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F4-PP: «Feeding the Enemy» Complete!

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ID# 28407 LD:6 (Why, do you betray me now. Why, dice why))

Beoreson's HP:29

Mack's HP:40

Den mother:30 (It has bleed)

Beoreson catches the mat,"Sure, we are pretty close, I think we might be able to make it to the den without trouble." The young warrior walks to the giant mound of snow and rock. He looks around for an entrance of some sort. After a few minutes of searching he manages to find a hole in the snow structure. Beoreson makes a move to enter the hole in the wall. Suddenly a rather large, wolf leaps out of the cave, growling. Beoreson pretty much jumps out of his skin. The wolf growls and puts herself between the warriors and the entrance to the cave. "I knew that would have been to easy." says the warrior as he draws his ninjato again.

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ID: 28412
BD: 7 (6+1)
Mack: 42/42 (Hate: 1)
Beoreson: 29/29
Den Mother: 24/30

Without waiting for orders from Beoreson, Mack jumped forward to face the den mother with Guillotine raised and ready to strike. Whipping the heavy bladed head of the weapon around his body, Mack slammed the blade of the axe into the side of the den mother and scored a solid hit. As he pulled the blade back after the strike the blonde warrior was somewhat disappointed to see that he had not succeeded in causing any bleeding damage to the den mother, but such was life some times. Apparently, the hit had been just a regular one instead of a critical strike.

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ID# 28416 BD:9 (+1 damage) MD:2

Beoreson's HP:29 [2 hate]

Mack's HP:40 [1 hate]

Den mother:24-5=19 [Target: Beoreson]

The young warrior after, Mack's smashing hit with the axe, rushed at the beast. The den mother sprung thought the air flying towards Mack. Beoreson intercepted the beast and slashed it's side as it went sailing by. He noted to himself that he got a critical hit. The den mother landed on the ground in a heap next to the snowtrooper. The den mother was starting to get heavily injured as it's health was dipping in to the lower yellow section. Beoreson thought to himself as he back away from the beast,"Maybe, I should have kept Viper's kiss out."


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OOC: With equal hate on the aggro table, just pick who you want the wolf to attack. I'm cool either way :)

ID: 28448
BD: 8 (7+1)
Mack: 42/42 (2 Hate
Beoreson: 29/29 (2 Hate)
Den Mother: 13/30 (-6 Dam)

"You should always use the weapons I craft, Beoreson, mine are the best," Mack growled in response to the other warrior's words. Mack then suited those words to the real world by swinging Guillotine again and slamming the hefty bladed head of the bearded axe into the Den Mother's side for a second time. The wolf yelped and spun to face the new attacker. All things considered, both Mack and Beoreson were probably generating about the same amount of hate at the moment, so it was anybody's guess as to who the wolf might attack next time she made a move as she bared her sharp teeth and coiled her legs underneath her body to spring again.

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((I added a description of my character to my journal. I realized that other then hair color and height. I didn't have anything about him so, I made something. I think we are going to need to spawn another wolf as well.))

ID# 28473 BD:9 MD:4

Beoreson's HP:29 [4 hate]

Mack's HP:40 [2 hate]

Den mother's HP:13-5=8

"I only got a critical hit twice in a week while using it." states the warrior as he gets into position to strike the beast. The Den Mother for some reason saw Beoreson as a more imminent threat, or maybe it saw him as the weaker of the two. The Den Mother lunged at the raven haired warrior. The raven haired warrior managed to take a step out of the way of the attack. While the wolf was sailing by the warrior managed to slash at the beast. He cut the wolf's side. With all of it's injures the wolf was surprisingly still alive.

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ID: 28529
BD: 6 (5+1)
Beoreson: 29/29 (4 Hate)
Mack: 42/42 (3 Hate)
Den Mother: 2/30 (-6 Dam.)

