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[F-11] Life takes wing [Completed]

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It seemed his new charm was working out for him, he'd have to thank that crimson jeweller one day. Once he was done with his farming here he'd surprise Shay with all of his materials. He counted up his loot so far and grinned, 3300 Col and 17 materials. He was terribly proud of himself, despite beating himself up before, at least he was doing something that was going to benefit the whole player base. He promised he would protect her, and that both of them would make it to the end. And that's exactly what he intended. He searched the room to see if it could yield any extra materials for him so he could reach 20 materials for Shay, but to not luck he couldn't get any. He frowned but didn't worry, he would have more for sure. He headed up the stairs and awaited the scene. 

Energy: 3/23 +1

ID: 35457 LD: 11 No materials

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Life headed up the stairs and looked around noticing that he had infact reached the last room of the dungeon, he didn't even realise how much time he spent walking through it. He checked the time and his jaw dropped as he had effectively spent 6 hours out in the fields exploring, by the time he left this place it was going to be night time and Mayuri was going to be worried sick. He sent her a message telling him how sorry he was for being late and hoped she wouldn't scold him. Hopefully, she'll like all the materials he had for her. The room was large and held four last enemies, or what he assumed were going to be his enemies. Four large platforms that looked as though they could open, yeah it was no mistake that he was going to be in for a last battle. He didn't mind at all either, just meant more loot. 

Energy: 4/23 +1

ID: 35458 LD: 10 No materials

Edited by Life
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Life searched the room for more materials, waiting for the mobs to 'spring' out and 'get' him. He imagined them like some sort of cartoon characters pretending as though they weren't hiding behind a tiny tree which only barely covered a portion of their body. Life reached down and tried to salvage some material he found in the corner, it looked to be like some kind of herb. Mai would definitely like this one, or so he hoped. He went to pick it up and to his dismay it fell apart completely in his hands "Damn it not again.." He grumbled and stood up as his full regen kicked in, and now he was ready to kick ass.

Energy: 23/23 Full regen

ID: 35460 LD: 1 No materials

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The floor pannels opened up and out sprang four life like soldiers. He smiled "So thats what this theme is" He thought it was a little silly but he didn't mind. First it was the stone statues of the soldiers then it was the stone replicas of the soldiers and now it was the actual 4 soldiers. He wondered if they were just as weak, this time he wasn't going to waste much time at all. He drew his blade and charged at all four without giving them a chance to even swing, spinning on his heel and he darted from each soldier to soldier one hitting the lot of them. The blew up in a satisfactory manner. He was pleased, though they only dropped the materials and not any col. "Cheap skate" he mumbled and put the materials in his inventory. 

ID#35219 BD:5+2=7 LD:1


  • Player, [LvL23] Life: 7 Damage - 2 Light momentum - 2 Thorn - 3 Evasion - 1 Damage Mitigation - 1 Accuracy
  • HP: 92/92
  • Energy: 4/23 -19
  • Sword Art: Hakku Senpu; 4*2*7= 56-11= 45


  • 4 x Floor 11 Mob, Guardian Statue: 33 Damage - 11 Mit (45/4=11)
  • HP: 0/45
  • HP: 0/45
  • HP: 0/45
  • HP: 0/45
  • MD: 7-3=4 (Failed)

LOOT: +4 mats

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He had successfully cleared the dungeon it seemed and got all the loot and experience to go with it. That was one less dungeon he had to worry about the other players getting a hold of and he could now rest for a day knowing he secured a whole bunch of experience. Mai would also be happy with his amount of material gathering he did, or at least he hoped. He was sure she'd be happy, but he thought one more search couldn't hurt. He exited the dungeon from the first place he had appeared during the day where he fought the ents. He tried to see if he could gather some of the magic wood that the willow trees seemed to emmit to make the ents. Once again, rotten luck and he was left with what he came out with. "I gotta hurry back home!"

ID: 35462 LD: 1 No materials


+1 Sp
+3700 Col (3300+400)
+21 Materials

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