the fabric of her attire. With a rather satisfied grin, the girl sent a quick message to Golden to illicit his help. 



<< Oi, Goldy, get your ass down to floor two, I've got a quest to complete


- T <3 >>

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Golden was taking a nap at his shop on floor 1... as usual. He didn't feel like doing much but when one's girlfriend asks for help, one cannot refuse. He hurriedly got dressed and quickly ran out of his shop before reaching finally reaching floor 2. Argh... I just realized... She didn't tell me where to find her!!! Golden thought as he sat down on a bench with frustration. Golden had spent about half an hour searching for Thorrissia and her so-called quest and all he found was NPCs roaming around doing nothing. Golden sighed when he suddenly heard crying nearby. Someone in need? Golden thought as he stood up from his bench quickly. He sighed as he walked hurriedly to the sound... he didn't want to ruin his calm reputation. As he approached the crying woman, he saw Thorrissia standing next to her uneasily. Golden waved at her, "So... uh... this is... I'm guessing... the quest huh?"

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As soon as Golden arrived, a wide foolish grin split Thorry's features, making her look rather goofy. "Aha, yeah this is it." she explained, prodding the miserably NPC with the end of her sword, much like one would poke a bizarre insect. "My lady I beg of you, my daughter is missing, she was playing out in the caves, but I cannot find her! Please can you fetch her for me! I beg of you, I'm desperate!" The dark haired NPC managed to gasp between miserable sobbing fits, using the young warriors cloak as a kleenex. The brunette wrinkled her nose in distaste before glancing over at Golden and mouthed silently Have you got any tissues?? "Uh yeah sure lady, we'll help you. Uh huh, yep ok, you can let go now." Thorry responded quickly, trying to yank the fabric out of the woman's fingers. The NPC had an alarmingly strong grip. Tears of joy now began to well from her eyes and the worried mother began to sniffle even more all over her only good cloak. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" She gasped. Thorrissia finally managed to tare herself from the sobbing ladies grasp. "Ok, Golden, shall we get going before I get anymore snotty?

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"Yeah... Thorry... I don't like your snottiness" Golden said as he wrinkled his nose. Honestly, he didn't have a clue about his quest. He knew that he would have to fight some mobs and he is perfectly fine with that. The thing that is bugging him is what kinds of mobs he will have to face alongside Thorrissia. Golden made a signal allowing Thorrissia to lead the way and when she set out, he followed her. "Thorry. Don't do anything risky..." Golden said... he would never allow something bad to happen to his sweet heart. "Since you're fewer level than me and I'm way more intelligent than you... I shall decide the battle strategy and you have to listen to whatever I say got it?" Golden said before puffing out his chest. He was ready for this quest and he was going to help Thorrissia achieve it... but first they have to find the location of the quest first... and he had no clue therefore he was just following Thorry, hoping that she knew the way.

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The girl wrinkled her nose in displeasure at the mess that had been left on her clothes. "I quite agree." The brunette was forced to put her item away and re equip it once more in order to ride the cloak of the sticky mess of mucus upon the folds. How disgusting. "Now that that's taken care of, let's go." She stated with a small frown, still rather displeased at the mess that had been made of her clothes. Thorrissia flicked her hair out of her face rather grandly, and began to stride purposefully towards the town line. When Golden mentioned that he was more intelligent than her, she couldn't help but snort. "Haha, yeah right. You may be stronger than me Goldy but good luck outmatching me in the wits department. I can guarantee you I could outmatch you when it comes to strategy." That probably came across ever so slightly arrogant, despite her humorous tone, but in her own opinion it was probably true. She may not have brawns, but she definitely had brains, and excelled in strategical thinking, which made playing chess with her a bit of a nightmare."But for the sake of your peace of mind, I'll try not to do anything too fantastic." Thorry grinned, hopping over the safe zone line. 

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After looking around for quite a while, Golden thought about what the lady said about where the girl had been playing with her little friend. Using his extreme memory, Golden was able to remember where the cave was located on floor one and told Thorrissia about it. "Thorry, I think I know where the child is kept captive by monsters." Golden said before starting to lead his girlfriend toward the location where he thinks the girl could possibly to held captive. Golden smirked as he ran toward the area.

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Thorrissia raised an eyebrow, giving Golden a rather amused smile. "Well let's hope your guess is right, because I happen to know exactly where we should be going so... impress me oh mighty impresser." The brunette grinned rather deviously, and planted an affectionate kiss on her boyfriend's cheek. "Unlike some, I prefer to read up on my quests before undertaking them good sir. See, now who is the most prepared for this battle hmmm?" She smirked, pointing with unnecessary melodrama to the huge cavernous mouth of the cave looming before them. "Now, according to the information brokers guide to the galaxy, we'll be facing some rather unfriendly bats.