As the wolf went sailing past Beoreson after having missed its attack the hefty mass of fur and anger landed in a spray of powdery white snow. As it whirled to face the dark-haired fighter again Mack saw an opening and smoothly inserted himself into it. Swinging Guillotine back over his shoulder Mack brought the hardened steel blade of the axe around and slammed the head of the weapon into the side of the wolf again. The wolf yelped and jumped away as Mack tugged his weapon free from the animal and then planted the butt cap in the snow as the creature again turned its attention on Beoreson. "I'm all done with this fight, finish it off. This is your quest," the blacksmith rumbled loud enough for Beoreson to hear over the sounds of battle.

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ID# 28627 BD:2+2=4 MD:4 CD:3 (Well, at least it wasn't a critical failure.)) (( We are going to need another wolf most likely, so if you would spawn one in, I would appreciate it.))

The warrior takes his blade and charges forward. The wolf leaps at the warrior, trying to turn him into confetti. Beoreson manages to bring his blade up enough to defend himself from the beast. The warrior then, breaks off away from the large wolf, trying to keep his distance. The wolf and the warrior clash together several times neither one of them landing a successful hit. The warrior takes a second to look back at the blond soldier, "Check the den for any other wolves. I would hate to have a wolf claw off my face after fighting this monster."

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ID: 28681
MD: 1
Mack: 42/42
Beoreson: 29/29
Den Mother: 2/30
Wolf: 21/21

Shrugging his shoulders, Mack went to inspect the den of wolves, Guillotine at the ready just in case the hefty two handed bearded axe was needed. Poking his blonde head into the opening of the cave, Mack looked around. Sure enough, there were several little ice wolf pups. There was also one snarling, growling, and clearly angry full-grown ice wolf. Mack jerked his head back out of the way and took a wild swing with Guillotine at the wolf as it came roiling up out of the den. Apparently, the wolf had been possessed of the same idea for it made a very clear attempt to attack the hulking warrior as Mack jerked his head back out of the den's entrance. The effect of the two attacks made in haste was that each wildly missed its intended target as the second wolf joined the fray.

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ID# 28691 BD:10 MD:8 CD:4 LD:9

Beoreson's HP:29-4+1=26 [6 hate] (I remembered damage migration this time)

Mack's HP:42 [3 hate]

Den Mother:2-6=-4 (Dead)

Wolf's HP:21 [Target:Beoreson]

Beoreson decides enough is enough and charges the over grown wolf. The Den Mother surprised by the warrior's rash actions freezes for a second. Beoreson swings his blade in a upper-cut arc. The wolf tries to leap out of the way but, only manages to make the attack more centered. The Den Mother with a howl of pain explodes into pixels as it is destroyed. The wolf that was just drawn out of the cave is enraged to see a member of it's pack killed and charges the warrior. Beoreson after, killing the beast is caught off guard by the wolf's sudden attack. The wolf leaps into the air and smacks into him. Beoreson makes use of the arm shield, still taking some damage as his armor was made of holes.



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ID: 28693
BD: 6 (4+1 Charm+1 Concentration) - 5 turn Cool Down begins
Mack: 42/42 (4 Hate)
Beoreson: 26/29 (6 Hate)
Wolf: 15/21 (-6 Dam.)

As the wolf leaped into Beoreson to pounce on the swordsman, because Beoreson was the closer of the two targets after the canine had come charging out of the den, Mack took a few seconds to recover from the charge. The beast's entire attention was focused on Beoreson, leaving the animal open to a flanking attack and Mack seized the opportunity to take the offered opening. Moving into range for an attack from Guillotine, Mack stepped into an easy side chopping swing with the bearded axe, slamming the axe head into the side of the wolf and eliciting a yelp of pain from the creature as it backed off for a moment in an effort to keep both of its attackers in sight.

