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[PP-F6] 1st Date Thread (Thorrissia)

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Golden was nervous as heck. He straightened his shirt and checked to see if everything was in place. He didn't have much time prior to this in order to get ready for this first date and he wanted a serious good impression even though they were already dating. Golden walked out of his shop, feeling quite uneasy as he sent Thorrissia a PM telling her to meet up at Floor 6. Having done so, he hurried up his walking pace in order to get there first. Golden smiled as he reached floor 6 and examined the area. The place was known for the Amazons, a village of all females and not only that... floor 6 was extremely beautiful regarding scenery and locations. Golden found a bench nearby to wait for Thorrissia to pop out of nowhere like she always did.

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So, first date, I can do this. Thorrissia inhaled deeply, and then exhaled. Why the heck did she feel so awkward right now? It's not like she didn't feel comfortable with Golden or anything! I never get nervous, body what are you doing. Stop being so dysfunctional! The brunette tried to calm herself down as she made her way towards the teleport gate, but still found herself fiddling anxiously with the many strands of stray hair fluttering around her head. Right, you're good at controlling your emotions, so, y'know, keep it cool. Thorry took one final moment to chill the heck out before waltzing with forced confidence through the gate and blaring into existence onto the exotic floor six.

It didn't take too long to locate her bae. The attractive tawny haired player had perched himself on a bench not too far away from the teleport gate. Whilst Golden had his back to her, the young warrior could easily recognise the back of his head. A cheeky grin spread across her face as an idea lightbulbed in her back of dangerously devious idea den, and the brunette began to sneak quietly across the vine covered cobblestones. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting!" Thorry announced loudly right next to her boyfriend's ear when she'd crept up behind him. 

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Golden was thrown off his bench. A loud buster of sound reached his eardrums and he was thrown off by the power of the sound. He yelped in surprise as he was in that motion and when he got up he saw Thorrissia, standing there, with a grin on her face. Golden coughed a bit to see if his ear was alright before laughing. "Luckily I didn't go deaf." He said as he finished laughing and started patting his shirt and pants to rid of the mud stains and loose grass that had managed to find its way upon his clothing during the fall. After he got himself settled while Thorrissia was watching, he discussed where he wanted to go for the day. "This floor is pretty nice. Let's just go explore some bits... but first, lets head to the Amazons." Golden said as he waited for Thorrissia before heading off.

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Ok, so maybe laughing so much that she doubled over from the pain was a little unkind, but Thorry couldn't help it. Golden had just been so surprised! His reaction, she just couldn't, "Haahahhahaahahah, aghhhhahahahaha! Golden, you- ha!" The poor kid was in hysterics. It took a full five minutes of hyperventilating before she could finally speak again. After wiping tears of laughter from her eyes, Thorry finally managed to stumble to her feet once again, still smirking like a smug kitty cat. When the tawny haired boy explained that the floor was beautiful, she nodded in agreement. "Actually I've been here before once. Had a run in with a rather unfriendly tiger." she explained with a knowing grin as if to say, yeah I did that, I fought a tiger. As the boy began to move out, Thorry wound her arm around his and snuggled up to him as they walked. "Hmmm, I reckon I'd make a pretty dangerous amazon. Whattya think?

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As they were walking through the beautiful landscape only available in the world of SAO, Golden heard that Thorrissia had managed to kill a tiger. "A tiger? Eh. Easy peasy lemon squeezy." Golden said enthusiastic. He could probably take down 3 of those in one go. He smiled as the girl snuggled up to him as they walked before blushing and snuggling back. "Hmmm, I reckon I'd make a pretty dangerous amazon. Whattya think?" Thorrissia asked while she grabbed a hold of Golden's arm. He smiled, "Sure... You would be one fierce Amazon." Golden said as he grinned and faked a shudder as if to say he was scared to his girlfriend.

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"Well I was only level nine at the time, so I don't think I did too badly. And you should most definitely be more afraid of me Goldy. I'm such a bad ass you don't even know it." The brunette explained humorously with a small wink, even though she was almost half serious underneath the funny demeanour. Thorry was pretty sure in real life she was probably more dangerous than she was in game to be honest, as she wasn't limited by the system there. "So what exactly have you got in mind for our date?" The young warrior grinned, feeling rather excited. She couldn't believe she'd actually felt anxious earlier, how stupid! She was having a blast for sure. 

