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[F1-PP] Just Another Player (Shaya)

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Golden came back from town having had an extremely unproductive material gathering session. He sighed as he sat down on a town bench, wondering why resources and materials were so hard to find these days... plus they were time consuming as well. Golden noticed that the sky was becoming orange as the sun began to sat signaling the end of another virtual day in the game of SAO. Quite some people have died already... and most people have quite some doubts about whether they will actually beat the game in the end. Golden, himself, were quite doubtful as well as hope seems to have been lost already. Slowly, from absolute tiredness, Golden closed his eyes and allowed himself to have a nap in the middle of the town.

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Shaya was just now returning to town after her usual walk through the feilds. She reallyt enjoyed the scenery of this virtual world whether it was real or not. She watched in admiration as the city lights of the night began to turn on. She began walking through the town in search of a place to stay and eat. After a few minutes she found herself in the heart of the town. Noticing a boy sitting on a bench sleeping she sat next to him wondering if he would notice her. She looked at the boy noticing how similar he looked to her old friends.

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Golden was dreaming about unicorns when suddenly a gust of wind blew right into his face. He yelped in surprise as he woke up from his tired nap and scratched his head in embarrassment before looking around to see if there were any players nearby that saw his strange awakening. He was able to see a female player staring at him that he'd never seen before. He found that very strange considering the fact that he knew most players in the game at this point. He smiled and decided to go introduce himself to this player... hoping to make another friend instead of an enemy. Golden smiled as he walked toward the player before saying, "Hey! The name's Golden. What's yours?" With a friendly gesture and a wide-mouthed grin.

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The boy woke up and looked around rather frantically, he seemed to notice Shaya staring at him and walked right towards her. Withing 10 seconds of seeing her he already introduced himself, and it was only polite for Shaya to do the same. My name's Shaya! She let out a big smile, purposely trying to look cute. Him reminding her of her old friend made her want to be friends with him automatically.

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"So. Uh... I haven't seen you around." Golden said in response to Shaya's big smile. He didn't exactly know how to engage the player since he didn't know much about her. Golden was sure he hasn't seen the player before but the name seems to ring a bell. He sighed, not sure of what he could say before looking around. Maybe looking around would give him an idea of a conversation starter... but he found nothing that was any help what so however. Golden smiled... it was the only thing he could do given that he was wordless at the moment.

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She looked at him as he spoke, the conversation seemed to be going pretty slowly, but she didn't care too much and replied positively, No? I'm out in the fields outside of town for most of the day. And you would probably see me in a bar any time after dark. She rubbed the back of her head knowing that she probably wasn't very interesting. She noticed him looking around and sighed to herself Damn, I knew I wasn't very interesting, people tend to think so a lot more when I have a drink in my hand. She backed up a step and spoke, I'm not distracting you in any way am I? I don't want to keep you from anything important.

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"The bar?" Golden said as he looked at the player. "I can meet you there tonight." Golden said as he scratched his head before looking up at the sky. The day was only beginning and there would be plenty of time before nighttime lurks upon the world of SAO. "I'm kinda bored. Wanna go up higher floors?" Golden asked. Lately, most of his friends have been quite busy and he'd just been lurking around all day in boredom. He could use some fighting action in the higher floors but he wouldn't mind fighting on floor 1... since it was better than just sitting around all day. He smiled.

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Shaya looked at Golden, Is he asking me out on a date? Perhaps she was overthinking his words, either way she began to turn red in the face. Alright, will we be fighting anything? I fear I may not be strong enough for anything on the higher floors yet. She scratched her arm in embarrassment.  But I'd like to go. I haven't explored any more than the first floor yet. She grabbed his hand and spoke softly, Lead the way hun.

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Golden yelped as Shaya grabbed onto his arms. He didn't mind... since he was a clueless idiot when it comes to romance. Holding hands isn't just a relationship between lovers... it can be between friends as well. Golden sighed as he decided that he would allow Shaya to hold his hand even though he was sure that he shouldn't of. After deciding all this, Golden decided that there wouldn't be any time to waste so he led the girl to the outskirts of floor one. He smiled as he spotted a boar in the nearby distance and signaled the female player to go ahead and attack the boar. He would help her... that is if she let go of his hands.... a bandaged hand doesn't do much good does it.

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Shaya let go of Golden's hand and drew her sword from the sheith on her back. She the ran towards the boar, getting closer her eye's widen realizing how close she is to battling for the first time since she began the game.

26075 BD: 5

Shaya ran up to the boar from the side. It spotted her easily and moved out of the way before she was able to swing her sword at it.