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ID# 28702 BD:4+2=6 CD:4 MD:1

Beoreson's HP:26/29 [7 hate]

Mack's HP: 42/42 [4 hate]

Wolf's HP:15-4=11/21 [Target Beoreson]

The young warrior looks at the wolf with a lot more then a sliver of rage in his eyes. He notices the the wolf is still latched onto his arm. He takes his ninjato and, with a growl jams the blade into the wolf's underbelly. The wolf yips in pain as the warrior lifts the wolf by grabbing it by the fur and, with the sword still impaled in the beast throws it a few feet away. The wolf lands in the snow unharmed  other then, the sword that it is recently impaled with.  Beoreson rushes forwards to the wolf that is laying on it's back and, rips his sword out from the beast and backs up a few feet. The wolf rolls over and lunges at the warrior that had just assaulted it. The wolf's attack is easily deflected by the warrior, who seems to calmed down. Beoreson was tired of being bitten by animals. He notes to himself, that that was the first time he had gotten angry at a video game.

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ID: 28703
BD: 8 (7+1)
LD: 15
Mack: 42/42 (5 Hate)
Beoreson: 26/29 (7 Hate)
Wolf: 5/21 (-6 Dam)

While the wolf was making its futile lunge at Beoreson, only to be smacked back down, Mack was methodically stalking the animal. If the creature wasn't going to pay any attention to the axe wielding warrior, well, that would only make things easier in terms of dealing with the creature. As Beoreson swatted the thing to one side, Mack shot out the haft of Guillotine whipping the iron butt cap of the weapon through the air in a grey blur. It slammed into the wolf's head and snapped the creature's skull around, dislodging several teeth in the process. "All yours, I'm going to harvest some mats from the trees while you clear up and get your pet," Mack called, disengaging from the fight and wandering a short distance off looking for just the right tree. Once he had selected the tree, the black smith whirled Guillotine through the air and buried the blade in the tree's trunk. There was a spray of wood chips and Mack retrieved a perfectly acceptable crafting item from the snow while the snarling wolf and snarling Beoreson continued to go after one another.

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ID# 28705 BD:7 MD:7 CD:7 ((Jackpot!))

Beoreson's HP:26-2=22 (I'll give myself bleed as it makes sense from an RP sense. Assuming I fail hitting a few times.)

Wolf's HP:5-4=1

Beoreson nods to the blond warrior and with a slightly crazed look in his eyes. "I got this, you go get in touch with you're inner Canadian." Mack would most recognize the look from cocky rookies who knew that they where winning the current engagement. The young warrior then, chose to let his anger get to him as it would give him strength to finish this fight quickly. The warrior with a roar charged at the monster and stabbed the beast in the beast in the side. The wolf seeing an opening, bit the berserking warrior's arm. The warrior didn't seem to notice the beast attack and, ripped the beast off his arm. The wolf took a piece of the warrior's arm with it as it was ripped off his arm.

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ID: 28708
LD: 5

Mack spared a glance from the lumber jack job he was doing on one of the trees to check on Beoreson and see if the dark-haired man needed any help with the wolf. As near as Mack could tell from checking over the battle, there was really nothing to worry about. Beoreson would be able to dispatch the wolf with one more blow, hardly any need for Mack to concern himself with re-entering the battle. With a grunt, Mack extracted Guillotine from the tree he was harvesting crafting materials from. Swinging the axe back, again, he brought it whistling around to slam into the the tree for a second time. This time, he was not as fortunate and he failed to secure another crafting material for his efforts.

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ID# 28712 BD:2+2=4 MD:4 CD:5 (I should just get accuracy three, and upgrade the skill.)

Beoreson's HP:22-2=20

Wolf's HP:1

The berserking warrior takes his ninjato and rushes the beast. The wolf dodges out of the way of the warrior and he smacks into the wall. The warrior then, defends himself from the wolf's lung attack again. Beoreson rushes the wolf again, and again. The wolf dodges out of the way each time, and Beoreson blocks all incoming attacks from the wolf. Beoreson's rage slowly recedes as he isn't getting anywhere by getting angry. Slowly but, surly the warrior's movements turn from rage induced swings to skillful slices.