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"Friendly or unfriendly bats... I'll exterminate those useless mobs nevertheless." Golden said with a confident voice. He was sure the bats would be quite easy to kill during combat especially since he'd battle some during his journey through a floor 1 cave dungeon that was quite easy for beginners. He smiled at Thorrissia before catching a glimpse of the cave.


Golden watched as the dark cave came into perspective before checking whether he's got enough material on him to easily kill the bats with no challenge. He looked at the cave, seeing that it could easily be maneuvered by anyone able to see in the darkness... however... he was sure that neither of the two members in the party had that skill so fighting the mobs wouldn't be as he easy as he first expected. Golden gave Thorrissia a bow and a confident smile before signaling her to go on first. "Ladies first."

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[[ Ok, seeing as I cannot edit what I posted above with a reply, I'm just going to double post. *mwahahahahahhaa* ]]


ID: 25696

BD: 1 

MD: 1 

Ladies first? "Start walking then hot rod." Thorrissia snorted with a slight laugh. She was hardly what anyone would call a lady, nevertheless, the young brunette strode confidently into the huge looming shadowy cave mouth, whistling a happy tune as she went. "I wonder how much one of these places goes for on the market these days? You could probably set up a pretty interesting night club in here..." Thorry joked as the blackness swallowed her whole. There was no light AT ALL in this cave, which made her a little uneasy. They would have to fight using their hearing rather than their eyes. "You don't happen to have night vision do you?" She asked Golden hopefully as they ventured further into the mouth of the cave.

Flutter flutter swoop swoop. "I think I heard something. Swords up." Thorrissia whispered urgently to her companion as the noise ensued once again. Suddenly their was a rush of air as something whistled towards her at top speed. The young warrior attempt to thwack the oncoming missile with her sword but her sword fell short of the mark and the girl was forced to duck as whatever it was soared over her head and launched itself at Golden.

Thorrissia [40/40]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27] 

Goldenarroz [53/53] (I think that's right isn't it?) 


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ID: 26001

BD: 3+1-1=3 (0 DMG)


Golden looked up at the ceiling when Thorrissia claimed to have heard something. However, the inside of the cave was way too dark to see anything. Golden could hear a bit of wind movement as the creature charged down upon them. He could kind of tell that it was a bat... But that bat is wayyyyy too big. He thought as he watched Thorrissia, who was a bit ahead dodge the attack. Golden didn't have enough time to get his sword from his inventory as the bat came rushing toward him so he tried a little punch to miss the target. Luckily, the bat itself managed to miss as well. Golden smirked as he rolled out of the way to get his weapon from his inventory.


[We're using our old health... And You're controlling the bat. Know how to use the hate system?]

Thorrissia [32/32]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27] 

Goldenarroz [43/43]

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// Haven't the foggiest. Although, I know that doing critical damage generates +1/+2 hate per hit, and the person who generates the most hate gets nonmed. Apart from that, I'm at a loss when it comes to the hate skill. I'll try and improvise as best as I can, but if I do something wrong don't hesitate to correct me. 

ID: 26003

BD: 3-1=2 [faiiiil]

MD: 7-1 = 6 [hit]


Thorrissia could hear the scuffling as the bat engaged her boyfriend, but even when the warrior whipped around to see what was going on, she could see nothing. It was too dark. "Golden you alive down there? Keep me posted ok, can't see a thing." She yelled in the direction that the noises were coming from.  There was a loud whooshing as the giant leathery beast rounded upon the two of them, and Thorrissia was once again forced to swing blindly at the bat. Once again her sword hit stone and this time the brunette had no chance to dodge the creature as it hurtled towards her. "Ack!" There was a large crash as the monster collided with her body, sending the girl flying backwards through the air. The young warrior managed to tuck and roll upon impact, and was once again very glad there was no pain in this world. 


Thorrissia [30/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] 


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ID: 26007

BD: 2-1+1=2 (0 DMG) [Wot is dis!?]


Golden frowned as Thorrissia was hit by the vicious bat. "Are you alright?!" Golden yelled upon instinct. However, the bat was able to hear his voice engulfed in the darkness of the cave and it flew toward Golden. Golden rolled out of the way easily as he was able to use the sound of the bat's movement before standing up and striking his blade upon the bat blindly. Of course, the bat easily got out of the way of the attack since it could see exactly where the blade was striking. Golden growled as he retreated.


Thorrissia [30/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] 


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ID: 26010

BD: 4-1=3 [idk RNGesus hates us]

MD: 8-1=7


"Yeah I'm fine, just focus on leather head over there. I'm guessing its using echo location to see us. If we could just lure it outside somehow into the open where it won't be able to see..." Thorrissia thought aloud, stressing over the fact that outside was probably out of the bat's kill zone. "Right, come on Batfink, I don't have all day." She muttered irritably as the creature began to circle them once again. Thorry could just about feel the vibrations through the air from its wings, but it still wasn't enough. When the bat dive bombed at her, the young warrior's blade fell short and crashed into the wall, leaving her vulnerable. A stream of filthy curse words flew out of the girl's mouth as the bat managed to slash its little talons across her back. This was starting to get annoying. 

Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] 

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ID: 26011 BD: 4-1+1=4 (0 DMG) [That's it. Dice is officially broken]


Golden was feeling worthless. He just let his girlfriend be hit by a gigantic bat twice. He couldn't let it happen. He pulled out his rapier and prepared to strike the bat when it wasn't paying attention to him. He saw his opportunity to attempt some damage upon the mob when it turned its back on him. He charged but... right when he was upon the beast, it dodged, since he stepped on a pebble, making quite a soft sound but enough of a sound so that the bat could dodge the attack easily. Golden cursed as he retreated once again.

Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] 



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ID: 26072

BD: 1-1=0 [I swear to god]

MD: 5-1=4


The bat was annihilating them. Thorrissia was sure as hell investing in a Night Vision skill as soon as they got the heck out of here. The effort of swinging and missing over and over had finally left her feeling exhausted, and it was not often with her athletics skill that this happened any more. The young warrior was beginning to feel increasingly frustrated by all of this.  Anger clouds your judgement, don't loose focus. She told herself as the vibrations through the air began to change, signalling the bat was moving towards her. Thorry drew in a very deep breath and closed her eyes (there was no point keeping them open in here) She allowed herself to relax as the oncoming breeze from the bats wings came ever closer. Time it just right, not yet. Just as the monster was about to collide into the back of her, the young brunette jumped upwards with incredible precision, backflipping gracefully on top of the monster. Unfortunately balancing on top of a high speeding giant bat creature was no easy feat, and Thorrissia was left clinging for dear life as the leathery beast began to fly towards what she assumed to be Golden. This time much more lopsidedly though, from the weight on its back. "Golden over here! Swing towards the sound of my voice ok?"


Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] 


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ID: 26073

BD: 4-1+1=4 (0 DMG) [I give up on life.]


Golden could hear Thorrissia yelling his name in the distance, telling him to strike in her direction but he wasn't sure if he should do so that carelessly. If he wasn't careful, he could accidentally hit Thorrissia and with his damage... that wouldn't be good at all. Golden frowned, not sure of when the last time was when he missed so much in one battle. He sighed, losing determination as he ran toward the bat only to miss entirely once again. He cursed... angered at how bad he was doing before retreating. He needed to land a strike.... and fast. 


Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0] (+1 DMG)

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ID: 26074

BD: 5-1=4 [im actually going to loose it in a minute, 9 misses in a row] 

MD: 3-1=2

Things were not going well.  At all. Thorrissia was launched from the back of the giant leathery creature and smacked violently into the side of the wall. "Oof!" The girl grunted in surprise at the impact, taking a few moments to get back to her feet once again. "Ughhhh, I swear, I hate bats. Why did we take on this quest again?" She moaned sadly as her sword once again bounced off of rock instead of leathery skin. The young warrior was tiring, and fast. At this rate she'd have no energy left to complete the rest of the quest! Thorrissia was once again forced to tuck and roll as the creature came at her. "I think we need a new strategy. Let's try forming a wall. We might take some damage, but we'll deal more than we receive by quite a lot." She suggested helpfully, moving roughly in Golden's direction. 

Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0]

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ID: 26078

BD: 4-1+1=4 (0 DMG)

Golden smirked as Thorrissia thought of a new idea. Maybe it could work. It is Thorrissia's idea anyway. Golden wanted to try one more time at the bat anyway so he charged at the bat one more time... only to hit thin air once again. He was getting quite frustrated at this point and he could feel a drop of sweat... which was quite rare since he was normally a calm person. After missing, he managed to whisper to Thorrissia, who had come right next to him, "Alrightyyyy... Guess we're using your plan then."

Thorrissia [28/32] [H:0]

Giant Cave Bat [27/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0]

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MD: 5-1 = 4


"Right, let's form up then!" Thorry replied with enthusiasm, rushing through the blackness to the sound of Golden's voice. "Right, ok, swords up."  She muttered hopefully, spreading her feet apart a little so it would be easier to stand her ground, and holding her sword out like an exceptionally dangerous pin. With all luck the bat would be too stupid to realise what they were doing and crash right into their  exceptionally sharp wall. Sure enough, there was an infuriated screech as the giant leathery beast charged straight into her weapon, knocking the young warrior back a few feet but leaving her unharmed. "Ha!" Thorry smirked rather arrogantly at the success of her plan. Hah, I'm so clever.


Thorrissia [28/32] [H:2]

Giant Cave Bat [20/27]

Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0]

Edited by Thorrissia
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