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[SP-F1] Time to Restock <<Earning a Living>> Complete!

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The scenery was flying by, plain after plain after plain, his golden hair whipping back in the process. In the real world, it would have been impossible to travel this fast, but the neat thing about Aincrad was that feats such as this were possible. Leaping over the small stream in a single bound, Lawfer found himself in the cleared out tall grass area he had been in before. It was a simple straight shot back to the Starting city. After he cleared the grass, he would be able to see the massive town that most of the inhabitants of Aincrad took refuge. Another loud squeal could be heard. It was most likely another large boar that he had passed by on the way to the city. The repeating squeals got closer and closer even though the spear bearer was nearing top speed. Looking to his right, he noticed the monster.

Slowing down, he turned completely to the boar. It was trying to flank him. Grasping his Lawbreaker in both hands, he stopped moving all together. “Ok ok lets get this over with Porker.” AS the Boar made it into range, Lawfer swung his halberd, missing high. He was too excited, the only good that came out of it was that the Boar deviated from course and missed Lawfer completely. He didn't even have to move. "Well now that we settled that, lets go for round two porker."

<<Battle Engaged>>

Lawfer HP- 45/45 
Lawfer EP- 8/10
SA Used: none

Large Boar- 23/23 [3DMG]

ID: 32226
BD: 2 [+2HM DMG next roll]

MD: 1



Edited by Lawfer
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Lawfer laughed, he was beginning to take this Floor too seriously all because he wanted to finish up and head home as quickly as he could. He had a sound strategy for the mobs on this floor. Let them hit him and counter. He would sustain relatively no damage and would have a clear shot at the monster. "Well come come Porker! Lets finish this." He stated as he grasped his Lawbreaker in both hands. The large boar charged him a moment later. As its head crashed into the golden haired spear bearer, Lawfer laughed. The boar had bounced back and Lawfer stepped in brandishing his over sized Halberd. As it glowed red, Lawfer slashed twice horizontally. "Hellish Twice..." he concluded as the beast erupted into blue pixels. Looking down at the sack of loot, he walked up to it. "Nice! An uncommon and Materials!"

<<Battle Engaged>>

Lawfer HP- 44/45 [+2HM DMG this roll]
Lawfer EP- 5/10
SA Used: Hellish Twice -4ep

Large Boar- 0/23 [3DMG]

ID: 32227
BD: 6- [6DMG+2HM DMG]*4

MD: 7

LD:17+2+= 19, +Uncommon Item, +2 Materials

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After having felled the over sized Boar, Lawfer was relieved. Over all he had acquired 8 Materials and that was just the beginning. The quest itself would yield more once he returned to his musical master. The golden haired warrior could see the walls of the great city. He was close, all he would need to do is make it to the west gate and he would be set. Initiating his sprint once more, he felt the wind once again on his face. It was almost addiciting running at this speed even though he couldn’t keep it up for long.

As he made his was to the gate, he could hear the ding of his interface. Something had happened. It was a message for the musician he met before. 

‘Secondo Artistica, I am very pleased with your progress. Keep up the great work. Make sure to remember the hardships and the trials you go through will only make you a better musician. Respectfully your Musica Mastera!’

A smile had erupted on his face, he had completed the quest and didn’t even need to find his master. “Well that was easy. Lets get home now.” 

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