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ID: 28762
LD: 20

Pausing, momentarily, in his efforts to harvest lumber from one of the nearby trees Mack watched the combat going on between Beoreson and the wolf, that latter of whom was nearby dead. "It's no good if you can't hit him," the blonde man called out encouragingly before turning his attention back to the tree as he wrenched Guillotine free from it. Pulling the axe back again, Mack sent the bladed head thudding into the side of the tree. A spray of wood chips geysered from the spot where the weapon had bitten into the tree and Mack retrieved a piece of lumber suitable for crafting from the snow, adding it to his inventory.

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ID# 28769 BD:15 LD:15

Beoreson's HP:20

Wolf's HP:1-4=3

Beoreson looks to the blond warrior,"Looks like going berserk doesn't work for me like it does for you." says the warrior with a lopsided grin. He then, dodges out of the way of the wolf's final attack. Beoreson takes his blade in both hands and brings it down on the wolf. The wolf explodes into pixels the second the blade touches the wolf's fur. Beoreson notices that the wolf dropped a bag of col along with the normal mat. He looks inside the bag and finds 105 col in the bag. The warrior toss  half the bag of col to the blond lumberjack. "A penny for you're service" says the warrior with a wide grin as he starts to walk over to the den.

ID# 28770 LD:17

There is a howl in the distance. "I'm going to grab a pup then, we need to get out of dodge." states the warrior as he gets to the den entrance. Beoreson looks inside the den and sees the little wolf pups. The pups are a lot nicer then the full grown ones and, don't try to rip off the warrior's face. Beoreson looks at pups looking for any defining characteristics between them. There is a small blue eyed one, a darker coated one with, black eyes and, a light coated one with dark eyes. Beoreson grabs the runt, with blue eyes and wraps the wolf in his arms. The pup licks the warrior arm as he starts to leave the den. Beoreson comes out the cave and, looks to the blond warrior,"Time to go. We gotta get out of here, before more of them show up." The pup is relatively quite the whole run/jog back to town. The two men arrive in town and, Beoreson looks to the blond warrior,"Thanks, Mack. I know that it isn't good for business to randomly leave the store."


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ID: 28773
LD: 18

"Then quit wasting time and get your dog, he won't be half as nice as my bear though," Mack rumbled in a voice that easily carried across the small clearing to where Beoreson was disappearing into the wolf's den. While he waited for the dark-haired man to re-emerge with his new pet, Mack extracted the blade of Guillotine from the tree again and brought it back around to bite into the tree with a dull thud. More wood chips separated themselves from the tree and Mack picked up another crafting item as Beoreson was emerging from the den clutching the wolf before the pair of them set off once again for Snowfrost Town.

"I don't sell much in the way of weapons and armor anyway," Mack replied to Beoreson's comment, shrugging his shoulders as they passed through the town's gates. It was true enough, he tended to give away more gear than he kept, but that would build good will and, if he ever got around to forming a guild, it would lead to more recruits, with a bit of luck.

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"Thanks anyways Mack.  I'm going to head back to my shop now, and get the pup settled in." says Beoreson as he waves good bye to the blond warrior. Beoreson walks to the teleporter and selects the first floor. Beoreson heads to the shop and thinks of a name to give to the blue eyed pup. The warrior comes up with nothing, as of yet but, knows that he will come up with a name soon enough. The warrior sets out a fur for the pup to lay on and, feeds the wolf the bread that he needed to feed it to tame the beast. Beoreson notices that the wolf perks up and, isn't just laying still, and not doing anything. The wolf pup is wagging it's tail now and, is acting like a normal puppy. Beoreson pets the pup and, decides to name the wolf, Light as most of his items are named after, shadows.


+2 Mat for Beoreson

+3 for Mack

+53 col for Mack

+52 col for Beoreson

+2 sp for Beoreson

+1 sp for Mack


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