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[SP-F3] Worn Out Welcome - Quest - COMPLETE!!

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ID: 33302
BD: 10 (8+2)
MD: 2
Mack: 89/89
Dark Elf: -40/12 (-52 Dam., Mit. 4)
Energy: 14/21 (-7 Crescent Avalanche)
Sword Art: Crescent Avalanche (7x1x8 = 56 Dam.)

When the dark elf turned himself a bit more towards the fire Mack took full advantage of the situation. With Invictus raised above his head and both hands wrapped tightly around the leather grip wound about the weapon’s haft, Mack sprang from cover with a bellowed war cry. Charging down the hapless dark elf, Mack tomahawked the steel head of the axe into the elf’s head. As he tore it free his left hand darted out to smack the elf in the face. Quick as a flash, he drew the weapon back again and slammed it into the elf’s midsection with a lateral chop, tearing the weapon clean through the mob and shattering it into pixels while rendering the remaining four hits in the crescent avalanche combo rather superfluous.

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After eliminating the elf which had not proved to be all that difficult of a chore, not that Mack had expected some incredible challenge, the red man began to scour the camp site in search of the stolen materials since the mob had failed to drop them on being defeated. Typical, the game would throw in one extra time eating challenge just to make things more difficult. The enormous leader of the Crimson Blades sighed to himself as he pawed through the various bric-a-brac of the campsite, at last coming upon a bag that was filled with crafting materials. Obviously, this was the very item that the red headed man was seeking. Hoisting the bag of his shoulder, Mack turned and began to walk away from the camp.


+2 SP (Thread, Quest)
+400 Col

Edited by Mack
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