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[SP-F3] Search for the Hoya - Quest Repeat - COMPLETE!!

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ID: 31567
MD: 3
BD: 8 (6+1)
LD: 15
Mack: 45/57
Minotaur: -2/30 (-8 dam., -2 Bleed)

As the minotaur whirled in place and swung its axe in a blind rage Mack calmly ducked the creature's clumsy attempts to strike him. Blood was still streaming from the deep gash on the creature's face and Mack had no trouble whatsoever in staying behind the creature and out of the way of its strikes. Raising Guillotine high over his head, his white gauntleted hands tightening around the leather wrapped haft of the massive bearded axe, Mack chopped the weapon down and buried the steel head deep in the back of the minotaur. The bull man bellowed in anger and rage for a split second before it shattered into pixels, leaving behind a crafting material and a bag with one hundred and fifty col.

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ID: 31588
LD: 3

With the second of the two minotaur guardians defeated, Mack descended the marble steps that led down into the mausoleum of King Minos. Tightening his grip around Guillotine as he descended the stairs, and fully expecting that a zombie version of King Minos would emerge from the bier to attack him, Mack was more than a little surprised when nothing happened. Shrugging his shoulders, he began to move warily around the perimeter of the mausoleum, searching for any possible additional loot and keeping his greys eyes focused on the plinth in the center of the room where he knew the body of Minos lay in repose.

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ID: 31598
LD: 9

Completing his circuit of the massive limestone room's exterior, Mack found nothing and finally advanced to the center of the room where the stone sarcophagus of Minos rested on a marble plinth. The room didn't look quite exactly the same to Mack as it had looked when he had first completed the quest. Still, with one hand gripping firmly the leather wrapped mahogany haft of Guillotine, Mack used his strong right arm to shove the lid off of the coffin. As it slid to the ground a shower of dust erupted around Mack and he fanned the air in front of his face to clear it. Peering into the coffin, he saw that it was empty inside except for the Hoya of Minos which had been his objective all along. Snatching up the amulet, Mack added it to his inventory and exited the area to return back to town.


8 Mats (Mob Kills and Harvest) - ALL SPENT
695 Col (295 Kills, 400 Thread)
Hoya of Minos
1 SP

Edited by Mack
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