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Was he really gone? No, there would be no other way that he could just up and disappear from her friendlist. Oikawa was gone. He was dead. A knot twisted inside the insides of Kotori as the realization of what she had found out fully sunk in. He had gone and died without saying a word. She would never get to see him blush or make the the most normal events awkward ever again. Now... she was truly alone once again. He was one of the very few people who understood her and who she told most of her problems and life to. The young girl was broken to the point that she couldn't even form tears as to let out the deep sadness that was inside. This was the final nail in the coffin for both Oikawa and her as life before SAO was now life again. A life full of hatred, depression and silence. Pure silence that filled the area with the most solemn feeling. She couldn't do anything but stare emptily and distantly at the jungles in front of her as she put her back against the jungle tree and her legs on the dirt road that made a path through the deep thick jungle.

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The silence was so thick that Lessa's muted footfalls through the underbrush seemed impossibly loud. She moved slowly, cautiously, as the noise seemed all wrong in the peace that hung around her. The place she approached was one of still calm, but as she grew closer, the mood seemed to darken. A slight breeze rustled the leaves, their hushed wails cutting the silence in a way that rose goosebumps up and down Lessa's arms. No, that was no peace. It was mourning.


Kotori sat at the base of one of the many trees, just where her guild leader's navigation had placed her. Lessa watched her for a few seconds, before speaking in a voice that was only as loud as it needed to be. "Hi, Ko." Her tone held the same concern as her eyes and the expression she wore. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

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The colorful jungle were a gorgeous sight to behold indeed as the young girl stared deeply into the floor's rainforest, as if the revelations of what had occurred to her no longer matter and the traumatic experience like a faint memory that a person tries to keep a grasp on, but never fully reaches. Her metaphorical shell grew thicker and bigger as it slowly crept its way towards the feelings and emotions, evidence of Kotori trying to bottle up her various emotions as way to cope, unable to see the dangerous short and long-term effects that she could cause to her psyche by doing such a thing. However, common sense wasn't present at that very moment to stop her from doing it so her eyes appeared more and more lifeless as she sat there with no expression. However, her self-destructive nature wouldn't stop there as the other half of her mind couldn't fathom a situation in which Oikawa could die and leave her with no closure at all. 

There was no room for thinking as the girl continued to kill herself on the inside by constricting her feelings so there was no reaction when she overheard the sound of another player speak towards her. "Hi Ko." The woman spoke and after a few moments, Kotori knew who was there. The guild leader, Lessa, an acquaintance so to speak had found her in a way she had long forgot about; tracking. "Yes." she said in response without even making eye contact whatsoever.

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The blonde took a step forward, then hesitated. Yes? Yes that she did mind, or yes that Lessa could join her? Silently, she kicked herself for phrasing the question the way she did. It was a common enough thing to ask, and pretty harmless overall, but it put her in an awkward position. Deciding that it was better to be on the safe side, the girl hung back. Crossing her arms loosely against her chest, both from the slight chill and the awkwardness of the situation, Lessa leaned against the trunk of her own nearby tree.


When she spoke, she made sure to get right to the point; her companion, it seemed, was in no mood for conversation. "I heard about Oikawa." Not from Kotori, of course, but from a couple of other players commenting on how he no longer appeared on their friend's lists. While there was certainly a possibility that he had simply removed them from his own list (she had seen that before), the more common explanation was that he had died. Judging by Kotori's mood, that was what she believed. "I'm so sorry."

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"I'm so sorry."

That was one of the tics that Kotori never understood or could reason as to why one would do or say such a thing to another. What good was an apology for the inherent sadness of another being, especially when the apology was uncalled for. Unless she was wrong, Lessa wasn't responsible for this outcome nor was she the one to tell her the bad news. "You aren't sorry and you shouldn't be at all. I'm not sorry at all, if he decided to die without even saying goodbye, why should I care about him anymore.." She slowly rise up as the bangs of her oak hair covered her vision as she continued to speak. "He.. w-was weak if he couldn't even do that. Although there was one thing he did and that was showing me life never changes. For once I thought I didn't have to be lonely anymore, have friends and live a normal life under the pretense of having a normal life before SAO. I was so wrong. So unbelievably wrong. This is a wake-up call and now I know I can't do that. The only thing I can do now is get out of this f****** game and be alone. So please, don't try to convince me out of this. Or so help me I will kill everything in a mile radius just because I can." The girl finished as her dagger appeared suddenly before she curled her fingers around it, showing she meant what she said.

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