(level 6 when started)


Boar 25/25

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ID: 26081

BD: 5+1=6 (7 DMG)

MD: 2-1=1 (0 DMG)

Golden smirked, knowing that killing the boar was going to be a piece of cake for someone like him. He pulled out his rapier after Shaya managed to miss her target. After doing so, he charged at the boar... knowing that he would deal damage, especially with his recent accuracy upgrade. After running past Shaya, Golden smiled as he brought his trusty rapier down upon the boar. The rapier stabbed right into the back of the weak mob... dealing quite some damage.

Goldenarroz (43/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (18/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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Shaya stood still for a second, stunned at how far the boar's health dropped after only one attack from Golden. She quickly focused herself once more then commencing her attack

26082 BD:3

She swung at the boar once more, but to no avail. It was just able to react to her strike despite being more focused on Golden.

Goldenarroz (43/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (18/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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ID: 26083

BD: 3+1=4 (0 DMG)

MD: 4-1=3 (0 DMG)

Golden smirked, knowing that his attack had impressed the girl quite a bit. He watched as Shaya missed her attack again. Oh well... happens to the best of us. Golden thought as he prepared his attack. He needed to hit one more time to ensure that the boar would be focused on him instead of Shaya since he had more health. With a grunt, Golden sprinted upon the weak boar only to miss at the last second when it dodged out of the way, surprising Golden. These things are faster than I expected... guess I underestimated them. Golden thought as he retreated, allowing Shaya to take attempt an attack on the boar. 

Goldenarroz (43/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (18/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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Shaya scoffed lightly when Golden missed his attack. This boar is really starting to get on my nerves. She clenched the handle of her sword running up behind it trying to land an attack once more.

26084 BD: 2

She swung her sword vertically downward on the boar. The boar managed to spot her attack coming once more moving swiftly out of the way, and leaving Shaya hitting nothing but the ground it was standing. Damn it! She yelled out in frustration, This thing is some kind of god boar I swear!

Goldenarroz (43/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (18/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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ID: 26085

BD: 3+1=4 (0 DMG)

MD: 9-1=8 (1+1-1=1 DMG)

Golden smirked as Shaya had once again managed to miss her target entirely. He charged toward the boar only to meet the same fate as Shaya had just did. He frowned, not sure of why his strikes were not landing. Suddenly, the boar attacked and managed to make contact... only with its shield. The shield's thorns pierced through the skin of the boar. Golden smirked once again, as he knew that the boar had fallen for his trap. His mouth formed a diagonal as he pushed forward with his shield.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (16/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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Shaya stepped back to take a breathe for a moment as the boar attacked Golden after he had missed his strike. It managed to hit his shield but it still took a small amount of life away.

26089 BD: 2

Shaya then ran up behind the boar trying to slash at it again. But she missed AGAIN hitting absolutely nothing as the boar leaped out of the way. What the hell is this thing!? It's clearly not a boar, perhaps a boar sent by Lucifer himself maybe!

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (16/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

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ID: 26103

BD: 3+1=4 (0 DMG)

MD: 8-1=7 (1 DMG)

She's still missing huh? Golden thought. It was probably because she doesn't have beginners luck. Golden rose his blade about his head as he prepared to strike again. He charged upon the boar only to miss the evasive boar. Golden frowned, he didn't normally miss as much as this. He sniffed as the boar attacked him straight on. You can't teach old dogs new tricks. He thought as he rose his shield to deal some damage to the boar itself. 

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (14/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 0]

[Sorry, I forgot I have damage mitigation.]

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Shaya took a deep breathe focusing in on the boar that she despised so much already. Alright girl, focus. You got this.

26109 BD: 8 (1 DMG)

Shaya ran up to the beast going past it, driving her blade across the boar's body she left a long streak of pixels across the side of it. She jumped up and down with glee landing the first attack she hit so far in this game.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (13/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 1]

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ID: 26118

BD: 2+1=3 (0 DMG)

MD: 3-1=2 (0 DMG)

Golden smirked when Shaya finally made her hit. He would probably be the one to kill the boar since his attacks were a lot more powerful than Shaya's. However, he would give the col to Shaya afterwards. Golden smiled as he charged at the boar and was quite happy for Shaya to land her first hit on the boar. However, he cursed when the boar unexpectedly turned his attack into a weakness before striking back. Golden dodged the attack but was barely hit. "Switch!" Golden shouted as he rolled out of the way, allowing Shaya to take her position and strike the boar.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (13/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 1]

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Shaya, still pumped from her last hit landing, followed Golden as he attacked. She was ready to attack the boar immediately after him.

26120 BD: 7 (1DMG)

Golden missed his attack sadly but it didn't phase Shaya, she kept her eyes locked onto the boar. She thrust her sword forward, impaling it in the front leg as it tried to get away. She gave a smile to Golden, letting him know that she was happy he brought her here to fight the boar. But she knew after hitting it a second time, it would target her.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 1]

Boar (12/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 2]

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