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[PP-F1]-Our Fallen Comrade-Guild

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OOC: Beoreson, I think this one’s just about ready to be locked, unless anyone has anything else to add.

Noticing movement out of the corner of one slate grey eye, Mack watched as Hirru silently departed from the presence of the group that had assembled to pay homage and respect to Lindow, their fallen comrade. Once the other warrior had disappeared, Mack turned his full attention back on the buxom woman as she began to recite the final message that Lindow had sent, his jaw clenching progressively tighter as the dark haired woman read before she finished and dissolved into tears once again. Rolling his head around on his neck to pop it, Mack reached up and drew back the gold trimmed crimson hood of his cloak before approaching Opal.

“You do have something to offer,” he rumbled in a low tone, reaching down and securing a hand around one of Opal’s elbows before hauling the smaller woman to her feet once again to stand before him. “But, your tears will serve no purpose. If you wish to do something constructive to avenge Lindow, as we all do, then you must train and become more than you are now. Lindow was one of us, he was on our Council. If you seek to avenge his death, we will gratefully accept you into the ranks of the Crimson Blades.”

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