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Travian's Journal

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Username: Travian
Real name: Travian Aldirn
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9"

About: History/personality

Travian (Trav for short) has never really been one for video games, but for some reason MMOs drew him in. Being more of an athletic type who enjoys most any sport, Trav has spent most of his time on a grassy field teaming up with, or against, some of his best friends. He doesn't honestly have many friends that he considers close, but he has surrounded himself with enough people that he tends to not really ever feel lonely. But, at the end of the day, due to never feeling much of a deep connection with any of his friends, he longed for some other world where he could develop the friendships he had trouble making in real life.

In the real world, Trav is a decently hard worker who has managed to make his place working management at a convenience store. His athletic hobbies keep him in shape and never make his job feel like a "chore" as he can often find the fun in things that others might consider boring or pointless, imagining certain tasks as a "sport" of sorts. He's sociable enough to keep customers happy and has never received any complaints, though his employees never seem to be as ready to follow his lead, despite his position. His school and family life was that of a simple student who was average in his grades most of the time, and uncaring the rest. If Trav could slip out of school to play a game with the other boys, he would gladly take it. His father always got a good laugh out of visits with teachers who complained of this behavior, but his mother wasn't quite as forgiving.

To this day, Trav still lives with his parents in a small home, though his father has been increasingly worried about his increased interest in MMOs and decreased interest in sports. It's Trav's belief that his father still expects Trav to become a pro sports player, despite never having gone to college or taken a serious interest in any particular sport.

When Sword Art Online was announced, Trav eventually made his way into the game, though at a much slower pace than other "hardcore gamers" did. Not really one to jump in and be the best, he just wanted to enjoy himself and escape the dwindling loneliness that lingered at the edge of his feelings. Trav hoped to finally make a true friend in Sword Art Online, and was only met with despair when he realized that he couldn't exit the game. For a time, he did everything he could think of to force himself out of the game, to tell himself that it was a bad dream. He has currently accepted his fate, though he doesn't actually believe it can be real. He's just waiting to wake up from a nightmare.



Fun Loving: Trav can find fun in anything, even the most boring of tasks. He has been one of those crazy people to go for some of the insane grindy titles in other MMO games, and has trained himself in real life through many rigorous exercises that people consider to be "too hard" simply because he can find the fun in it and turn it into a sort of game. Pain, failure, loss, and boredom are simply more challenges to overcome in the giant game of life.

Athletic: Trav has been engrossed in the world of sports since he was just a boy. First having been drawn in by his father, and then just naturally picking up any sport he could get his hands on, Trav has been pushing himself and his body to be the best that it can be to always perform at its peak.

Brave: Trav doesn't usually find reasons to cause trouble, but when trouble finds him he stands up to it fearlessly. Whether it's a new challenge, a daunting foe, or even just a bully, Trav always stands up for what he believes is right and is not afraid to hold his ground in even the worst of times.


Distant: Despite that he is a fairly charismatic person who can build strong acquaintances, Trav has never been one to get close to anyone. Trav has had various groups of friends, played games with many online people, and pushed himself to get to know his co-workers, but to this day he has never developed a strong, lasting bond with anyone but his family. The idea of a best friend is a foreign one, and relationships have never been strong enough to last longer than a fling here or there.

Hard-Headed: Trav isn't one of those kinds of people that you can tell him an idea and he accepts it or thinks it over. He is one of those who would look at your opinion like it's crazy, impossible, or even stupid, and then dismiss it entirely. Helping Trav, or telling him that your opinion is valid because of this reason or that reason is met entirely by either silence or ignorance, and sometimes even with insult.

Pushy: If Trav thinks that you should really do something, he will not let you tell him no. One of the kinds of people to consistently always say, "This is a thing you should do." "Why haven't you done this yet?" and sometimes even offer ultimatums when people don't immediately jump on his idea and do it. His idea is the best idea you have ever heard, so why aren't you immediately listening to him?


Weapon skills:
One-Handed War Hammer: Rank 1 - Novice

Armor skills:
►Heavy Armor: Rank 0 - Unskilled

Total SP: 2

SP Available: 0

SP Spent: 2

»Basic one-handed war hammer.

»Cloth clothing.

»Beginner's Pack [10 bread, 15 water]

Col / Transactions



Edited by Travian
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