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[PP - F5] Meeting the Guild <<The Traveler>>

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Takao stared pensively at the teleport gate before him, constantly shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He didn't care to think of himself as any kind of authority in the guild he had only recently joined, but with his level and prior experience, some semblance of responsibility did fall on his shoulders to help out where he could. If nothing else, he could at least try to put somebody on the right path before the boss fight. This occasion in particular wasn't him putting anybody on any path, though. He offered to help somebody from his guild with a rather important quest, although it had slipped his mind what exactly doing that quest entailed. A full day's walk in the desert, the very one he loathed. After heaving out a heavy sigh and dropping his defeated head, he stepped up onto the platform and muttered the name of the floor and town. Takao was whisked away by a flash of light, and immediately grimaced as the first wave of heat hit his face. His green eyes cast a brief glance to the red reptile that sat across his shoulders, who seemed rather happy to be back on the floor that Takao had tamed it on. The smallest of smiles grew on his face as he reached up to pat the creature on its head before starting off in the direction of the city's gates, where he'd arranged to meet his fellow guild member at.

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Thorrissia was feeling pretty pumped for this. Having only just been introduced to her brand new guild mates, meeting up and fighting with Takao and getting to grips with fighting side by side with one of her guild buddies seemed like a really good idea. She had a feeling that he was a few levels above her, although how many, Thorry wasn't sure. Anyways, having him help her on this quest would probably be a very good experience. The young warrior sprinted excitedly towards the teleport gate of floor six, jumping eagerly over thick leafy plants as she raced to get to the barren lifeless burning hot dessert. "Wahee!" The brunette whopped in delight as she jumped into the teleport gate and energised into the blazing heat. Sure enough, there was Takao, waiting exactly where he'd said he would be. "Takao Takao here I am!" The teen exclaimed with excitement as she rushed towards her companion, noticing he seemed to have brought a plus one along for the ride. "Oh cool! You have a familiar! What's his name? Does he have any special abilities?" Thorry asked with almost childish curiosity as she slowed down to inspect the cute companion Takao had brought along for the ride.

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Takao stared at the familiar on his shoulder with his hands raised and clenched into fists as it hastily chowed down on a sandwich. His eyes were immediately drawn to the flash of light that came from the gate, a tell-tale sign that somebody was teleporting to the floor. His attention returned to the reptile as his fists began to bob up and down slightly. "C'mon dude, you can do it! She's almost here!" He egged the monster on as its gaze turned to the gate mid-meal. Just as Thorrissa appeared, the monster finished the sandwich, and Takao thrust his fists into the air to cheer. "Woo! Yes! That's eleven, new record!" He said, laughing as he offered his hand up to high five the monster. He set his attention on Thorrissa as she approached, a normal smile replacing the one that had formed while he laughed and one of his hands raising to wave to her.

"Hey Thorrissa!" He said, briefly following her gaze to his familiar as he listened to the questions that followed. "Special abilities? Y'mean besides eating all my food?" He said just before exhaling a light chuckle and glancing at the monster that leaned over his left shoulder. In response, the reptile's tail whipped around his neck and slapped him on the cheek, eliciting a surprised yelp and an "ow, hey!" from Takao. He rubbed his cheek and huffed out a defeated breath. "His name's Otoko. He gives me a passive accuracy buff and headaches." The tail found its way across his face again, which brought on a second yelp. Takao cleared his throat before continuing. "-and he spots monsters. Sometimes."

Edited by Takao
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Takao and his snake definitely brought a smile to her face, that was for sure. The young warrior couldn't help but laugh when the little reptile whacked his owner in the face. "Awwwww, he's so cute. I wanna get one." Thorry cooed gently at the creature, lightly stroking Otoko upon his scaly red head with a single finger, taking care not to do it to hard in case she hurt him. "I've always liked snakes. We used to have a python called Monty." She added with an amused smile, reminiscing fondly over the lazy creature that had lived in their house. After a few moments of admiring Takao's familiar, the novelty of seeing an in game pet snake wore off a little and Thorrissia became keen to start off on their adventure. 

"Right, so I didn't actually read any of the info brokers information about this quest before turning up, probably a bad idea I know, but would you mind briefing me about it a little bit before we head off?" The girl asked with a sort of awkward grimace as she scratched the back of her head, a sort of embarrassed tick of hers. Thorrissia didn't often ignore quest information before starting it, but she'd been a little late to wake up and hadn't invested the time in checking it out on this occasion. She probably looked a little hapless, but there was nothing to be done about it now. 

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(So err, I didn't do a good job at describing Takao's familiar, since you got the impression that it's a snake, when it's actually a uh... well. whatever this thing is. It's kinda like a dragon thing? Sorry for the confusion!)

"A python called Monty?" He let the name mull over in his head for a moment until the reference finally clicked, and a breath and chuckle escaped from his lungs at the same time. "Oh, hah! I get it!" He smiled brightly at his own ability to recall a reference made to a television show that must have ended something like half a century ago. Her attention on his familiar wavered shortly there after, and instead refocused on the quest. Admittedly, he knew very little of the specifics himself, as he'd first taken the quest on a whim. He rubbed the underside of his chin in thought, trying to piece together a coherent explanation that would be understandable.

"Well... It's probably one of the easier quests to do. At least in terms of combat, since there isn't any... or rather, there shouldn't by any. All we have to do is find some lost cargo out in the desert, the area should be marked on your map after you accept the quest. It's kinda far though, it'll probably take us an entire day." That, he would have to admit, would be his least favourite part of the quest. The quest's marker lay so far away in the desert that it would eat up their entire day to get to and from, which was precisely why he'd taken extra care to do everything he needed to do for the day before coming.

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