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"How about you think of something this time. Last time, I came up with ice skating... so this time, you should think of something." Golden smiled... he didn't let it show on the surface but he honestly didn't know where to go this time... and he didn't want to plan something that would make Thorrissia think he was lame. He scratched his hair as he smiled, uneasy of where to go. Anywhere is fine with me... Golden thought. But that might not be the case with Thorrissia, I shall let her decide. 

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"Hmmmmm," Thorrissia mused thoughtfully as they trekked over the leafy ground. "How abouuuuuut, we," An idea started to formulate in her head. "How about we just go exploring? I've only been through the forests here, I haven't actually checked out the city before. Besides, I don't really mind what we do, I just want to spend time with you." The girl replied with a genuine smile, planting a small kiss upon his cheek. It was the honest truth. Golden was the only person in this game who she really knew well, everyone else was just brief acquaintances. "If you see anything you want to do though, just say. I'm game for anything." She added quickly, just so he knew that she was open to try new things. 

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Golden smiled as he took the hands of Thorrissia. He started pacing in the beautiful forest toward the city where all the Amazon people were located. Goldem smiled as they exited the dense forest and the sun began shining upon the faces of the two lovers. He inspected the area to see that not only was there a village full of Amazons and beautiful creatures but there was also a waterfall nearby. He made note to go to the waterfall later on. He gasped as he enjoyed the scenery where the grasslands formed thousands and thousands of miles away. The bright, warm sun beat down upon the village, giving off a beautiful glimpse of the rays of the sun. He smiled as he also looked at a rainbow overhead. The perfect place for a romantic couple to have some fun in the middle of a death game.

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Golden's hand was comfortingly warm, but not sweaty which was good. I hate sweaty palms. Thorrissia thought to herself as they walked side by side towards the beautiful amazon village. It was a truly stunning view, which surprised her. She'd half been expecting it to be just boring grass huts in the middle of the mud, which would still have been fun. [She'd been hoping for a mud fight], but this was incredible. "Wow! Not exactly what I was expecting. This place is great!" The girl exclaimed in wonder, gazing curiously at all the bustling NPC's wondering around through the village. Most of them were wearing animals skins [mainly tiger] and carrying rather large spears and bows. "Yeah, remind me never to anger the NPC's of this place. They look pretty hardcore to me." Thorry laughed as they set foot over the safe zone line and began to explore the Amazon dwelling. 

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Golden smiled. "Eh. Those tiger skins look pretty attractive to me." Golden started, jokingly. "Maybe I'll buy you one." Golden grinned his usual taunting grin before running over to explore the beautiful landscapes. It was amazing how smart NPCs were... there were no rules to them unlike the players. They had a normal life, peaceful most of the time, and didn't care about the players. They were friendly and never wanted to hurt anyone. Golden sighed at how good they had been treated in the village... unlike how players treat the NPCs... especially the PKers who have no hearts and kindness. Golden was quite disappointed at the cruelty of players... but this wasn't the time to think about cruel things. He walked up to a shop ran by an NPC and asked, "Got any tiger skins for this young lady over here?"

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Thorrissia inspected the skins critically, her eyes running scrutinisingly over the dead animal pelt. It's not real so its not unethical. Once she managed to get over the initial aversion to wearing a skin, Thorry agreed. They really were quite pretty. "Hmmm." She laughed, trying to picture herself in the skin. "I reckon I'd look pretty fierce in one of those." The girl grinned humorously, holding up her arm in order to show off her muscle tissue. It wasn't too bad, even if she wasn't exactly ripped, her body was decently toned. "I reckon we should get matching ones!" Thorrissia suggested as Golden went off to visit an NPC. The NPC's sort of freaked her out a little, the way they behaved almost humanly despite the fact they couldn't feel anything. Thorry knew it was stupid and entirely irrational but she was always freaked one of them might go psycho and try to kill off gamers. That was impossible though. 

[Hah all PKers are evil. he he he he he] 

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Golden smirked when he was offered a matching pair. "Yes. I could totally imagine me in one of those." Golden said as he pointed at the tiger skin hanging from the wall. "Buttttt..... I'm not cute enough for kitty cat skins." Golden looked around on the shelves. I need something vicious... something that can kill that's not a kitty cat. Golden thought as he continued looking around the shop. Finally, he found one that was fairly uncute... a wolf skin. Hehehehe. Golden laughed on the inside as he pointed at it. "That's the one!" Golden said as he looked back at Thorrissia.

