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[F1-PP] Just Another Player (Shaya)

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ID: 26121

BD: 6+1=7 (7 DMG)

MD: 5-1=4 (0 DMG)

Golden knew that the boar would target Shaya now. He wasn't going to let that happen. He was not going to let someone lower leveled than him take the damage. He was determined to deal damage to the boar. Before, he wasn't going all out... now he was. He stared at the boar in coldness before running up and striking. With one smooth movement. Golden could see the light from his blade go through the boar as he went past it. Golden smiled a cool smile before looking back at Shaya. One more hit from me and the battle would be over. Golden thought.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 2]

Boar (5/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 2]

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Shaya watched in excitement as the boar's health bar entered the red zone, Alright, I'm gonna try and finish it off before Golden gets the chance to. I gotta prove myself by winning this.

26122 BD: 8 (1DMG)

She brought her blade back and jumped toward the boar, slashing downward with her sword. She managed to make a clean cut on the boar's midsection, causing it to target her once again. She readied herself for the boar to attack her letting Golden take his open chance.

Goldenarroz (41/43) [HATE: 2]

Boar (4/25)

Shaya (15/15) [HATE: 3]

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ID: 26156

BD: 7+1=8 (7 DMG)

MD: 4-1=3 (0 DMG)

Golden sighed. At least she's hitting the target. Golden thought. I remember when I was her level... I just couldn't make contact with my blade. However, now was different. Damage is quite an important thing... you gotta make your hits count. He charged up at the weak, helpless mob before jumping up and doing a backspin using his Sprints & Acrobatics skill before coming down with intense force. The blade pierced right into the back of the boar, causing it to burst into millions and millions of tiny pieces. He smirked... quite happy with this battle and how quick it had ended.

LD: 14+1=15 (125 Col & 1 MAT)

Golden decided that the col was useless to him so he sent a trade offer allowing Shaya to take the col. However, the MAT was a different story... he could use the mat for his shop... and he planned to do so as well.


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Shaya, a little disappointed in herself for not finishing the fight, accepted the trade request for the Col. Though it wasn't a lot she knew that it would help her money struggles for now. Thank you Golden. She gave him a bright smile and hugged him, That was just what I needed to stop being so scared of fighting. She then spun around with excitement. I think I wanna fight more often now! This opens up so many more opportunities! How could I ever repay you Golden?

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Argh... Can't breathe. Golden thought as he was hugged by Shaya. "Uh-h... Th-there... I mean it wasn't that big of a deal." Golden said as he finally managed to breathe after managing to escape from Shaya's hug. "I needed to get out fighting some mobs as well... it's been quite a while since I've fought these boars." Golden said as he opened up his menu before sending a friend request to Shaya. "I'll add you as a friend... PM me if you need anything." Golden said as the request was sent. "Oh and one more thing, be sure not to fight strong mobs as your level... Don't wanna die now do we?" Golden asked.

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Shaya watched as a bright little box opened up in front of her. She poked the little blue circle, letting off a ping it disappeared. She then shook her head rapidly sending her hair flying around. No, dying certainly wouldn't be good. I think as long as I'm with someone else I can take on anything the game, especially someone as strong as you! She gave him a smile, still impressed by how strong he was. Maybe one day I'll even be as strong as you.

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"As strong as me?" Golden started. "That is quite a low goal. I'm not as strong as you think." Golden scratched his head. There were a lot more people that were stronger than him in SAO and he would admit that any day. The day was getting quite late. Golden didn't expect that they would take so long fighting a simple boar. Well... I guess my fighting skills were quite low at this point. Golden thought. He watched as the sun sets upon the horizon. The night was approaching this world and he was sure Shaya didn't have much col on her. "I know this restaurant nearby. May I invite you for dinner?" Golden asked. His girlfriend was indeed busy so he would be alone at his shop anyways... it would be nice to have company.

Edited by Golden
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Shaya looked a little disappointed from Golden's answer, though she concluded that it may have been true. Especially with some of the people she's met in her time here. He then mentioned taking her to a restaurant, Shaya thought for a few seconds making sure she was free. Yeah, that sounds great! She gave him a kind smile as she accepted his offer. Keep in mind it's just as friends, I have a girlfriend. She spoke making sure he knew for clarification, not knowing he already had somebody.

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"A girlfriend? I have a girlfriend as well." Golden said with a smile... now knowing that the player was attracted to people of the same gender. Golden led the player towards the tavern that was located near his shop where he got trained to be a cook. He smiled as he entered the tavern with Shaya before receiving the menu with a large variety of food items featuring soup, meat, vegetable, and different types of dishes. Golden smirked. He had plenty of col and will pay for the night. He ordered a rabbit stew and some chicken legs... his usual order before allowing Shaya to go ahead and order as well.

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Shaya looked at Golden and gave a heartfelt smile, I'm happy for you. It doesn't take me by surprise with how nice you've been to me. They quickly returned to town, and Golden brought them both to a tavern. After being seated they were brought menus, Shaya sniffed the air able to smell the variety of food around her. She especially enjoyed the smell of the soups. She then ordered vegetable soup. She folded her hands and set her head on top of them, This place is nice. I like it

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"Yes, this place is quite nice... a lot of players come here for lunch and dinner." Golden said as Shaya became relaxed in her seat. He looked around... The place wasn't as crowded as it would be normally... but he didn't know why. Oh well. Golden thought. Most of them are NPCs anyway. He had been hoping to see some of his friends around so they could have dinner with the two. After a while, The orders came in, Golden dove straight into the food, slowly sipping the burning hot rabbit stew and eating the chicken legs in a polite fashion despite how hungry he was. After about eating half of what he ordered, Golden already felt quite full and he decided that he might take some to his shop in case he couldn't finish it.


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