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[SP-F2] To Squash a Bug <<Long Live the Queen>> Complete!

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After placing the material crystal in his inventory, Lawfer lowered his stance, then took off using his sprint. He had wanted to finish up this little side-quest and get back to his studio so that he could use all the materials he collected during his short stay on floor 2. As he ran, he could feel the cool breeze against his face. Lawfer enjoyed the little things like the breezes, it were the little things about this world that he enjoyed the most. As he passed tree after tree, dodging from side to side, he blew by the countless mobs that couldn't keep up with his pace. Halting suddenly, he skid about two meters only to back track. He had noticed another glowing stone. It wasn't as intense as the last one he saw, but with luck it would prove to be another material he needed. Kneeling down he picked it up. "Goddess of Luck, be with me!!!!" He stated as he appraised the stone. "Absolutely worthless" He concluded as he tossed it aside, shattering it against a nearby tree. 

<<Material Gathering>>

ID: 31860 LD: 10

Regen- HP 25/37 EP: 8/8

Edited by Lawfer
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As the blonde spear bearer looked up he saw another group of glowing stones. It was so faint that it would have been missable if Lawfer was traveling at top speed. As he began walking to the group of stones, he kept a watch out for any mobs that may just try to attack him. Keeping a careful ear out for any 'buzzing' he snuck to the pile. Picking up one rock after the other, carefully moving the stones aside, he made contact with green glowing crystal. Picking it up carefully he began to check it for any impurities. "Well this one looks fantastic." He commented as he opened his interface and dropped it into his inventory. As he began closing out of the interface, he noticed the time. He was well passed the time he allotted himself for the mission, and now it was cutting into his studio time. "Gotta get going... No more stops."

<<Material Gathering>>

ID: 31877 LD: 17 +1 Material

Regen- HP 28/37

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Lawfer pushed off his back foot and initiated his sprint. It was almost as if he was flying. As he dodged each tree going back and forth, he felt as if he was getting faster and faster. That was the neat thing about Aincrad, all you had to do was invest in the right stats and you could run for days. As he cleared the treeline, he could see the small village or Urbus, and what was even more remarkable was that it existed in a crater. "People sure know how to live on the edge." Lawfer stated assuming that the crater was caused by an inactive volcano, but it also could have been from a meteor. He honestly didn't care either way, he found it interesting but not interesting enough to pry into it. He was, after-all, running late. He passed by the field and eventually stopped running as he hit the safe zone in the city. The teleport gate was only a stones throw away and he wouldn't make the mistake of running into the NPC's. They weren't alive, but there was such a thing called manners. As he reached the teleport gate, the blue eyed spear-man cleared his throat. "Floor 4, Snowfrost." He said as he was showered in light, then teleported to his home town.

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