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"Hmmm, I dunno, you look pretty cute to me." Thorrissia shrugged with a small smirk, leaning casually up against one of the tent shops wooden beams as her dark haired companion began to hunt for an appropriate covering. It was sort of adorable how he wanted to look cool all the time. It was funny really, Thorry would never have imagined going shopping for rare animal skins and enjoying it. Hah, so much for being an environmentalist. The girl snorted, revelling in the irony. When Golden pointed to the wolf skin, Thorrissia raised an uncertain eyebrow. "Really? You're going to look like a scary mass murder in that." She laughed, striding over to inspect the skin further. "All fear Golden as his puppy skin coat." The brunette stated with a teasing tone, poking her boyfriend affectionately in the chest. 

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Golden puffed out his chest. "Yeaahhhh...." He started hesitantly. "I don't think they fight any of us.... Too exposed if you ask me... not that I mind or anything." Golden said as he looked at Thorrissia tauntingly. He suddenly remembered the waterfall right outside of the village. "Wanna go check out a waterfall?" Golden asked. It looked quite small but they were standing from quite far away at the time. Golden took Thorrissia's hands and hurried out of the village to the beautiful, blue, and high waterfall that was a beauty to all human eyes. Golden smiled... this was quite pretty and a great spot of romantic conversations.

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Water. Hydrophobia could really be a pain sometimes. As soon as Golden mentioned waterfall, she turned ever so slightly green. Waterfall's usually meant splash pools, and splash pools usually meant... swimming. "Oh uh, yeah sure let's go check it out." Thorry forced a smile, trying very hard to ignore the urge to go hide in a closet and never come out. She didn't want Golden to think she was pathetic and sad for being afraid of water. It was one of the stupidest fears possible, and she hated it. Ever since that incident at the swimming pool when she was little, Thorrissia had been terrified of water ever since, despite the fact it was completely irrational. "Lead the way." The brunette said with a slightly nervous laugh. 

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Golden could sense Thorrissia's nervousness in her voice. Nervous? Of what? Water? He guessed. Or maybe heights? Golden decided that he was only imagining Thorrissia's nervousness. It wasn't very common for someone like Thorrissia to get nervous over something. Thorrissia was indeed one of the strongest players he knew regarding mental status. He smiled and took her hand before heading to the waterfall. The waterfall was tall and the base of it was quite astonishing. Golden wondered if it was safe to swim in the pool that lay at the bottom of the waterfall. He sighed... wishing that he had brought some swimming clothes to go ahead with the action. "Man... It'd be so cool to swim in that." Golden said quietly... disappointed that he'd forgotten to do so.

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// lol Thorry's a wuss. Hahahaha. 


The waterfall truly was beautiful. The thick rocky cliff face was built out of a pale but jagged rock that must have been about fifty feet high. Sky blue glittering water tumbled over the crest, flashing like thousands of tiny diamonds in the light before crashing into the huge pristine lake below. There was no pollution in this world, so everything was perfect and untarnished. Thorrissia was very glad she was holding Golden's hand right now as they stood next to the edge of the pool's surface, its waters lapping gently at the shore line. Staring into the lake's surface was starting to make her feel dizzy though, so the shaggy haired teen quickly turned her attention back to her boyfriend. Her stomach almost jumped out of her mouth when Golden mentioned swimming though. "Ah, yeah too bad we forgot our swim stuff." Thorry supplied the comment meekly, feeling a little ill at the thought. 

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Golden smiled. He wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to swim. "Eh. Who needs swim stuff anyway." Golden said with a laugh before releasing Thorrissia and jumping into the water with all his cloth on. Surprisingly, the water was unexpectedly warm... and very, very comfortable. Even with all his clothes on, Golden could feel the warmth of the water through his skin. "Ahh~" Golden sighed with comfort and warmth before noticing Thorrissia still standing there. "So... uh... you gonna come down or what?" Golden asked.

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Thorrissia felt like she was going to barf. Oh nonoononononono there was no way he was getting her in there. "Um, I uh, I can't- I mean, I don't know how to-" The rather embarrassed girl began to let out a stream of almost unintelligible babble, her cheeks exploding into bright tomatoes as she stuttered with uncharacteristic hesitance. She couldn't meet his eyes, it was just too much! Finally Thorry just couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out, "I'm terrified of water! I know it's stupid but I can't ugh I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin anything with my stupidity." She explained, holding her head in her palms. Ughhhhh how embarrassing. She felt like she wanted to die. 

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