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[SP-F1] Forced To Train [COMPLETE]

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Kiseki: 10/11
Wolf: 6/6

Kiseki and the wolf once again clashed. They both attacked at the exact same time. Kiseki however pulled back as soon as the wolf came in for a bite to the leg. Instead, Kiseki jumped over the wolf and tried to slash while the momentum carried him over his opponent. Too bad his scimitar wasn't long enough to hit the wolf. Both fighters were on the opposite side of each other with their backs facing each other. They quickly turned and got into an offensive stance. Perhaps the headbutt they gave each other is messing with their heads.

-ID: 28379-

  • MD: 2
  • BD: 3
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Kiseki: 10/11
Wolf: 6/6

The wolf charged Kiseki. For some odd reason Kiseki decided to wait for the wolf. As soon as the wolf jumped and went for a bite, Kiseki pulled up his left arm and took the hit. The wolf ended the missing streak. The wolf was completely vulnerable allowing Kiseki to slash at the wolf's stomach. Kiseki's attack launched the wolf back. The wolf struggled to get up, but managed it anyways. Kiseki's attack clearly does more damage than the wolf's. The wolf limped forward a little into a position it was comfortable in. Kiseki stood still and waited for its next move.

Kiseki: 9/11 (-1)
Wolf: 4/6 (-2)

-ID: 28380-

  • MD: 7
  • BD: 8
Edited by Kiseki
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Kiseki: 9/11
Wolf: 4/6

The wolf ran in towards Kiseki again. Instead of jumping for the arm, it went for Kiseki's bottom half. Kiseki noticed this and stuck his left foot out with his knee bent. He used it as a block and let the wolf bite into his legs. The white cloth pants barely did anything, but it was fine. Kiseki saw his health bar starting to lower. He had to hurry and take this opportunity as the wolf remained vulnerable. He quickly slashed at its head while it held onto Kiseki's leg. The wolf ended up letting go, but was still left unguarded. Kiseki ran in with his scimitar and made more rapid swings at it until he noticed the wolf started to glow. As soon as the glowing started, he'd stop and watch as the wolf shattered. Apparently no menu popped up. How many wolves in a row has that been now?

[Dead] Wolf: 0/6 (-2)(-2)

-ID: 28428-

  • MD: 8
  • BD: 10
  • LD: 9
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Kiseki was on the road back to Starting City. He felt like he's gotten the hang of the game. He made it all the way to level 4. That's a start, but it's not enough. He's still behind so he'll still have motivation to keep continuing. He's thought about getting some people to help him with training, but isn't completely sure yet. Perhaps a mentor would help him teach things. It probably won't be so efficient. Kiseki tends to act on his own either way. It's not like he'll listen to everyone he comes across. It just depends on what he hears is what he likes.

{Roleplay Completed}


  • +1 SP
  • +400 Col
  • +2 Materials
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