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[PP-F2] <<Long Live the Queen>> (Tristan)

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ID: 31395

BD: 4

After quickly fixing the hair that had fallen in her eyes, she raced forward to attack the wasp queen, only to watch in dismay as it dodged her attack. Her body tilted slightly, to make the rest of her momentum take her in the direction of Tristan, knowing full well the wasp would die very soon, from the burning thorns and open wounds that it had gotten during the attack. Her blue/gray eyes watching the wasp, before flicking to her hand that was gripping her dagger quite hard, that it had turned her knuckles white. She loosened her grip and stood up straight, waiting and watching.

Tristan 74/75 Hate: 12 
Kitty 11/11 Hate: 1
Wasp Queen 3/30 (Bleed 1/2, Flame Thorns 2/2)

Edited by Kitty
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(You can close it in the next post if you wish or continue interaction)

ID: 31404
BD: 10

It was about to die, but Tristan decided that he may as well finish off the limping mess for what it was and attacked with his spear, causing more open wounds and paralysing the boss, while it was still bleeding and on fire. Looking like a murder scene, it finally exploded into pixels, to which Tristan lowered his spear and unequipped it, breathing a sigh of relief. "So, it looks like we made it." he said with a smile. "The Matriarchs Stinger you can have, helping you was reward enough for me.". Even if that did sound almost like a pick up line, his usual naivety didn't realise it.

Tristan 74/75 Hate: 16
Kitty 11/11 Hate: 1
Wasp Queen -7/30 (Bleed 2/2, Flame Thorns 1/2, Paralysed)

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(You know me ;))

As the Wasp Queen burst into pixels, Kitty smiled at the pop up box that told her she had completed the quest. She turned bright red at his comment, and turned away to hide her face, "Y-you m-might be j-just a b-bit naive.... T-that sounded l-like a pick up l-line..." Her voice seemed to shake as she spoke from embarrassment. She focused on how she could get better in her fighting, to calm her flaming cheeks down, and when she felt that they were no longer bright red, she turned back to him, "Thanks for helping me by the way." She held out her tiny hand for a handshake, taking it on the safe side and not going in for a hug. She had enjoyed fighting the boss with Tristan quite a lot, it may have been her first battle, but she knew that she would only improve. It had been quite a good experience, and she felt like they had become a sort of friends, if not even being acquaintances would do.

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Tristan slightly blushed at her statement, scratching the side of his face as he spoke. "Ah...well..." He stammered out slightly, caught unexpected that his line was interpreted so.  "I didn't mean...I mean..." He sighed and smiled, saying "It was my pleasure to help a friend. Or at least I'd like to think we are, now we have mutually beaten a boss together.". He thought how maybe in another life or world there could be a thing, but Tryst would probably go nuts if he did it in this. He thought of then briefly the future of him and Tryst, whether that would be something that continued after SAO, or whether it would disappear like pixels. He hoped he could meet her another world in another time, that is if they ever got out alive from this entire thing. He looked at the sky and thought for a bit, then said "It's getting dark so we should start thinking about returning to our homes. If you ever need help with anything though just ping me and I'll see if I can make it.".

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She felt her face smirk a bit, but then became crestfallen as he seemed to become distracted, Such a wishful thinker.... Just stop it. Remember, things like this... Just lead to suffering and pain. Plus, you have tons of other things to focus on. She quickly spoke, before turning her body away, so he couldn't read her expression, "Of course we are friends. I'll let you know if I need your help." With a small motion of her hand, she sent him a friend request while keeping her back to him. She straightened her position and nodded her head, "We best be on our way then..." 

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Tristan smiled and stretched, smiling and saying "Well I'll be glad when you do ask. Hell, for all I know maybe we'll meet outside of Sword Art Online.", the latter seeming like crazy talk at this point, though still possible for all he knew. He got his composure together and walked off with a "See ya later." waving goodbye as he walked. He considered what boss to take on next, with so many up for going against. Maybe the Iron Guardian? Those Banner of Supports would be handy in the upcoming boss fight.


4 SP and 200 Col & Matriarchs Stinger (+1 dmg for one battle) for Kitty
1 SP & 200 Col for Tristan

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